Today is My First day

TiffanyRowley Posts: 2
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I am now serious about losing this 50 pounds that I feel is holding me back. I want to feel happy and energetic like I used to. Anyone want to be friends on here and help with support?


  • DarciMichelle
    DarciMichelle Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Tiffany! I recently lost 50lbs! But I've let 10lbs creep back on in the last 6 months ) - : Losing the weight truly changed my life, I've become so much more outgoing, so much happier with my appearance and my confidence skyrocketed. It took me from Feb 2009 to June 2010 to lose 50lbs. I tracked my progress with a program called fitday but it wasn't very user friendly so I'm so glad to have found myfitnesspal! Tracking your food REALLY makes the difference, be brutally honest, include every bite! Good luck!
  • sassy09
    sassy09 Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome and we are all on a journey of some sort and we are all here to support each other :happy:
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