hey vegetarians!

I've recently started a vegetarian diet. I'm pregnant so I'm still eating eggs and dairy, with limited fish about 1x a week. I was wondering what you favorite sources of protein are. I've started fixing tofu (but I could use some recipes) and I'm eating more beans and quinoa. Any suggestions would be great!


  • hilly510
    hilly510 Posts: 46 Member
    Feel free to check out my diary, it's open. I make sure to eat Greek yogurt or cottage cheese at least once a day for a large protein bump. Otherwise I make sure to add fake ground meat, seitan, or tempeh to recipes. Quorn brand fake chicken is my favorite of the fake meats :-) I don't like eating a ton of the fake meats, and would rather have bean based meals, but my omnivore fiance like to have the fake meats, and its easier to hit my protein numbers that way.

    For tofu I usually use an extra firm variety and squeeze it for about 5 minutes to leave a bit of moisture, I don't like it dried to a chewy consistency. Here are some preparations:

    scrambles: crumble into a fry pan and mix in a ton of veggies (avocados go great here with plenty of garlic) and be sure to add nutritional yeast for a better flavor
    scrambles: crumble tofu and scramble with an egg (just started adding a tbsp or two of cottage cheese to this - yum!)
    pizza: add crumbled tofu between sauce and cheese layers (optional sprinkle of nutritional yeast)
    grilling: marinate it (regular Italian dressing gives a super strong flavor) and slap it on the grill until it looks done
    baking: cover it in nutritional yeast, spray liberally with oil, and bake at 400 for about 20 minutes
    stir fry: cube it and throw it a fry pan
    tacos: http://www.theppk.com/2013/02/curry-tofu-tacos-with-pintos-kale-slaw/
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    I am a pregnant vegetarian as well. I am 13 weeks and do not eat eggs or drink cow's milk but feel free to look at my diary. I don't max my protein everyday because some days nausea wins and I care more about carbs :> As hilly510 said Greek Yogurt and cottage cheese are good for protein. Sometimes I do a protein shake if I am low. Below is a recipe for tofu stir fry. I also use Pinterest to find lots of recipes.

  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    My diary's open too -- I do a lot of eggs, cottage cheese and greek yogurt. I also supplement with whey protein, because I'm trying to hit in the neighborhood of 120g/day.
  • traceleann
    traceleann Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks guys! That's very helpful. Looking forward to trying some of the recipes. I actually made pizza last night and thought about adding the tofu, but I wasn't sure how it would taste. I'll have to try that next time.
    I try to eat greek yogurt at least once a day. I eat a little cottage cheese, but I don't care for it too much.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Black beans and garbanzo beans are easy protein.
  • cmedalis
    cmedalis Posts: 2 Member
    Lentils! They are amazing little things and are full of protein and fiber and goodness.
    Also, CHEAP!!
    You can do just about anything with them, from your basic soups, risottos, and salads, to spiced Indian dishes, to bread and cookies.
    Also, you can use them to make bean bags for the kids... just like my mom did :)
  • Serenitynow29
    Serenitynow29 Posts: 119 Member
    I've recently started a vegetarian diet. I'm pregnant so I'm still eating eggs and dairy, with limited fish about 1x a week. I was wondering what you favorite sources of protein are. I've started fixing tofu (but I could use some recipes) and I'm eating more beans and quinoa. Any suggestions would be great!

    How deficient are you on protein? I would think with eggs, dairy, and weekly fish you should be fine. The best tofu dish ever is Yottam Ottolenghi's Black Pepper Tofu ( the most beautiful book with a vegetable focus is also by him and it is called Plenty). http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2008/oct/25/vegetarian-recipes-black-pepper-tofu
  • JupeJones
    JupeJones Posts: 107 Member
    I've recently started a vegetarian diet. I'm pregnant so I'm still eating eggs and dairy, with limited fish about 1x a week.

    Technically, that would be a "pescetarian" diet, since it includes fish. Normally, the term "vegetarian" indicates, at most, lacto-ovo vegetarianism (egg and dairy, but not fish).

    Anyhoo, as far as tofu goes, I really like the "baked" tofu, although it's not always easy to find. It has a firmer texture than even "firm" tofu. Trader Joe's sells some, and I've also seen a brand called Wildwood at my local natural foods store.

    I also like Quorn, which is the brand name of a sort of chicken-like frozen food. Very high in protein. They make it out of "mycoprotein", which sounds a lot grosser than it actually looks and tastes.

    You might also take a look at tempeh and seitan.

    Good luck!
  • traceleann
    traceleann Posts: 60 Member
    Yes I realize that's a pescitarian diet, I'm just adding fish while I'm pregnant so I have a few more protein options. I was just wanting some vegetarian protein options. I'm not protein deficient, I just wanted to see what some of your favorites are.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    My favourite is to dice some smoked tofu, chop a selection of peppers, celery, mushrooms, ginger, garlic, spring onions etc and stir fry with toasted sesame oil and a dash of soy sauce.

    Excellent with a slice of wholemeal toast or a nest of noodles.
  • jenakely
    jenakely Posts: 2
    Quinoa, chickpeas and lentils are some of my favs! Hot or cold you can make just about anything with those in your cabinet. Try duck eggs if you can get your hands on some. They are much richer and more nutritious than chicken eggs.
  • LessHeavyVeggie
    LessHeavyVeggie Posts: 208 Member
    I think everyone's mentioned most of the obvious high protein stuff - eggs, cottage cheese, greek yoghurt, tofu.

    Don't forget nuts/nut butters!

    As well as veggies - particularly legumes (lentils, beans, peas) - they may not be as high a source as the first ones mentioned, but I try to include them as my veggies so there's some extra protein creeping in. Also broccoli, spinach, avocado, and more.

    Whole grains are also a good protein source - eg. quinoa, wild rice, millet, oats, buckwheat etc.