How do I workout In this HOT HUMID weather? :(



  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    I am thinking of getting up early and going out for a walk and then in the evening.

    (One bonus of working out at home: I can wear whatever I want...or not...depending on how hot/humid it is.)

  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    Should try living in Phoenix, Arizona. Gotta just get up and do it and drink water.

    Yeah, it's been 100+ with insane humidity lately. Workout inside or at the gym.
  • Alanakrahenbil
    Alanakrahenbil Posts: 811 Member
    I live in Canada too(Vancouver) and I have to workout either in the morning or evening. If I do it at home during the day I leave my ac on.
  • Kayla_Ann_20
    Hi! I live in Georgia. The only way I can beat the heat is to go walking at night (a little dangerous, I know , but I walk at a track next door to my house, so I feel safer) and I get a lot of my cardio by swimming. Also, I get some strength training done at night in an air-conditioned room. The heaviest weights I have are 5 pounds, though. I do my best with what I have!

    Good luck to you!
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    If it is really hot and humid out when I think of exercising in it the first thing that comes to mind is swimming.

    Do you have access to a pool, lake or ocean?
  • CaitySins
    CaitySins Posts: 57 Member
    I don't live in the same climate but we are having very good weather here, and my room (where I exercise, could never do it outside or at a gym at the weight I'm at) is kind of a hot box, it's always the warmest in the house and in summer it's overkill. I've gone for a cheaper temporary option of spriting myself with cold water from a spray bottle (I do work out routines from a PS3 game so in between loading of new work outs I have time to drink and spritz) if I could I would buy a fan and have it pointed at me. You can if you have a big garden always exercise outside but I wouldn't do it in the front and my back yard's tiny so this is what I've been doing in this weather.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    I live in Alabama - I run at 5:30 in the morning when it's light enough to see, I go to the gym after work. Some mornings after 1 mile the sweat is pouring off me like I just got out of the shower. You get used to it, on those days I dial back on the speed.
  • cuckoo_jenibeth
    cuckoo_jenibeth Posts: 1,434 Member
    There are a few of us that are extremely sensitive to heat to the point of required medical intervention. It is not helped by hydration or air conditioning, we can easily overheat in our own homes washing dishes in an air conditioned room!
    For me, it comes down to swimming and water aerobics.
    Good luck finding what works best for you!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Well, last week it was around 35-36 degrees here (95-100 f). How do I work out? With a towel close by, a big bottle of water, and a moisture wicking shirt. My hair is literally soaked after a workout it's unbearable.. but not having that big ice cream or supersizing a meal is even more unbearable.
  • Kymwho
    Kymwho Posts: 183 Member
    I live in Houston, TX the heat & humidity here are INSANE!! However, I must say we've been blessed this summer so far with temps under 100 degrees!! And in the summer heat, I keep my workouts indoors not unless it involves a pool, beach or lake.
  • corbmonster
    corbmonster Posts: 7 Member
    Houston, TX. Last weekend we had 95F / 35C and 90 something % humidity. 89% right now
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Should try living in Phoenix, Arizona. Gotta just get up and do it and drink water.

    I just googled the humidity in Phoenix. It's 13%. Here in NS it's 98% and it's been that way for DAYS. I couldn't sleep in my own bed last night because the sheets were damp and I have to rewash a bunch of clothes that I need to hang to dry because they're still damp from Tuesday night. Needless to say it's hard to breathe when the air is completely saturated like this. Think hiking through a rain forest.

    I remember when I visited the Southwest. It was hot and DRY and not like our sticky climate, at all. Oh, to be there right now...

    PS: Do I sound cranky because of the humidity? Yes. That's because I am. :P

    OP: I can only workout in the gym on days like this. Even a brisk walk is too crazy for me to contemplate.

    we've had 90 something in jersey with humidity above 90.

    early this week was awful... guess what. same thing.

    drink water- strap on ze shoes- and go work out.

    I prefer dawn or dusk- so less direct sun- sucks still but it's better than 1 PM + humidity.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am from the east cost of Canada and yah it's been hot and humid...2 weeks ago there was a humidex got over 42c so that is 107 with the humidex...but our normal temps are in the 80-90's...doesn't stop me..

    I workout about 3-6pm...which includes weights at home (just a fan) or walks/bike outside etc.

    drink lots of water and do it.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Should try living in Phoenix, Arizona. Gotta just get up and do it and drink water.

    I just googled the humidity in Phoenix. It's 13%. Here in NS it's 98% and it's been that way for DAYS. I couldn't sleep in my own bed last night because the sheets were damp and I have to rewash a bunch of clothes that I need to hang to dry because they're still damp from Tuesday night. Needless to say it's hard to breathe when the air is completely saturated like this. Think hiking through a rain forest.

    I remember when I visited the Southwest. It was hot and DRY and not like our sticky climate, at all. Oh, to be there right now...

    PS: Do I sound cranky because of the humidity? Yes. That's because I am. :P

    OP: I can only workout in the gym on days like this. Even a brisk walk is too crazy for me to contemplate.

    Our hot season also happens to be our rainy season. And its should be starting soon. Which means its both ... about to be 115+ with 60-70% humidity. Not to mention just getting in your car to goto the gym can be over 165.

  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Should try living in Phoenix, Arizona. Gotta just get up and do it and drink water.

    I just googled the humidity in Phoenix. It's 13%. Here in NS it's 98% and it's been that way for DAYS. I couldn't sleep in my own bed last night because the sheets were damp and I have to rewash a bunch of clothes that I need to hang to dry because they're still damp from Tuesday night. Needless to say it's hard to breathe when the air is completely saturated like this. Think hiking through a rain forest.

    I remember when I visited the Southwest. It was hot and DRY and not like our sticky climate, at all. Oh, to be there right now...

    PS: Do I sound cranky because of the humidity? Yes. That's because I am. :P

    OP: I can only workout in the gym on days like this. Even a brisk walk is too crazy for me to contemplate.

    Our hot season also happens to be our rainy season. And its should be starting soon. Which means its both ... about to be 115+ with 60-70% humidity. Not to mention just getting in your car to goto the gym can be over 165.


    Ugh. Three words: remote car starter!
  • pierremignon
    pierremignon Posts: 172 Member
    I live in the Philippines, so it's mostly a bajillion degrees everyday here. I workout at home, and I make sure I do them at night time or late afternoon just so I don't get a heat stroke or something. And drink lots of water!
  • Jodsmission
    Jodsmission Posts: 130 Member
    I have to throw the good state of Virginia into this mix. We not only have had the 100 degree heat but 91% humidity. Its like swimming in the air out there.
    The good news is all this humidity makes you retain water so I guess when it cools we will all be much thinner.
    OP drink more water and don't work out in the afternoon.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    my gym seriously needs to fix their AC it is not powerful enough for a room full of sweating people.

    but i go anyway. every ten minutes or so i go stand under the vent while my machine is on pause then i go back and run some more.

    or i go right before sundown so i can walk home in comfort.

    or i skip it and go to the pool and do water jogging

    or i go downtown and walk the skywalks.

    it has been between 95 and 100 degrees this last week and it was like being in an oven... i just fit in whatever i could when i could.
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Middle East represents - Dubai here - 45' to 50' C with humidity between 60 and 85 % for the next couple of months - morning runs or outdoor workout before the sun comes out or else move your outdoor workout to a gym - we go from AC to AC and avoid the outdoors as much as we can!