Mixed emotions about treats

So for once I could actually use YOUR help.... :wink:

I have an overwhelming sweet tooth. And I've tried to cut down a bit, but looks like I need some drastic measures... well, that's what part of me wants.

I grew up with candy around and it's sort of " sentimental" to me, so on one side I want it, and on the other I want to quit it. I'm not sure what I need or want to do and it's something I can't seem to work out for myself.

At the moment I'm trying to buy it ready portion controlled, so that I don't binge. I have very little treats in the house, like some packets of jello. But once I taste it I binge on freaky sweet things like honey and even jam. :indifferent: ... seems like if I want to have it in moderation, I should eliminate anything even remotely sweet in my house. Funny enough I don't binge on fruit, even though it is sweet. :ohwell:

Opinions? Advice? Anything is appreciated...


  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    If it were me and I found myself unable to control it, I'd give up the candy.

    If it's a sentimental thing, I'd try to think of something else sentimental that gives you that nice little mental lift. For example, if the candy was always in a special bowl at grandma's, maybe you can display the bowl but not fill it with candy?

    The first time I lost weight, almost 30 years ago, I began with a vicious sweet tooth. I cut out all the really sweet stuff and never went back. I actually can't stand many of the things I used to think were great because they just taste painfully, sickeningly sweet to me these days. A lot of people find the same thing; if you stay away from it long enough, you can retrain your palate.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Why do you want to quit? Why is it important to you?
  • WitchesGuildMaster
    If it were me and I found myself unable to control it, I'd give up the candy.

    Well I've tried to give it up many times, but I can't seem to hold out any longer than a week. I always want to go back to it. It's like some sort of creepy love-hate relationship I have with it. I've read many times "You need to want it enough" ... But that's just my problem. It's like I'm split. On one side I WANT to quit, and on the other I just don't.

    :ohwell: eh
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    If it were me and I found myself unable to control it, I'd give up the candy.

    Well I've tried to give it up many times, but I can't seem to hold out any longer than a week. I always want to go back to it. It's like some sort of creepy love-hate relationship I have with it. I've read many times "You need to want it enough" ... But that's just my problem. It's like I'm split. On one side I WANT to quit, and on the other I just don't.

    :ohwell: eh

    Maybe if you eat it after a meal, you won't have the same blood sugar spike and it won't set off a binge? Just throwing out ideas...
  • WitchesGuildMaster
    Why do you want to quit? Why is it important to you?

    Because I feel out of control when I binge on it and the health risks around consuming too much concerns me. Or at least I'm painfully aware of them. And it's derailing my weight loss. And even though those reasons are strong..I currently feel like ...."Ah screw it."
  • WitchesGuildMaster
    Maybe if you eat it after a meal, you won't have the same blood sugar spike and it won't set off a binge? Just throwing out ideas...

    That's what I tried tonight. Made no difference. I guess I'd need to do what I said above, about eliminating everything that's just a bit sweet from the house. And combine that with still buying them in portion controlled packages. That way there will be NOTHING else in the house to binge on for me.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I grew up with candy around and it's sort of " sentimental" to me, so on one side I want it, and on the other I want to quit it. I'm not sure what I need or want to do and it's something I can't seem to work out for myself.

    This is the part that stands out to me. You have an emotional connection to eating candy - it's tasty, it's comforting, and you associate it with happy times and happy memories (who wouldn't, it's freaking candy!). But you also know it is derailing your weight loss efforts due to binges. It honestly sounds like the only to get past this is to work on the reasons why you want to eat the candy. Stress, boredom, sadness, anxiety, fear - whatever it is, your mind and body want to cope with the emotion by eating candy. I think until you tackle whatever that issue is and get a handle on dealing with the emotion without resorting to food, you're not going to be able to change the binging behavior. Some people here have had success working through it themselves, and others have dealt with it in counseling. You're definitely not alone in the "emotional eating" camp.
  • WitchesGuildMaster
    I grew up with candy around and it's sort of " sentimental" to me, so on one side I want it, and on the other I want to quit it. I'm not sure what I need or want to do and it's something I can't seem to work out for myself.

    This is the part that stands out to me. You have an emotional connection to eating candy - it's tasty, it's comforting, and you associate it with happy times and happy memories (who wouldn't, it's freaking candy!). But you also know it is derailing your weight loss efforts due to binges. It honestly sounds like the only to get past this is to work on the reasons why you want to eat the candy. Stress, boredom, sadness, anxiety, fear - whatever it is, your mind and body want to cope with the emotion by eating candy. I think until you tackle whatever that issue is and get a handle on dealing with the emotion without resorting to food, you're not going to be able to change the binging behavior. Some people here have had success working through it themselves, and others have dealt with it in counseling. You're definitely not alone in the "emotional eating" camp.

    Hehe! Your profile pic is not helping anything :laugh:
  • yc4king
    yc4king Posts: 117 Member
    Agree with kgeyser.

    The other thing that has helped me in the past is entering the calories for every individual thing i'm going to eat BEFORE I eat it, sometimes seeing what it's going to do to your daily goal is enough to stop you from eating it...
  • WitchesGuildMaster
    I think what I should do perhaps...is limit myself to one treat a week. I need to save some money on fuel so I see that as the perfect excuse to NOT go out and buy treats. I generally try to go grocery shopping once or twice a week, usually weekends too.

    Then during the week perhaps I should just have fruit. I don't seem to binge on fruit even though most are super sweet.

    (I just know someone will now come in here and try to take away my bananas.....**clings to bananas for dear life!!!!**)
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    My grocery store mantra I've used for years:

    "You can't eat it if you don't buy it"
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I would treat it like an alcoholic treats beer.

    I can eat candy, if I'm in the mood, or sugar sweetened cereals, until I am sick.

    I can drink 2L of soda in a day if I want to...and then some. Yet I have to force myself to drink water. :P

    I will eat 2 boxes of girl scouts thin mints if I have the chance.

    So I don't buy the things I binge on.
  • melissafaith24
    melissafaith24 Posts: 251 Member
    If anyone has a sweet tooth, it is me...so i know your pain.

    I try not to keep anything thats a trigger for me in the house (Little Debbie, fun size candies etc). I have a 5 year old so its hard but Im managing (atleast for the 3rd week).

    For dessert I slice up an apple and drizzle it with raw honey (a little goes a long ways!) or a tbsp of natural pb and so far that is just enough sweet to satisfy me.

    I do have some organic chocolate icecream though that I am somehow managing to only eat 1/2 cup at a time.
  • Asherah29
    Asherah29 Posts: 354 Member
    I have this problem too. I will eat everything sweet that I can see but am fine with fruit. My solution has been that if I am to eat anything sweet that day, that I only purchase the amount that I am going to eat at said time. There is nothing sweet in the house except fruit, whipped cream and honey. On one hand it sucks not to have sweets ready in the house, but on the other its better than eating a box of Twinkies and finishing them off with half a gallon of ice cream and Oreo's.
    I have found that making a fruit smoothie with protein powder helps with the cravings. Good luck!
  • WitchesGuildMaster
    Thank you for all the support everyone! I guess I'll. see where it goes :wink:

    Failures are never bad because that's how we learn. :flowerforyou:
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I have read that a protein deficiency tends to cause sugar cravings. Since protein rich foods make you feel fuller longer, it makes sense.

    Yesterday I ate 3 very dense meals (but still within in my calorie limits) and took in about 80g of protein. All I had for snacking in between meals was a banana and some wine at the end of the night - not because I was depriving myself, but I simply didn't want it.

    You might want to try beefing up your protein intake to help reign in those cravings.

  • ksuetorres
    ksuetorres Posts: 139 Member
    Sweet Freedom Fudge Bars - 70 cal for two! They're not Blue Bell, but they're pretty good!
  • bergpa
    bergpa Posts: 148 Member
    I keep candy downstairs in the garage on a high shelf. Anyone can have it anytime they want to go get it. We go through less than 1 bag a month this way. If it was upstairs in the kitchen, it would be gone in a few days.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,567 Member
    If anyone has a sweet tooth, it is me...so i know your pain.

    I try not to keep anything thats a trigger for me in the house (Little Debbie, fun size candies etc). I have a 5 year old so its hard but Im managing (atleast for the 3rd week).

    For dessert I slice up an apple and drizzle it with raw honey (a little goes a long ways!) or a tbsp of natural pb and so far that is just enough sweet to satisfy me.

    I do have some organic chocolate icecream though that I am somehow managing to only eat 1/2 cup at a time.

    Should be easier to keep it out of the house with a 5yr old. Despite my erm... fatness, my 4 kids have not grown up with junk constantly in the house. Do we buy cookies, chips, ice cream, etc... sure, but not as a staple food item.
  • kimmy27848
    kimmy27848 Posts: 34 Member
    Wow, I feel like everyone here is talking to ME! Sugar is my absolute downfall! I have tried portion control, but find that once I start eating it I can't stop. I keep trying to "quit" by thinking of it as I did smoking (which I quit 6 years ago), but haven't seemed to kick it yet. The only thing that works for me is keeping it out of the house, and then treating myself when I am out of the house and can only have the portion that I have at that moment.