

  • aliwhalen
    aliwhalen Posts: 150 Member
    I had excuses for years, some of them were legitimate, being pregnant with twins and carrying them to term is the hardest thing I've ever done, physically, but now all of that is behind me and I'm the right place in my life to prioritize my health.
  • chopsart
    chopsart Posts: 123 Member
    My excuses: I love to eat out, I love comfort food, I'll start tomorrow, I don't like vegetables, I don' want to be hungry, I love ice cream, I have failed before, I don't have time to diet, etc, etc, etc.

    I am so glad to find this site!
  • Paula71jnj
    Paula71jnj Posts: 12 Member
    I think you look amazing!!! I think we all have used excuses in the past, mine is not enough time or too tired, if I don't got to the gym at lunch time or morning I don't go on an evening because after a hard days work I just want to get home and get cleaned up and tea on then chill. Lifes too short for excuses we need to live life to the full x
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    you have done a fantastic job, very well done.
    my excuses were I don't have time to exercise even though i work from home. I had a joke with myself that you don't get hurt being a coach potato but you do exercising. Just sheer laziness really.
    i actually didn't think i ate a lot only the wrong types of food. I now know it wasn't food types it was portion control as i still eat the same foods just no where as much.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    This is a perfect "bookend" to all the hater/mean people/bully posts that have been here.

    The OP is a woman of honesty and does not BS anyone... and look at the really cool responses.

    I love this post! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    And the thing is that even if you were blunt to the point of rudeness in a response, I guarantee that the OP would take the gold and leave the chaff behind.
  • SarahNicoleW94
    The best part of this whole story is that you left your wanker of an ex husband.
    Well done :) x
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    This is a perfect "bookend" to all the hater/mean people/bully posts that have been here.

    The OP is a woman of honesty and does not BS anyone... and look at the really cool responses.

    I love this post! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Thank youuuuuuu!!!! :flowerforyou: :heart:
    And the thing is that even if you were blunt to the point of rudeness in a response, I guarantee that the OP would take the gold and leave the chaff behind.

    You GOT ITTTT!!!! lol! because it's a NEW Day!!! A BRAND NEW MEEEE!!!! :laugh: I've left the negative behind - had enough of it to last 10 lifetimes - and am embracing the positive. :drinker: I'm far from perfect and will forever be a work in process.
    The best part of this whole story is that you left your wanker of an ex husband

    TRUTH!!! Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • gopgirl425
    gopgirl425 Posts: 140 Member
    So glad I found and read this post and every single reply....ALL of you are inspiring.

    My excuses are as long as anyone else...a man I wanted to spend time with, giving birth to twins, being exhausted from those twins, and anything else that would keep me from doing the right thing. Truth is none of these excuses had anything to do with me eating too much...it was pure gluttony. I could have watched my diet and been more aware of my calories but I didn't because I didn't care enough about myself to do that.

    It feels better to care!

    Great job on your success OP!!
  • Loretmuller
    Loretmuller Posts: 14 Member
    Wow, u really did great!!! I've been their again and again but this time, NOT FOLLOWING ANY SPECIFIC EATING PLAN,taking day for day, doing best to stay under calories and not over daily and still going strong after 25 days. Not easy but this is LIFETIME CHANGE not a Diet!!!
  • transformation47
    transformation47 Posts: 1 Member

    - I’m still young enough to change. (Except I kept getting older.)
    - I don’t have any health problems. (Until I was put on medication for high BP & cholesterol 5 years ago.)
    - I’m lonely and sad, food provides comfort for me. (A temporary high followed by guilt and other negative feelings.)
    - I’m afraid of losing my mom because of her health problems. And then two years ago- I watched my mom die. Food numbs the fear and pain. (Again, temporary. And my mom never wanted this for me; she would want me to change.)
    - I want to fall in love and have children and that hasn’t happened. If I can’t have what I want, I should be allowed to indulge. (So, I’ll just stay at home and eat and make myself less attractive and less confident? And negatively impact my future fertility with my obesity?)
    - The right guy will want me despite my weight. (Except when a guy shows interest in me, I assume he’s faking it or some sort of fetishist.)
    - My family history of heart disease and diabetes is destined to catch up to me anyway. (So I’ll just help it along?)
    - I don’t smoke, drink heavily, do drugs, drink coffee, or have any other vices. (And that makes it ok to have a vice that could kill me?)
    - I’ve lost weight before, I can do it easily again when I’m ready. (But I was 12 years younger then. And the 40 pounds I lost, I have regained along with an additional 60 pounds.)

    I finally feel like I am ready to change. No dramatic catalyst, no “aha moment”. I just lost a few pounds without really trying, after being at my heaviest weight ever, and thought, “This feels good. What will happen if I actually do try?” And now I am almost 5 months in, and have not had any binges. I am almost 40 pounds down, and feeling better about myself and in general than I have in a long time. For the first couple of months I said to people, “I hope this sticks.” But that sounds like it’s not in my control, and it is. I can hope I continue to have the strength and drive to make the changes I need to make. But now I want to say, “This is working. I am working hard and will continue to change myself for the better.” It’s never too late.
  • lovelypen50
    lovelypen50 Posts: 192 Member
    I Love this Post.... Its a good kick in the butt. Congrats on your success. You look Fantastic. Now let me make a list of my excuses, and That's what they are, I've become an expert at them. Thanks so much for posting....:smile:
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    It’s never too late.

    This is soooo TRUE!!! I don't care if you're in your teens, 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, or beyond. It's never too late too begin a healthy lifestyle!

    Thank you all for posting your excuses and for breaking thru those excuses and not letting them control you any longer! :flowerforyou:
  • Prudiddy
    Prudiddy Posts: 262 Member
    I'm soooooo proud of your success honey!
    You inspire me all the time. It is such a pleasure having you as a good friend.
    Keep up the hard work! ♥♥
  • tony56pr
    tony56pr Posts: 141 Member
    Biggest for me was "I'm not that fat"
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hi gang...

    I'm having a reflection moment as it was two years ago today that i began the fitness part of my lifestyle change with the 5k i told you about. I'm not registered for a 5k this year as they have stopped having that great local one near the beach where i lived. However, i will be headed to the gym then the beach shortly.

    This day will always be a special day to me not only because of the holiday and thankful for our servicemen/women who fought and continue to fight for our independence (for those of us living in the US) but the day two years ago that exercise became consistent in my life. i feel kinda mushy about it! LOL!!!

    I thank you for your responses. You all encourage & inspire me! Have a fantastic day everyone!!! xoxo :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • AdventureVix
    AdventureVix Posts: 46 Member
    I don't really have consistant excuses. However, like this week and last week... This week we are going to be moving. Last week I worked outside (own a farm AND work daily on my dads farm.) I felt completely drained every day last week. This week I have basically every chore from last week on top of moving.

    So, farm work is very difficult (most days 9or10 to dark) and definatley helps with weight loss but because I'm so tired I don't do my planned work outs which makes me lose momentum.

    How do I overcome this specific 'Excuse?'

    If you find out let me know! My day is similar, we are caretakers on a farm 6am to around 8pm and in what spare time we have we work seasonally on a local vineyard which, if we have cover on the farm is usually 7am-5pm.
    I'm doing c25k 3 times a week but organic yummy farm food gets me every time, its all fresh but no low fat alternatives that I can tollerate.
    I agree with being tired, we live on the coast too and once the sea air hits me in the evening I just want to sleep!
    I guess what I try and do is move more during the working day, run from the horses to the cows etc rather than walk. Go long ways around barns, a couple of laps sometimes. Things like that to keep me moving faster. Bicep curls when I'm cardying things is my fav at the moment horse feed is a tough one!
    Every little helps :)
  • 1quiltlady
    1quiltlady Posts: 2 Member
    You all sound like what i have told myself over the years...now that is catching up with me (HAS caught up with me!!). Even though I am tired all the time following chemo, my doctor still wants that exercise done, although he said slow and steady, no need for speed, and watch those carbs - go lower glycemic. I have not lost much weight yet, but do do the water (10 or more glasses daily is normal for me), but food portions and exercise are still my bugaboos. Thank you ladies for all your comments and frankness on this issue. It helps me to rethink all this, and that indeed is where all change lies: in the head. The hills and longer strenuous walks challenges may be beyond me at the moment, but the social ones such as find someone or something to compliment frequently I have been working on. Thanks.
  • Zikhona123
    Zikhona123 Posts: 22 Member
    My excuse was always "i will do it tomorrow" and a year later i would feel bad that if i had started i would have achieved so much.
    Thank you for the post.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I'm not that fat!
    I'm older now, I will never weigh what I did 20 years ago!
    I go to the gym!
    I eat healthy!
    ........yes, but I was eating way too much healthy food!!!!!!!!
  • Madhatton
    Madhatton Posts: 26 Member
    You look fab, well done!
    Really hoping you shed the unacceptable weight of a sometimes physically abusive husband more than anything...
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