Vacation binging, and recovery (my encouraging results!)

Due to generally feeling gross and out of shape, in January 2014 I began tracking my steps (thanks Fitbit Force!), my daily weight (thanks FitBit Aria!), logging my food (first in FitBit, then in MyFitnessPal), and gradually increasing my exercise. I started at 217 lbs and 27% body fat, and began to see progress pretty quickly. I lost about 10 lbs in the first month, before switching over to MyFitnessPal in February for food logging (much better than FitBit, which I had been using from the start).

At the beginning of July, I was down to ~192 lbs and ~22% bodyfat. I felt the best I had in years, and I was steadily increasing my workout activities (longer and longer walks, started StrongLifts 5x5, etc.). Then, it came time for a vacation, and I was really worried about how to approach it. Should I try to continue my diet and exercise plan, and be "that guy" on vacation? Or just completely give in to vacation eating/drinking, and suffer the consequences? If the latter, how much damage could I do in 12 days to the progress I had proudly made so far this year?

Well, I decided to take the "eat/drink whatever I want" approach, with the confidence that I could lose whatever I gained due to the healthy lifestyle I have adopted. I want to share my results with this forum, as I think they are encouraging to anyone else facing the same pre-vacation dilemma.

From the time I got on the plane (I'm a US expat living overseas) to head home, to the time I got back, I ate and drank whatever I wanted. Ice cream (hello Cold Stone Creamery!), beer (I averaged just slightly less than a 6-pack per day), chocolate chip cookies, pasta, etc. I indulged, and enjoyed every single bite/sip for 12 days. While I had been averaging around 1800-2000 calories a day, I realistically at least doubled that amount each day. I tried to track occasionally during this extended binge, but I eventually gave up, so there are not records in my food log for each day (sorry). I was very active during the trip, but no moreso than I normally am, and I did not do any weight training.

When I returned from my trip, I was a little hesitant to step on the scale the next morning. It wasn't as bad as I expected-- a gain of about 10 lbs. It also showed a drop to 19% bodyfat, which was a clue to me that there was likely something going on with my water retention (which normally happens to me when taking long flights). Sure enough, the next morning I had dropped 5 lbs-- obviously mostly water, and my BF% ticked up slightly. Great, I thought-- only a 5 lb real gain, which I can lose over the next couple of weeks. However, the next morning I was down an additional 3.3 lbs, and again, with a slight uptick in BF%. And the next morning (this morning), over another 1 lb lost. Now, 4 days post-vacation and back into my normal eating/exercise routine, I am back to my pre-vacation weight and BF%!

I am finding this very encouraging, and hopefully it helps some of you in similar situations if you are fretting over an upcoming planned indulgence. Enjoy yourself without guilt, and hop back on the wagon strictly once the break is over (i.e. don't use a break as an opportunity to re-adopt bad habits).

For those of you with experience/expertise in this area, any thoughts on these results? Having been in a cutting mode for 6 months, did my body need this shock, and that's why my results were so positive?


  • mojojorox
    mojojorox Posts: 24 Member
    Snap! Went to Cyprus for two weeks, didn't completely binge but did eat a lot of baked goods and fried back on monday 10lbs heavier and now almost back down to my prevacay weight after only sticking to calories for 2 days! I'm really relieved as for the day or two where I'd gained i felt so demotivated and angry with myself!
  • riirii93_
    riirii93_ Posts: 475 Member
    good because i'm scared to weigh myself tomorrow. just got back from california.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    Took me less than 10 days to get back down from 14 days all-inclusive. Came back 11lbs heavier but how much of that was just water retention from the flight? Means I'll no longer worry about taking time off for holidays.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Great post!!!!!!!

    Thanks for sharing - So many people wont relax & enjoy yummy foods & drinks as there worrying about gaining.

    You posting this has showed everyone, get back on it - It soon goes!

  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Agreed, thanks for starting this thread.
  • xxharleyquinnxx
    xxharleyquinnxx Posts: 166 Member
    Such a great thread! I have just come back off my hols and the scales said I gained 8lbs but this morning I had dropped just under 3lbs so am really hoping tomorrow when I weigh again it will read even less, especially after your thread! I really enjoyed my holiday though and I guess it is only once a year where you actually just indulge in whatever so hopefully people wont be feeling too negative now :) I know I am feeling miles better!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Thanks for sharing.

    Also bumping as there are always lots of queries about vacation weight gain at this time of year.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Yes I had a similar experience, spent ten days in St. Lucia at an all inclusive. Ate/drank everything and anything and came back to only about 3 pounds or so... which was gone by the end of the week. I only weigh myself once a week.
  • flinx1241
    flinx1241 Posts: 2,168 Member
    Finding similar results after a weeklong binge throughout Austria (ice cream, beer, schnapps and schnitzel) and 5 days of heavy binging in Venice (ice cream, red wine and pizza - pretty much non-stop). Did some walking and hiking throughout, but nothing crazy. Came back to see an additional 9 lbs, but that's down to 3 after two days. Would have totally been worth it even it it was really 9 lbs, IMO. Great food and great memories, and didn't come close to derailing me. Just a few fun weeks "off" in the midst of my calorie deficit...
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    Thanks for sharing- I am on hols next week and am going to try to enjoy a little of everything but not go mad eating everything in sight. Hopefully I can quickly lose the excess when I get home.
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Great post. Good reminder too enjoy your vacation... We all need a break mentally and physically :drinker:
  • suzyfj8
    suzyfj8 Posts: 257 Member
    Thank you for a great post, totally agree, just had a week in New York and ate everything! It has been four days and too scared to weigh myself, but my clothes were tight when I came home, and now back in my normal routine the clothes are less tight and almost back to normal snugness!
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    same thing with me. Took a trip to Hawaii, ate whatever I wanted... nothing really too crazy, just didnt worry about the calories
    (I typically dont eat the same amount I used to anyway)
    Got back from my trip and I could tell I gained based on my clothes. I refused to weigh myself because I didnt want to get discouraged. I hadnt worked out for 2 weeks. So the my first day back at the gym left me so completely sore. I didnt have the stamina I used to just two weeks ago. It really freaked me out! Well, not to worry, It only took me another 2 workouts in the gym to bounce right back. My stamina is back and I'm right back where I was before I left for vacation in weight loss. So, not too bad..... totally worth the indulgance since I was only set back one little week
  • wanda9501
    wanda9501 Posts: 114
    I went home to visit family for the July 4th holiday and ate everything my mom, sister and niece and in-laws cooked. I continued to eating bad the week after I returned home, so after 2 weeks of eating bad, I was afraid to get on the scale. While, I finally came to my senses (my stomach kept hurting) and stepped on the scale and was surprised that I had only gained 12 lbs. I started back this week eating right and the bloated feeling is slowing leaving. I have dropped 3 pounds so far and think after Spin Class and the Sauna tonight I maybe down 3 more. I just know that I went home had a great time, ate great food and didn't once feel bad about it. Vacation is for relaxation and having fun so, I say enjoy!
  • Jaminjo2
    Jaminjo2 Posts: 31 Member
    You definitely help me feel good about the same approach you took for vacay. I had pretty much the same type of results as you. But the most important part was having a good time with family and friends and just enjoying life in general. Thank you for helping feel good about myself.
  • maroonandwhite
    maroonandwhite Posts: 4 Member
    Wow, glad to see all these awesome responses! Hopefully all these positive experiences will help some people relax and enjoy themselves this summer. :)
  • krogers810x
    krogers810x Posts: 92 Member
    Glad to see this! DH and I are going to an all inclusive for six days in August for our first wedding anniversary, and I fully intend to enjoy the fantastic food and drinks while I am there.

    We went to the same resort last summer for our honeymoon for ten nights, and despite the fact that I ate EVERYTHING and drank like a fish, I only gained three pounds while I was there (and it disappeared quickly). We did go on three excursions that involved a lot of hiking and swimming, which helped a lot. We aren't doing any excursions this summer, but we will walk a lot on the property as it is spread across a whopping 75 acres. We'll see what happens this year and see if I gain, but this thread makes me hope that any gains will be temporary!
  • ttcbelieve
    ttcbelieve Posts: 181 Member
    This is very helpful thank you. Most helpful is your suggestion to "enjoy yourself without guilt, and hop back on the wagon strictly once the break is over (i.e. don't use a break as an opportunity to re-adopt bad habits)" I normally fall off the wagon by continuing with the bad habits after vacation because i am worried while on vacation but having the mindset to enjoy while on vacation and simply plan for the return is great. Thanks for the post
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    Huge thanks to OP and everyone who has responded. It's so reassuring knowing when I go away in September all inclusive I don't have to worry too much. I won't overindulge too much (I hope!) but I will now certainly be able to enjoy myself more. Big :heart: to you all!
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Thank you so much for this! I'm leaving on Sunday for a 13 day trip and was nervous about vacationing. I've been wavering back and forth on the "I'll track but will eat up to maintenance if need be" and "I won't track at all and just eat". I really just want to relax and enjoy myself.

    I think I'm going with "no tracking, but make healthy choices (i.e. grilled chicken instead of fried chicken) for at least 2 meals a day". We're also planning a lot of activities (biking, running, hiking, surfing, swimming, etc). I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that I won't gain back the 16 lbs I've lost (mostly because my clothes won't fit by the end of the trip)!

    (See even with this reassurance, I'm still a little neurotic about this)