What can I eat instead of "rice"?



  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Try LessRice. I hear it is delicious.
  • rebeccaisafish
    rebeccaisafish Posts: 87 Member
    Rice is awesome. I don't know WHY you would want to cut out rice, but then I'm cutting out bread myself even though bread is also awesome just to try and expand my meal ideas. SO, as others have suggested, quinoa is GREATand you cook it the same way as rice but has more flavour than rice. However it's a lot more expensive if that's a concern for you. i only have it as a "sometimes food" because I like it but I can't justify the price for regular meals. Cauliflowers tend to be more reasonably priced and work as rice as someone above suggested.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    If it's 2 weeks why not just not replace it? Just eat your meat and vegetables and curries without a side dish?
  • laciemn
    laciemn Posts: 77 Member
    Steamed shredded cabbage is good under stir fry :). I add a little soy sauce to it.
  • bbokai
    bbokai Posts: 5 Member
    Bulgur wheat! I used to be totally obsessed with rice. Im talking rice for brekkie, lunch and dinner!Now, all I take instead is bulgur and theres no going back for me x
  • phoenixx866
    phoenixx866 Posts: 173 Member
    I love rice. Why not try brown rice instead of white?
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Eat less rice, then. Halve what you eat. Or is rice poison and Satan incarnate? If so, I'll have it. :D

    ^^And this is the correct answer. Regional availability and cultural food preferences do NOT make people fat or skinny or whatever (well, maybe a preference for overeating--but it's NOT necessarily the food type).

    Eat a little less rice. Rice is yummy and available and popular. Where I'm from, potatoes are popular and readily available, so I eat them, just less (1/2 of a potato instead of a giant one as big as my head, for example).
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    "Quinoa" and "Couscous" are close. I'm not really sure what added benefit there would be in switching from one to another though. If you're hoping to break a habit, switching may not be the best way.

    You could try cooking up "cauliflower" and breaking it up if you're looking for a non-grain.
  • RainRedfield
    RainRedfield Posts: 597 Member
    Quinoa or Cous Cous.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    Hard to make any real suggestions until we know what it is about rice that you are wanting to cut from your diet...
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    mack donalds.......
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Try LessRice. I hear it is delicious.
    I confirm. LessRice is pretty awesome and taste just like ALotaRice.

    It still doesn't compare to Iscream
  • Chrysalisobel
    Chrysalisobel Posts: 152 Member
    Cauliflower rice!

    Exactly! That's what I do to substitute rice on some days.. and it's delish. It's really a good option for (recovering) binge eaters who usually feel drowsy after consuming rice--like yours truly.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    In my country, rice is like main dish for side dishes/ curries. I want to cut eating rice for 2weeks.
    So, what foods are there instead of "rice" for side dishes/ curries or anything that will be most like rice
    (I know brown rice is one of the answers but it is really hard to find brown rice here) So, please suggest other stuff to replace rice

    Why do you want to cut rice?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I've told my grandmother that I wasn't eating rice anymore because I was cutting out carbs and trying to do more Atkins. This didn't translate well. She called me stupid and I received a lecture from her about how in China there was crap load of famine when she was growing up and how we're lucky to have plenty of rice. I also got smacked upside my head a few times by my aunts.

    This is the same grandma who told me she fried the cholesterol out of my eggs.

    Anyways, here's a few ideas:
    Quinoa cooks a lot like rice but has a different texture. More protein and better overall for you.
    Shirataki - made with a yam-based fiber that kinda just passes through the system. Only 10 colaries per serving. Also sold under the brand "Miracle Noodles." Beware: Clean thoroughly to get rid of fish smell.
    Eggs - because so many dishes go well over eggs instead of rice.
  • Chrysalisobel
    Chrysalisobel Posts: 152 Member
    Cauliflower rice!

    Exactly! That's what I do to substitute rice on some days.. and it's delish. It's really a good option for (recovering) binge eaters who usually feel drowsy after consuming rice--like yours truly.

    Cauliflower = a sad excuse for for rice.

    Thank you for being a gentleman in pointing that out.

    Try being a native of (and living in) Southeast Asia where the staple food is rice (and you've been brought up to have 2+ meals that consist of rice almost everyday - see: nasi lemak). Oh--you can't? :smile:
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member

    This is the same grandma who told me she fried the cholesterol out of my eggs.

    I freaking love your Grandma