Finally a workout that won't kill me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

arielkaylou Posts: 85 Member
I ordered PiYo and it is supposed to be at my house by Friday. I am so excited about this because it is low impact, but still designed to give you max results! I tore my ACL in 6th grade (10 years ago) and the other high intense workouts with all the jumping really hurt my knee and ankle and is hard for me to keep going :(

Will be giving reviews on how this is effecting my body as I go. If you want to keep up with PiYo day by day, add me :) I will update my status on here :D

*Beachbody coaches, please do not spam me! I just want to help people who have a hard time with hard workouts but need the results (like myself)


  • CJACOB92
    CJACOB92 Posts: 2
    I can sort of relate. I have Chiari Malformation. Its a rare brain condition that has really affected my work out ability. I just started piyo today!
    I hope we can help each other.
  • annalisbeth74
    annalisbeth74 Posts: 328 Member
    I keep hearing about this... do you know if it's anything like Pure Barre? I did that for a few months but had to quit due to the high cost. It'd be great if I could do a video at home.
  • JKCD40
    JKCD40 Posts: 1
    I've heard great things about PiYo and have thought about it for myself. I have some feet and ankle issues and sometimes the heavy jumping bothers them. Would love to hear what you think about it.
  • OhCora
    OhCora Posts: 72 Member
    you have piqued my interest. I do several different classes, but I have to keep changing it up because of pain in my knees. I have never had an injury per se, but they pop, crack and creak when I move them, especially when I crouch down. KILL me during squats too. Hoping to find something like this that works.
  • spiral66
    spiral66 Posts: 1
    Hi there!

    I would love to do this as I am taking a very long time to recover from a badly sprained ankle so this could be great! But - where did you get the DVD's from - and more to the point, where can I get them from?!

    Thanks :-)
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Never heard of it. I will check in occasionally to see what you think of it. I have knee and hip problems and do water aerobics to reduce the impact. Do you have to have some flexibility to do this? I am not at that point yet.
  • AbbyCar
    AbbyCar Posts: 198 Member
  • Philp0718
    Philp0718 Posts: 136 Member
    I've been doing PiYo for just over a week now and I LOVE IT! My bum, chest & shoulders are still sore from Monday lol

    I have runners knee and tendonitis in BOTH my ankles (worse on the right side tho) and this workout really does take it easy on the joints while still being effective.
  • inthekitch
    inthekitch Posts: 26
    i've never heard of it but it sounds good!

    i look forward to getting your review on it
  • marcia724
    marcia724 Posts: 180 Member
    I've been doing it for one week and it's amazing! I have lower back issues (bulged disc and surgery) with chronic pain. PiYo has not hurt my back at all, and I can tell will only improve it! It's a tough workout, don't get me wrong. It's just low low impact.
    I've been doing the eating plan that comes along with it as well. In one week I've lost 3.3 lbs and a total of 3 inches!
  • just4jilly
    just4jilly Posts: 103 Member
    Where did you order it from? I would love to get this program.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    Bump to see what you think of it. I'm alright myself, but know a few people who have knee issues though want to work out.
  • SandraDee272
    SandraDee272 Posts: 6 Member
    Is this good for beginners?
  • marcia724
    marcia724 Posts: 180 Member
    Where did you order it from? I would love to get this program.

  • qmmanager69
    qmmanager69 Posts: 71 Member
    I've watched a couple of piyo video samples and I have to say that they may be touting this as low impact, but it doesn't look like anything my arthritic joints are quite ready to handle. One day, I hope. I'm looking forward to your success stories and real life feedback as motivation to give it a whirl.
  • michaelosx
    michaelosx Posts: 15 Member
    The exercise that finally saved my left knee is indoor rowing. I get a great workout without pain, and I LOVE it. Congratulations on finding something that works for you!
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Is this good for beginners?

    I have a copy of this, so I'll answer your question here on the forums for you and anyone else who is reading. I'm not a coach, so not biased.

    PiYo is a pilates/yoga combination, hence the name. It is low impact, save a few burpees, and there is a modifier who shows movements for those with limited range of motion. While it is low impact, it is very flow-oriented. You are pretty much constantly moving; even when in a pose you are moving to stretch or deepen the movement. This is good for heart-rate and calorie burn, although since it is missing the isometric holds of yoga, you don't see the strengthening and flexibility benefits that you would get from that.

    A beginner could do the program because there are modifications available, and they usually show the movement plus an intensified version for those who are advanced. However, I can still see the possibility of injury, particularly to the wrists and shoulders, as there is a lot of prone-position work.

    You're probably getting bombarded with PMs from BB coaches like OP right now trying to sell you the program with Shakeology or invite you to be a friend or join a challenge group. Here's a tip - search for PiYo on youtube. The program is home DVDs, but they have live classes as well, and a lot of the newly certified teachers have recorded their live classes and posted them on youtube. You can do those workouts for free and see if this workout is something you enjoy before spending the money. Actually, since most of the workouts posted are full-hour versions, you could probably just use those and skip buying the program altogether.
  • just4jilly
    just4jilly Posts: 103 Member
    Is this good for beginners?

    I have a copy of this, so I'll answer your question here on the forums for you and anyone else who is reading. I'm not a coach, so not biased.

    PiYo is a pilates/yoga combination, hence the name. It is low impact, save a few burpees, and there is a modifier who shows movements for those with limited range of motion. While it is low impact, it is very flow-oriented. You are pretty much constantly moving; even when in a pose you are moving to stretch or deepen the movement.

    You're probably getting bombarded with PMs from BB coaches like OP right now trying to sell you the program with Shakeology or invite you to be a friend or join a challenge group. Here's a tip - search for PiYo on youtube. The program is home DVDs, but they have live classes as well, and a lot of the newly certified teachers have recorded their live classes and posted them on youtube. You can do those workouts for free and see if this workout is something you enjoy before spending the money. Actually, since most of the workouts posted are full-hour versions, you could probably just use those and skip buying the program altogether.

    Thank you!
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
  • Tessiek613
    Tessiek613 Posts: 11 Member
    This workout is hard to find says it's still not available... Where is everyone getting it?