Week 1 and no weight loss



  • amatolauren
    amatolauren Posts: 57 Member
    you got this. keep your head up!! it takes time for everyone to get to there goals... and you do have this KEEP YOUR HEAD UP !1 :)
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    So its my first week. I was probably eating between 3-4k calories a day before and slowly gaining weight. I started MFP for the millionth time and I realy want to stick with it. I'm 5'7" and I weight 215 at age 34. I'd be okay with 1-2 pounds a week, which I know means I have to cut back calories and exercise. Here's the issue, it's been a week of walking with a low calorie diet. I weighed this morning and not even once ounce! I have blood tests on Friday for Thyroid and sugar. What am I doing wrong? I'm so dicouraged.

    Not trying hard enough?
    Not actually counting calories?
    Not on a low enough deficit?
    Just because you can fit 150 calories more into your day doesn't mean you have to.

    Really you just started so can't expect instant results, it's like deciding to try harder at work for a raise and after a week your boss still hasn't given you a raise and your upset about it... like you expected him/her to notice right away and she/he would reward you...Guess you need to try hard for that raise! ;)
  • So its my first week. I was probably eating between 3-4k calories a day before and slowly gaining weight. I started MFP for the millionth time and I realy want to stick with it. I'm 5'7" and I weight 215 at age 34. I'd be okay with 1-2 pounds a week, which I know means I have to cut back calories and exercise. Here's the issue, it's been a week of walking with a low calorie diet. I weighed this morning and not even once ounce! I have blood tests on Friday for Thyroid and sugar. What am I doing wrong? I'm so dicouraged.

    Not trying hard enough?
    Not actually counting calories?
    Not on a low enough deficit?
    Just because you can fit 150 calories more into your day doesn't mean you have to.

    Really you just started so can't expect instant results, it's like deciding to try harder at work for a raise and after a week your boss still hasn't given you a raise and your upset about it... like you expected him/her to notice right away and she/he would reward you...Guess you need to try hard for that raise! ;)

    Well that was encouraging and helpful. Thanks for grounding me, I was expecting to see 145 on the scale after 6 days. smh
  • sandryc
    sandryc Posts: 33
  • I was in weight watchers not too long ago. My first week I tracked *meticulously*, I weighed all my foods and ate really healthy food. When I went in for my weigh in I discovered I had gained .2 lbs. I sat there quietly the whole meeting trying not to sob. Every success story, every health tip felt like a personal condemnation. When I got home I did cry. I kept to the same plan though through the next week. My second weigh in I was suddenly down *10* lbs. I was shocked (as were the people weighing me in). Most of that big jump and probably the first gain was water weight.

    Don't let it get you down. If you keep it up you *will* lose. Weight loss isn't a strait line and often we are frustrated when our progress doesn't match the trajectory we think it should. I know it is difficult but to give yourself the same patience and support you would have toward a good friend.

    Thanks, that does make me feel a little better. I'd be happy with 1-2 pounds and I'd probably tell the world if I lost 10! It's hard I cry a lot lately and I'm not a nice person to live with right now. Thankfully, (for the first time) my husband is supporting me with something other than words. He's actually walking with me and discussing food options. Before it felt like it was my issue and he could care less. He never said that, it just felt like that.
  • apgabriel915
    apgabriel915 Posts: 53 Member
    "So I do have a polaris that tracks my calories while I'm walking. It's really too much on my joints to run at this point. I feel like I should start off running and then add on distance and intensity so I don't get hurt or burn out. Thanks for the advice!!"

    Try looking into Couch to 5K if you are interested in running. You will find that many people here started running at your weight or significantly heavier. I was not much less than you when I started. It's been very beneficial and it's a great way to get into the groove of running and get started.

    I also have been at or around 1200 calories since February and my body has yet to go into "starvation mode" which is a completely myth. Calories in vs. calories out. I did start weighing food by the grams versus the serving size. You will often find that a serving size is something like 40g but 10 of something but when you weigh it, it can be 8 of that thing instead.

    It will come of in time and you're starting the right way and working for it. The boards can be full of helpful and snarky people alike, so just always keep that in mind. As silly as it is, I just usually tell people to Google something or speak to your doctor about something before coming to the board just in case lol.

    Good luck and feel free to add me if you want!
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 401 Member
    Of topic suggestion here. IMHO I do try to think in positive terms so try to keep what I perceive as negative as far away as possible. If I used your name, I would get the work fat out of there. You now have other ways to look at yourself such as: I am doing good things for myself.; I am a walker.; I eat well.; I am not alone here.

    Getting rid of the weight is often easier than getting rid of our self perception. I am less than a pound from goal and still saying to myself: I am no longer fat.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Of topic suggestion here. IMHO I do try to think in positive terms so try to keep what I perceive as negative as far away as possible. If I used your name, I would get the work fat out of there. You now have other ways to look at yourself such as: I am doing good things for myself.; I am a walker.; I eat well.; I am not alone here.

    Getting rid of the weight is often easier than getting rid of our self perception. I am less than a pound from goal and still saying to myself: I am no longer fat.

    Very wise post, imho, about positive ways to view yourself.

    As for the "fat" in her name, simplest fix might be to add "Un- to the beginning. Acknowledges both past and future.

    PS: congrats on being less than a pound from your goal. Got a dry-sauna? :devil:
  • mrsmitchell0510
    mrsmitchell0510 Posts: 83 Member
    Don't give up so soon. It will take time. You have probably heard this before, but I'll say it again... you didn't put the weight on overnight, it won't come off overnight.
    I have been logging solid for a month now, working to eat more intentionally, working to stay within my calorie range with a deficit, and move more. I have lost only 4 lbs. While that part is frustrating at times, I try to focus past the number on my scale. I feel better. I have more energy. My pants are looser than they were a month ago. I try to think about what I will look and feel like 6 months down the road if I continue going and that pushes me to keep at it. While the changes sometimes seem excruciatingly slow, I know that there will be glorious satisfaction months and years down the road if I do not quit.
    Give it time. It will happen.
    Good luck.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Don't give up so soon. It will take time. You have probably heard this before, but I'll say it again... you didn't put the weight on overnight, it won't come off overnight.
    I have been logging solid for a month now, working to eat more intentionally, working to stay within my calorie range with a deficit, and move more. I have lost only 4 lbs. While that part is frustrating at times, I try to focus past the number on my scale. I feel better. I have more energy. My pants are looser than they were a month ago. I try to think about what I will look and feel like 6 months down the road if I continue going and that pushes me to keep at it. While the changes sometimes seem excruciatingly slow, I know that there will be glorious satisfaction months and years down the road if I do not quit.
    Give it time. It will happen.
    Good luck.

    Another wise post. It sounds like you are changing body composition instead of weight. Isn't better body composition what we're really after, and just using weight as an easier-to-measure proxy?

    Good job!
  • "So I do have a polaris that tracks my calories while I'm walking. It's really too much on my joints to run at this point. I feel like I should start off running and then add on distance and intensity so I don't get hurt or burn out. Thanks for the advice!!"

    Try looking into Couch to 5K if you are interested in running. You will find that many people here started running at your weight or significantly heavier. I was not much less than you when I started. It's been very beneficial and it's a great way to get into the groove of running and get started.

    I also have been at or around 1200 calories since February and my body has yet to go into "starvation mode" which is a completely myth. Calories in vs. calories out. I did start weighing food by the grams versus the serving size. You will often find that a serving size is something like 40g but 10 of something but when you weigh it, it can be 8 of that thing instead.

    It will come of in time and you're starting the right way and working for it. The boards can be full of helpful and snarky people alike, so just always keep that in mind. As silly as it is, I just usually tell people to Google something or speak to your doctor about something before coming to the board just in case lol.

    Good luck and feel free to add me if you want!

    Thank you! I did get the C25K app and I love it. I went to the NB store last week and bought new shoes for support and well, as my old shoes were not what I needed and my feet hurt after 2 min. The new shoes are a HUGE improvement and I don't have foott pain afterwards. I mean everything else hurts, but thats to be expected at my weight. Thanks for the 1200 cal comment too. I feel the same way. I am NOT starving and I eat every few hours to keep my blood sugar up. After 2 hours I start to crash. If I go up over 1200 I'm not too worried as long as I'm walking and eating healthy. I really don't think my body is in starvation mode..lol I do think the sudden drop in carbs has effected my blood sugar, but I read, and spoke to my doctor and I was told it was normal.
  • Of topic suggestion here. IMHO I do try to think in positive terms so try to keep what I perceive as negative as far away as possible. If I used your name, I would get the work fat out of there. You now have other ways to look at yourself such as: I am doing good things for myself.; I am a walker.; I eat well.; I am not alone here.

    Getting rid of the weight is often easier than getting rid of our self perception. I am less than a pound from goal and still saying to myself: I am no longer fat.

    Thanks, you are right. I originally had my first name when It was set to private. I panicked after It went public and changed it to FatEdwards. I tried to change it and MFP says NO. I can only change it once. Guess I'm stuck with FatEdwards for the rest of my MFP life :-(
  • rkirbach
    rkirbach Posts: 1 Member
    Don't be discouraged. Believe me I know how hard this is. I was border line diabetic for several years and then finally in January of 2013 I went over the border. Shock - have to take medicine. My doctor suggested I try MFP and it has worked for me. I have been determined to log in every day and record what I eat. I started of wrong though and set things up for 2 pounds per week. That put my calories so very low it was nuts. So I adjusted to 1 pound per week. I was traveling in my job so I did not exercise at all and just tried to eat better. And it started to work.

    If it were me, I would suggest you drink lots of water, concentrate on your food intake first and add the exercise later. I lost 74 pounds and have kept it off now for 9 + months. I am 65 and feel better than when I was 40. I now swim three times a week and do pilates once a week. I am also off my diabetic meds since December. Working my way off the blood pressure meds as well.

    It will work for you, but you have to be ready in your mind and heart.

    You can do this...
  • mrsmitchell0510
    mrsmitchell0510 Posts: 83 Member
    Don't give up so soon. It will take time. You have probably heard this before, but I'll say it again... you didn't put the weight on overnight, it won't come off overnight.
    I have been logging solid for a month now, working to eat more intentionally, working to stay within my calorie range with a deficit, and move more. I have lost only 4 lbs. While that part is frustrating at times, I try to focus past the number on my scale. I feel better. I have more energy. My pants are looser than they were a month ago. I try to think about what I will look and feel like 6 months down the road if I continue going and that pushes me to keep at it. While the changes sometimes seem excruciatingly slow, I know that there will be glorious satisfaction months and years down the road if I do not quit.
    Give it time. It will happen.
    Good luck.

    Another wise post. It sounds like you are changing body composition instead of weight. Isn't better body composition what we're really after, and just using weight as an easier-to-measure proxy?

    Good job!

    Yes! I don't want to just lose weight as fast as I can (been there... done that... gained it back). I want to change my body in a way that is sustainable.
    I read a quote somewhere (I cannot for the life of me find it anywhere now though, so I can only paraphrase it) that said something to this effect: if there is no end to it (meaning this is a lifelong thing), then there is no need to rush there. Enjoy the ride and make changes that you can keep up with for a lifetime.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    So its my first week. I was probably eating between 3-4k calories a day before and slowly gaining weight. I started MFP for the millionth time and I realy want to stick with it. I'm 5'7" and I weight 215 at age 34. I'd be okay with 1-2 pounds a week, which I know means I have to cut back calories and exercise. Here's the issue, it's been a week of walking with a low calorie diet. I weighed this morning and not even once ounce! I have blood tests on Friday for Thyroid and sugar. What am I doing wrong? I'm so dicouraged.

    Not trying hard enough?
    Not actually counting calories?
    Not on a low enough deficit?
    Just because you can fit 150 calories more into your day doesn't mean you have to.

    Really you just started so can't expect instant results, it's like deciding to try harder at work for a raise and after a week your boss still hasn't given you a raise and your upset about it... like you expected him/her to notice right away and she/he would reward you...Guess you need to try hard for that raise! ;)

    Well that was encouraging and helpful. Thanks for grounding me, I was expecting to see 145 on the scale after 6 days. smh

    Sorry that saying your not trying hard enough bothers you and you obviously did expect a change hence why you are posting asking people why you haven't. ~SMH~ Try harder and maybe there will be a change next week.
  • rowdy47879
    rowdy47879 Posts: 9 Member
    I rarely weigh myself on a scale anymore. Especially for women, there are so many things the can effect the fluctuation of weight day to day that I do not think its an accurate measurement for me. And honestly, since I have taken away the stress of the scale my success has been much better! I go by how my clothes feel: are they feeling a little tight? am I able to go down a size?

    Since you are already visiting your doctor for tests talk to them about what you are doing. Based on those test results your doctor may be able to give you some changes that will help you see the results you are looking for. For example: when I went to my doctor and showed her everything I was doing she suggested to me that maybe I was consuming too few calories. Our bodies can be tricky and sometimes when you do not give it enough to run on, you are essentially doing the opposite of what you are intending to. Once we increased my calorie goal the weight started to come off again.

    Like others have suggested and like my mother always says "Rome wasn't built in a day!" A week is not a lot of time in the grand scheme. Focus on how you are feeling and how your clothes are fitting. Eventually you will start to see the results you are seeking!!