Plexus Slim - ?



  • txjulie
    txjulie Posts: 190 Member
    I've been a member on MFP for over 3 years and had stalled out on my weight loss and even regained over 10 lbs. I've done paleo (which really will help you lose weight but isn't always practical for me), had a calorie deficit for years, trained for half marathons, etc. I started taking Plexus back in March and have lost 20 lbs since then. But, what you need to understand, is that I was already doing the healthy things and Plexus balanced out my blood sugars so I no longer crave starchy, sugary foods. I would do great all day long and then snack on sugary stuff at night. With Plexus (Slim, ProBio5, Accelerator+ and BioCleanse) the cravings are gone. I've gone from a 16 to a 10 as it helps your body attack the fat cells. The Slim drink was originally designed for diabetics to help with blood sugar stability. I have a good job and tell my friends about the product because it has worked for me. I don't get pushy with it because I was hesitant myself and did some research on my own prior to taking it. If you can't commit to consistent effort and listening to your body trying to reset itself to healthy, unprocessed foods, drinking lots of water (and not really anything else - even diet sodas), then yes, you will be wasting your money. Just the honest truth. The products have helped me to feel better, have more energy, sleep better, etc. but I'm still eating healthy foods (try to eat as little processed foods as possible) and exercising. Do these products work if you don't exercise? Yes, but so much of losing weight is what you eat and drink - which can be controlled if you have the willpower. Plexus gave me more willpower.

    Will people moan & groan that it's unhealthy or that you should just try harder? Yes, because they don't know that is based on natural supplements. I was trying my hardest and am perfectly happy with my decision.
  • 9ofCoins
    9ofCoins Posts: 9

    . I have used the slim, which I believe has helped me cut out soda and crave more water. They suggest you drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day with it. I

    Holy cow. That can't be right? You'd blow out the kidneys wouldn't you?
  • txjulie
    txjulie Posts: 190 Member
    I really don't think drinking 1/2 of your body weight in OUNCES of water will blow out your kidneys. If you weigh 200 lbs you drink 100 ounces. I drink 80-100 ounces of water a day with no problem. That is simple weight loss information though - nothing to do with Plexus.
  • nikkid517
    nikkid517 Posts: 2

    . I have used the slim, which I believe has helped me cut out soda and crave more water. They suggest you drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day with it. I

    Holy cow. That can't be right? You'd blow out the kidneys wouldn't you?

    Generally they suggest 8-10 glasses of water per day, equivalent to 64-80 ounces. If you are overweight it should be more. I aim to drink 4 liters per day, about 120 ounces.