Need friends who look at diaries and support for a plateau

Hello everyone. I always thought I wouldn't make one of these threads, but here I am!

I have some FANTASTIC friends here, but since joining in January and watching many people fall away, it's a small group. I'm currently really struggling with an unexplainable plateau of two months (even if my counts were up to 300 off either way, I should STILL be losing at least a pound a week) and I've been compensating by focusing on fitness and making sure 80% of the stuff I put in my mouth is GOOD for me. That makes it bearable, because I know that my health, at least, must be improving.

However, I feel like I need a little more support than usual from a network of people who are similarly focused as I try and not focus on results and instead wait for this to end (or wait until I'm back at school so I can go to student health and maybe check to see if everything is looking right)

Today is my 181st day of logging in consecutively, I've recently started lifting with a trainer (And have no idea what I'm doing) and I've started running again instead of elliptical-ing the weight away after two months off for a stress fracture and I exercise 5 days a week, minimum. I'm also recently 21, and a college student. If any of that appeals to you I'd love to be your friend :)

If any of that sounds good to you, I'd love to find some more people to interact with on my friends list :)


  • Mhay913
    Mhay913 Posts: 19 Member
    I lost about 50lbs, but stopped using MFP because I was out of the country for about a year. I need to find my motivation again! I didn't do too bad of a job maintaining while I was gone, but I've gained 20-25 lbs. in the 6 weeks I've been home! i did a lot of weight training/crossing training stuff over the last year and am trying to do a couch to 10k for a race in September. I will send you a friend request :)
  • CariS001
    CariS001 Posts: 169 Member
    Sent you a FR.

    I track daily, and check in on people daily. If you want tips, I'm happy to jump in. Though, will only do so if asked (as I know many people don't want to be nit-picked!).

    At a quick glance, could you work to increase your protein to 100g daily and swap 2 fruits daily for veg? I think that would jump start you a bit, based on your general diary patterns.

    I would LOVE more friends to watch my diary and give me feedback. More than just a "like" and thumbs up, ya know?
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Thanks guys!
  • vanessatristant
    vanessatristant Posts: 1 Member
    I am struggling through a plateau also. I have a meal plan I prep weekly for and have been exercising at least 5xweek. But, the scale hasn't moved since late April. I go through a mental cycle of frustration, depression, and re-motivation to keep trying.
    I'm relieved to know i'm not the only one, unfortunate circumstance that it is.
  • ChinaCass
    ChinaCass Posts: 22 Member
    Feel free to add me if you want :) I could use some motivation as well!
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Thanks! Sent you guys requests :)
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Hey there! I lost 105 lbs, (started at 332) and I know what it is like to struggle with a plateau. But I have stuck with it for 2 years. Add me and I'll help motivate you!
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Wow, I can't believe you lost 105! I've got 122 to lose total. Adding you now!
  • buh_bye_flab
    buh_bye_flab Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I'm a little older than you, but I was in your shoes (as a college student trying to be healthy!) not so long ago. Reading your message ... well, sounds like me! I've plateaued more times than I can count and even though I've started exercising and tracking, I've only lost (and then regained!) 1.5lbs. If you are still looking for friends ... I'd be happy to be one! I see you shop at Trader Joe's a lot - so do I.
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Thanks! Added you. TJ's is my summer indulgence and I'm loving it. During the academic year my scholarship covers a meal plan so I eat lots of lean protein (almost exclusively grilled chicken) and whatever veggie I feel has the least amount of oil, haha, so my diaries will be less interesting come August 18th.
  • buh_bye_flab
    buh_bye_flab Posts: 9 Member
    Good choice on the protein. My school had these turkey, bacon, ranch subs that were oh-so-good but oh-so-bad. That was my protein source my freshman year. Whoops! At least it seems like schools are offering healthier options. I lived in dorms that had kitchens so I was able to do a lot of my own cooking. I think it'll be neat to see how you navigate what your meal plan has to offer. I'm going to dig for my old journal to see how I got out of my first plateau.... pretty sure I switched up my workouts and cut out eating after 7/8pm... but that was 9 years ago!