i feel like im falling again..

LosingTheInches Posts: 47
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
i keep thinking to myself, why am i doing this, i'm never going to reach my goals..
i didn't eat healthy today at all. im so down in the dumps about this...
does anyone have these days? what do you do to help yourself get back on track?


  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    i have these days alot even when i am under my calorie goals i think to myself i dont think i can carry on doing this much longer e.t.c when i feel like this i start to read peoples sucess stories and think to myself if they can do it so can i, some people who have lost double of what i need to.
    i get alot of support of friends on here as well.

    you are doing great you have passed that half way line you can definately get to where you need to be. feel free to add me :)
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    We ALL have those days! You are not alone!!

    As soon as you realize you are thinking negative, you immediately have the power to change those thoughts into positive ones. Think about the progress you have made, and realize that a bad day is only going to throw you off track if you let them happen all the time. One bad day will not derail all of your efforts, as long as you get back on track. One day at a time.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i keep thinking to myself, why am i doing this, i'm never going to reach my goals..
    i didn't eat healthy today at all. im so down in the dumps about this...
    does anyone have these days? what do you do to help yourself get back on track?

    i just get back on the wagon no matter how hard it is.
  • Hey there. Whatever you do don't give up! You've lost weight and one bad day isn't going to hurt you. Get right back on track tomorrow. I have these days too and it is tough but the key is in not giving up. Do something to motivate yourself. Read some of the success stories on here or on the internet. Set some specific goals for tomorrow to help you get motivated again. Good luck and hang in there! We are rooting for you!
  • boomsmom
    boomsmom Posts: 60 Member
    We all have those kind of days. Keep your head up. Believe in yourself! This is the best place to be. Just when I'm feeling bad, i go on and see all the support I have. It's amazing! I'll friend you. You can do this, shake off today and look to tomorrow. Make better choices, some need to make the changes little by little. It is ok to do that. It doesn't have to happen over night. I think sometimes we all want that instant gratification - it doesn't happen that way for anyone. Don't give up!
  • I've actually been thinking about this a lot today and I'm doing my best to not let it get me down! Like others have said I think we've just got to try our best to change the way we think. It's not easy...believe me I'm so frustrated myself right now, but I've got to keep trying...keep going. I have no real alternative and so I guess that pushes me onward. You can do this hun! I have every bit of faith in you!
  • amanmi
    amanmi Posts: 1
    First of all, forgive yourself for going over for the day. Everyone will have days like that. No one is perfect and with the way life is now, it's difficult to eat exactly what is needed everyday. Just refocus and consider why you have set the goals you have for yourself. Find little ways of staying motivated. For example, just yesterday on my bathroom mirror I posted a picture of myself that is not too flattering. That motivates me! It may not motivate some people as it would make some feel a bit worse; however, I know this works for me. Find motivators that work for you. Another thing you can do is just get moving. Play the wii, take a walk outdoors (if the weather is decent), dance with the doors closed to your fav music, just whatever to get your metabolism going and many times you'll find that just staying active as much as possible is motivating! Feel free to add me as well. Good Luck!
  • Jennkies
    Jennkies Posts: 382 Member
    The success stories on message boards with before and after photos inspire me! Its important to realize they had the same struggles and the same type of bad day that you have. But they kept going.. and now look at them! :)
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Yea, I have these days from time to time, but I find a lot of motivation and support from the peeps here on MFP.
    Hang on in there!
  • wawa39
    wawa39 Posts: 12
    Everyone has those days! Brush yourself off and get back on it tomorrow. I allow myself one cheat day that way I know I can have a blow it day and not regret it also exercise helps alot if you go way overboard get on a treadmill or eliptical and that can give you more calories and such per day.
  • wawa39
    wawa39 Posts: 12
    i keep thinking to myself, why am i doing this, i'm never going to reach my goals..
    i didn't eat healthy today at all. im so down in the dumps about this...
    does anyone have these days? what do you do to help yourself get back on track?
  • wawa39
    wawa39 Posts: 12
    Also look at how far you have come!!! Awesome!
  • Yes! Absolutely! I have those days and more! And I accept them. I embrace the cycle. I know those days come. They are inevitable, but I wait for the day when they are gone.....and they do go! I have to start over again, but I still haven't gone back to the same starting point. I am at a better starting point, and that is what makes me feel better. I am starting at a better place than last time!
    Its all a cycle! We [especially women] have hormonal cycles that cause us to go a little nuts every now and then. We have cravings and depression that will not subside for days. I know they will come, I hate it when they do, I have no control over them. But I let them come, and then when they go, I start over.
  • I totally hear you, because I feel that way sometimes too. I think all of us have at some point or another. I think you are doing an awesome job, I mean at look how far you have come?? The best thing to do now is to move forward. We can't think about what we did last night, or this morning, etc because that time has passed and we can't go back and change it. But what we CAN do is to make better choices the next time around. I think people tend to be really hard on themselves, but you need to forgive yourself. Your only human, and no one is perfect, Every time you fall off the wagon, just get back on.

    Here are a couple of motivational quotes for weight loss that I gathered from the internet. Hope they help!

    "You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance."

    "We can do anything we want to do if we stick to it long enough."

    "My life tomorrow will be the result of my attitudes and the choices I make today."

    "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels."
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Look how much progress you have made, surely that is enough to stop and think about how AWESOME you actually are! We all have those days - the path is hard...keep moving, you can do it!
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