New Joiner - Gluten Free Fad Buster

Well I was caught up in the fad of becoming Gluten Free!! There are aspects to being GF that I like but I know it's not helping me with my weight, in fact I'm gaining and it's starting to freak me out. I'm well over a hundred lbs over weight and have been for years but I truly need to put my mind to succeeding at losing weight rather than just telling myself it will happen. It's not happening and going GF has not helped me in the weight loss arena. I don't know what to do. I keep going back and forth in my head do I continue with the GF diet even though it's not helping with my weight loss or do I quit the GF diet and work towards better eating habits with low calorie and low fat foods????


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    It's really not that hard.

    Eat a caloric deficit and lose weight. I promise, it's that simple.

    Gluten is not the devil.
    Fat is not the devil.
    Carbs are not the devil.
    Sugar is not the devil.

    If you eat at a deficit, regardless what those foods are, you will lose weight.
  • LanaC1210
    LanaC1210 Posts: 37
    Gluten free isn't really for dieting. It's because people have an allergy to it. Just try low carb dieting. Take 0.5 x weight in pounds and that is how many grams you should aim for per day in carbs. Make sure you get lots of lean protein and veggies/fruits!