Tired and grumpy

HM2206 Posts: 174 Member
I feel quite tired, grumpy and low in energy when I stay within my calories. I also need to nap mid-day (I'm 24 by the way).
I've set up my macros to 40% fat, 40% protein and 20% carbs. My TDEE is quite low as I am a student which is more of a "desk job" and I don't have much left to lose.

I am wondering whether it might be iron deficiency? Is this what is linked to tiredness? I looked up "iron rich foods" and I don't eat much of those. I don't eat red meat at all and I only eat the egg whites, not the yolks (to stay within my cals).
Did any of you feel a physical difference after taking supplement?

Right now I'm only taking fish oil, inositol and vit D.


  • msncush
    msncush Posts: 23 Member
    I would suggest more complex carbs and lower fat.
    You need the carbs to deliver the protein to your system.
    Peanut butter with an apples. Cheese with ham. Peanut butter with celery
    if you don't like yogurt or cottage cheese by itself, you can add some sugar free jello for any kind of flavor you like.
    protein bar with fruit.
    Whey protein shakes.
    Are you working out? How many calories are you eating?
    You may need to add more calories.
    I don't feel any difference with supplements.
    It took me about 2 months to start feeling more energy and stronger.
  • shelllee925
    shelllee925 Posts: 2 Member
    I am feeling the exact same way. I stress about eating at my calorie goal and I find that I'm always tired and hungry. I have about 8 more lbs to lose, but I'm so tempted to just stop trying to lose altogether.

    I'm eating 1490 cal/day but I find that I fill so much of my calorie allotment with fruit. I often am over carbs thanks to the fruit.

    Any recommendations of how to stop feeling so icky and hungry all the time?
  • HM2206
    HM2206 Posts: 174 Member
    I am feeling the exact same way. I stress about eating at my calorie goal and I find that I'm always tired and hungry. I have about 8 more lbs to lose, but I'm so tempted to just stop trying to lose altogether.

    I'm eating 1490 cal/day but I find that I fill so much of my calorie allotment with fruit. I often am over carbs thanks to the fruit.

    Any recommendations of how to stop feeling so icky and hungry all the time?

    I forgot that my diary wasn't open.

    What fills me up is sweet potatoes, egg whites, chicken and turkey.

    But even if my stomach isn't rumbling, I do feel a bit tired a lot of the time. Could be related to the heat too of course, but I do drink plenty of water.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    You've been below 1200 cals sometimes by quite a bit frequently. Your body is looking to save energy where is can - eat more and I bet you'll have more energy.
  • Sarahonly
    Sarahonly Posts: 36 Member
    I recently took a nutrition class that recommended a 60/25/15 (or close to it) approach to carbs/fat/protein respectively. Like msncush said, add some more complex carbs- whole grains, fruits, lots of vegetables etc. Carbs are a major energy source for high intensity exercise and are very important despite all the low carb diet trends out there. Unless you actually have a condition in which your body can't properly deal with carbs, eating an adequate amount does more good than bad.

    I've found that sticking to these numbers usually results in me reaching all my nutrient goals, including protein (and I barely eat red meat) as long as you make nutritious, nutrient dense choices.

    Good luck!
  • sagreenious
    sagreenious Posts: 64 Member
    When i was overly tired and concerned about my iron levels I started takign iron tablets. within 2 days I felt better. TRy some, if they perk you up, you need more iron. if you can't get it in your diet, keep taking the tablets.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    Your tired because you aren't giving your body food to create energy - the last three days are under 1000 cal per day. Use the system properly - eat your 1200 cal and eat back at least half of your exercise calories.
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    Had the same problem for a while. Switched to 1600 cals and started taking an iron supplement. Much better.

    I also found that if I laid in bed I was more prone to fall asleep. If I'm sitting upright at a table or even just not in my bedroom - less likely to feel like it's bed time and less likely to nap.

    You can get bloodwork done if you're concerned about iron deficiency. Goodluck! :D
  • Not eating enough is linked to being tired (and grumpy!). I would switch your macros to 40% Carbs 40% protein, 20% fat. Also, like others have said, you need to actually eat the allotted calories you have. If you're eating less than about 1200 calories/day, you're basically starving your body and it will just hold on to fat.

    You also need carbs for energy, just make sure you get a good amount of complex carbs. Your low, low carb count is probably one of the reasons you're feeling tired, grumpy, and low in energy. Don't beat yourself up if you go over your calorie allowance by a few calories. It's better to be over your calorie goal by 50 calories/day than to maintain a 200 calorie deficit below your goal. Remember that the calorie goal that MFP gives you is already at a deficit.

    Hope that helps!
  • HM2206
    HM2206 Posts: 174 Member
    You've been below 1200 cals sometimes by quite a bit frequently. Your body is looking to save energy where is can - eat more and I bet you'll have more energy.

    There are a couple of days I've only logged my first meals but not the rest of the day as I didn't have time or whatever. So I rarely eat that few calories, usually around 1300.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    You've been below 1200 cals sometimes by quite a bit frequently. Your body is looking to save energy where is can - eat more and I bet you'll have more energy.

    There are a couple of days I've only logged my first meals but not the rest of the day as I didn't have time or whatever. So I rarely eat that few calories, usually around 1300.

    Then I echo my sentiment earlier - use the system properly. And your response of "Oh I eat more than I report...." is the same one used by everyone who complains about not feeling well and are caught out not eating correctly. Your next move in this game is to hide your diary.........

    Or - you could be honest with yourself, fuel your body appropriately and not feel like crap all of the time. The choice is soley yours. :smile: