Need Friends! Starting 4th Week :)

HI Everyone
I have bean on my diet (New way of life) for 3 weeks now. I am 100% committed to this. Now that I am starting my 4th week I want to fine tune what I am eating. I make all of my food on sundays and just eat the same thing all week. Here are what my goals are...

Start Wight 255
Height 5'11
Skinny legs and arms just the chest and midsection are well :(

My first goal is to hit 199 :) ... I would fill amazing to be under 200 I have not seen this sins like 8th grade.
2nd goal is to work my way down but keep as much muscle mass as possible.
3rd goal is to get down to 10% body fat
4th goal when I hit 10% start bulking up.

Need to work on what I am eating... I fill i need to eat some more Calories. If someone has the time to look over what I am eating and any advice would be grate!

I work out 5 days a week doing cross fit type of cardio and free wights.

I would like to see if I could hit my 10% by the end of the Year :)

What is everyone's Goals?
How are you going to hit them?
Tell me a little about your store :)


  • poetgirl115
    poetgirl115 Posts: 45 Member
    Hey, I'm 24 and trying to get down to a healthy weight for my graduate school graduation ceremony in May. Getting healthy is always better with friends. :) Request sent.

    Height: 5'9"
    Start Weight: 236 (my highest ever. I was at the doctor's office, and it freaked me out)
    Current Weight :213.6 I also can't wait to get under 200.

    I don't have a certain weight I MUST get down to. I want to get down to where I'm no longer overweight, then I'll consider how much more I want/need to lose.

    Good luck!

  • Exiledsoul
    Exiledsoul Posts: 23 Member
    Nice we have lost about the same weight. Yes doing this with Friends always helps. I have 6 more pounds till I hit the spot I hit every time I try and do this... I get stuck at 225 and BAM go all the way back up :( Im going to make it this time!

    Having a day to work towards is a nice way to keep you pushing to your Goals!

    Grate start so far!
  • Exiledsoul
    Exiledsoul Posts: 23 Member
    Bump :)