PCOS buddies?

My name is Briana. Billionth time starting over! I need motivating friends. I have PCOS and have always had a difficult time losing weight and keeping it off. I would love someone that succeeded in losing weight and keeping it off that are also struggling with PCOS. But I also enjoy making new friends that are on the same road I am and are willing to help motivate and push me when I need it! I am TIRED of giving up and then being unhappy.

I had started at 281. Lost 35 pounds and felt amazing, but quickly gained it back over the holiday season and just haven't really got back into eating healthier. I still am 6 lbs lighter than I began! So I have that going for me... haha

ANYWAY. Feel free to add me and help me out through my transformation!!! (:


  • CraftyPants77
    CraftyPants77 Posts: 49 Member
    You can add me if you like! I was diagnosed with PCOS about 17 years ago and gained weight steadily from there. Started my weight loss journey at 298... I'm now down 61 pounds. I'm here if you need me! =)
  • livingwithpcos
    Hello fellow Polycyster (see what I did there?) I was recently diagnosed with PCOS (3 weeks ago). I always used to struggle with my weight and I remember back in highschool if even half of the things my friends used to eat I would gain weight like you wouldn't imagine. So I had to really restrict the food I eat all my life. Before my diagnosis I was on a very restrictive low fat and low carb diet (lots of veggies and white meat) and I was miserable because I love food! Also I was seeing very slow results and sometimes I would get on the scale and I had actually GAINED weight! I had no idea what more restriction I coul possibly put on myself and gre frustrated :(. After I was diagnosed my doctor put me on 500mg of Metformin twice a day and told me that it should aid with the wirght loss. So far I have been taking it only for 3 weeks and I haven't lost a single pound but I haven't gained either even though I increased my carb intake (started eating fruits and complex carbs). I do hope I shed off the extra weight! It would be nice to actually be thin for once in my life! Anyway, I am here if you need the motivation.