For those who lost weight and gained it back



  • Cherieb42
    Cherieb42 Posts: 12 Member
    The first time I lost 50 pounds, gained it all back because I thought the diet was the fix and didn't carry through my maintenance. Gained 50+ back. The second time I lost the 50 pounds I just got pure lazy and didn't want to think or obsess about food anymore. Gained 60+ back. This last time... and it is my last time..... I lost 90 pounds and I've kept it off for 3 years. I had to come to grips with the fact that I needed to change my eating habits for the rest of my life. I had to find foods that would satisfy me in both nutrition and social situations and that I could stick with the rest of my life. I had to just accept I have to watch what I eat forever and recall those times when I was so overweight and unhealthy and miserable, that I never want to go there again.

    What I finally realized is that I have an obsession to food. I just focus that obsession the other way... on good foods and portion control.
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    From 175 to 120 : lost because of anorexia

    120 to 200: started over eating\ binging

    200 to 140: lost with 3 hours of exercise daily (unhealthy!) And diet

    140 to 200. : got feed up with exercising, started overeating again

    200 to 150: attendance of Overeaters Anonymous+ eating 3 meals a day and cutting out sugar

    150 to 232: 2 pregnancies, postpartum depression, binging

    232 to 212 (current) : slow loss of 20 pounds in the last 2 years.... With a lot of yoyo-ing (losing and gaining and losing the same 10-15 pounds).

    Gaining and losing seems to be the story of my life....????
  • PeanutButterByTheSpoon
    Shortly after I lost my weight I went through a painfull time. A close friend of mine died of a heart attack. And I emtionaly ate and ate and i quit exercising and weight started coming back on. So i joined here to lose it again.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    Which time?
    The first time I thought when I became normal-sized I could eat "like everyone else."
    The second time I lost my workout buddy and nutrition competition/buddy.
    The third time I returned to the US and its convenience foods, had to cook for myself, and no longer had to walk several hours a day to get places.
    The next time I quit eating the prepackaged, cardboard-tasting NutriSystem foods.
    The next time I started feeling good, and then started eating everything in sight and not working out.
    The next time I quit being vigilant and avoided the scale.

    This time is different. I've lost more weight than I've ever lost before but it's not really about the number on the scale. Now I am doing all of the things I have wanted to do for so long that I was too big/physically unable to enjoy. I catch myself falling into old habits every now and then but I've taken the time to get to the root of the underlying problem, which is helping me keep it more under control. I've caught myself gaining and stopped it before it derailed all of my progress by at the very least logging in here every day, and stepping on the scale more often to keep myself in check. The reality of it is that I will have to log, measure, and weigh for the rest of my life.

    I'm ok with that because the rest of my life is going to continue to be a quality, fun life where my weight isn't going to stop me from doing great and fun things.
  • christullos
    I have always battled with my weight. I finally got it under control through 3 times a week at the gym, (cardio and weight training) and a reasonable eating habit. Then in 2010 I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and my Doctor told me I couldn't work out any more. Depression ensued and my wife not wanting to deny me anything (because of my disease) I just started and kept on eating. Fast forward to 2014 and an 80 pound weight gain.

    This will be my final time to lose weight. I have come to realize what has always been missing was an exit strategy , a maintenance plan. I have one this time and I know I have to follow it for the rest of my life.
  • Imadorkable
    Imadorkable Posts: 415 Member
    Last year of nursing school, planning a wedding, getting married and 3 moves (all within one year)! Yep that about sums it up.
  • ButtVibes
    ButtVibes Posts: 12
    Lost too much (underweight) but didn't seem myself as thin, was never satisfied with myself (or the image I had of myself). Began binging and ''finally'' attained the mental perception I had of myself: chubby. Still not satisfied but accepting.
  • Clauduchinno
    I was really naughty, I starved myself for a few months (I'm talking 500cals a day) because I fell stupidly in love was was very self conscious about my image. I lost lots of weight, all was good until I started eating properly again.

    All of a sudden my weight just fell back on (double what I lost). My self confidence stooped to an all time low and that's how my relationship with that person ended.

    There's my little sob story haha
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    I don't know if this really counts, because I had not been in "weight loss mode" for such a short time and didn't lose much before it ended, but it was was my first serious attempt at losing weight. About 9 years ago... I had only been at it 6 weeks-ish (lost about 15 pounds) when I changed jobs that required relocation. Relocated to a tiny town in the middle of nowhere that had no gym and it was the middle of winter. I'm such a creature of habit… and the move/new job threw me completely off my routine. And sure enough… the fall back was to the routine I was most familiar with… crappy eating and no exercise.
  • LizGogol
    LizGogol Posts: 73 Member
    I gained back 15lbs since I stopped calorie counting. I was still exercising but indulging in treats a lot more. Beer after work, pizza dinners, restaurants, and wine! Those little cheats add up!
  • mhasita
    mhasita Posts: 93 Member
    I gained about half of what I lost overeating because of stress. Had a lot going on and only doritos and ben&jerrys could keep me calm.

    Lucky me it wasn't that much weight, and I have lost it again, but yeah, I'm an emotional eater.
  • Goodgollylolli
    Goodgollylolli Posts: 8 Member
    For me it's all about what I'm eating it's all a calories game. And even though I keep track of all my calories.... I still have plenty of days where it's movies and pizza in bed ALL DAY (sometimes even all weekend). Just have to try to always pick myself back up after Iv fallen face first into a pile of candy soo big Ud think it was Halloween lol
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I got tired of my thoughts being consumed with what I was eating, fighting cravings, my weight, etc
    Returned to my bad habits of eating too big of portions.
    Diagnosed with plantar fasciitis and the pain kept me from exercising
    My biggest regret is that I didn't do "maintenance calories" This time, I will.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    I have gone up and down so many times I can't count. I have constantly gone back and forth between 175 and 205 for about 15 years. Every time I lost was by counting calories, but I ate too little: 1200-1400 calories for a 5'7' guy doesn't cut it. I would then binge and gain it ALL back in a few months.

    this time I am doing it "Slow and Steady" and changing my lifestyle. I eat "treats" literally every day, but I am really good about

    1. Measuring and logging
    2. Not over estimating calorie burns (I eat back about 50% of my calories)

    A year from now i hope to say " I finally broke the cycle" :smile:
  • ianthy
    ianthy Posts: 404 Member
    Six years ago my weight spiralled above 360 lbs - managed to reduce to 190lbs but gained back 70lbs. My stupid excuses;-

    - I got bored and stopped exercising
    - Too many cals in and not enough out - restaurant meals, over portioning at home
    - Stopped logging and weighing my food
    - Using food as a comforter when I am upset, tired or just plain bored

    Now I am back at my GW, I don't ever want to see those type of numbers on the scales again.
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Christmas xD
    Also, I got put on steriod medication about 4 months ago, firstly on a very high dose of 100mg. I'm down to just 5mg every other day now so I can finally get back on track!
  • Bijou86
    Bijou86 Posts: 5 Member
    Stress eating, making excuses with lack of time, food insecurity/financial hardship (I had to resort to going to a food pantry = little fresh food), a health scare & order not to do vigorous activity by my doc, excessive portion size of unhealthy pantry food (I ate a lot in the past, but it was fresh fruits & veggies). Things are better now, and I'm making a conscious effort to put my health first.
  • anna_88
    anna_88 Posts: 3 Member
    I lost about 10 pounds at the beginning of the year and really got back into the gym/exercise and felt determined I was going to get in shape for my holiday in September. I then got ill, nothing too serious, but I was off work for a week and I ate lots of treats "because I'm ill so I deserve it" and didn't move much. Frustratingly I never got back into my routine again after that and slipped into my old "meh, I'm fine, I'm slim-ish" ways. It's disappointing but there's no point in dwelling on it, you can only change what you do tomorrow not what you did yesterday after all!
  • sensitivefool
    sensitivefool Posts: 343 Member
    Changed jobs and became a stepmom in one go. Lifestyle completely changed... into stress.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    I lost 15 pounds kept it off for over a year… met a man who loved to eat. gained 8 pounds… working to get it off… taking a long time!!! :P play time is over and so is he. lol!!! moving on to leaner and more active men! lol!!!