Food suggestions to put ON weight healthily!


I'm a 27yo female and I struggle to put on weight! (I'm very petite 5ft 1 small frame and 93lbs)

I'm just wondering if anyone can give me some idea's on what to eat (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack ideas) to put weight on healthily as I do eat quite alot of rubbish! (I'm currenty eating between 1900 cals to 2100 cals!)

Thanks all! :)


  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 743 Member
    Wow!! U must Burn lots of calories!!!

    When I dropped weight all together too fast and started looking sickly I would make a protein shake with a whole banana and two scoops of peanut was well over 500 cals of healthy stuff not to mention insane protein amounts!!!..I wAs drinking them twice a day...I'm not a big eater so I needed the liqud cals.

    Good luck and I hope u find what works for u!!!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I can help you!

    Send me

    Waist measurement
    How often you work out.

    I'll come up with a plan for you.

  • kyzxsx
    kyzxsx Posts: 13
    How do you make the protein shakes?

    I don't really burn lots of calories! :O It's only the last week I've started doing exercise ( 30 day shred, fitness dvds) as I want to tone up while I'm putting on weight! I've always liked my food but just don't really put on weight even a few days after giving birth I was back in my old pair o jeans!
    I was taking fortisip extra x3 a day (build up drinks) as I lost nearly a stone when I was on medication (was about 7st down to 6st1) I'm now at 6st9 and want to get to about 7st 5 (I've never been more than 7st 3! and that was when I was 18!)
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    nuts and nut butters are high in calories and good for you.
    adding avacado to recipes
    eating the whole egg if you're an egg white person

    without seeing your normal diet it is difficult to make suggestions that already fit into your diet.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member

    I'm a 27yo female and I struggle to put on weight! (I'm very petite 5ft 1 small frame and 93lbs)

    I'm just wondering if anyone can give me some idea's on what to eat (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack ideas) to put weight on healthily as I do eat quite alot of rubbish! (I'm currenty eating between 1900 cals to 2100 cals!)

    Thanks all! :)

    Hi Kyzxsx, I never had this problem, but I have worked with two ladies that did. No matter how much they ate, they couldn't gain weight. They have gone seen their doctor and was given something to help them gain weight. I would suggest you go see your doctor and see what he or she can do to help you gain weight.
  • I had this problem and it took me 3 YEARS to gain weight back. I'm 5'5" and had dropped from 125 down to 100 pounds within a few months.

    I had protein shakes at least twice daily in the last year and I found that helped me quite a bit. I was able to finally get back to 130 pounds.

    To make a protein shake you will need whey protein (of your choice) and milk (can also be soy milk, etc) put in a blender bottle, shake and enjoy! Good luck!

    ETA: ignore those rude people who suggest you choke down a cheeseburger/sammich, etc....
  • My sister has the exact same problem. It's been such a burden to her for years since everyone assumes she is doing it on purpose. I think it's more painful than dealing with being overweight because people can't understand it and the snide remarks are extremely hurtful. My suggestion is to see a nutritionist. My sister has had to try a variety of things before finding something that worked, and its still a struggle.

    Good luck! :)
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    In case anyone else didn't know about this, it's good to take whey and casein (if you don't have an allergy to them) casein is a slow digesting protein.
  • kyzxsx
    kyzxsx Posts: 13
    I've been doin my food diary for about 2 wks now so can I out it on public so u have an idea?? (may be abit embarrassing!) I do add extra cheese and mayo but dont really add this!

    I have gone back to my docs for more drinks (i was on fortisip extra but that got stopped about August and said they don't really like giving them out now!)
  • memega
    memega Posts: 73
    How do you make the protein shakes?

    10-25% increase from your BMR should do the trick.

    Eat clean. Train smart.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I had this problem and it took me 3 YEARS to gain weight back. I'm 5'5" and had dropped from 125 down to 100 pounds within a few months.

    I had protein shakes at least twice daily in the last year and I found that helped me quite a bit. I was able to finally get back to 130 pounds.

    To make a protein shake you will need whey protein (of your choice) and milk (can also be soy milk, etc) put in a blender bottle, shake and enjoy! Good luck!

    ETA: ignore those rude people who suggest you choke down a cheeseburger/sammich, etc....

    There are also recipes out there to make super yummy smoothies using cottage cheese, however I prefer to use greek yogurt as a thickener, I've also heard that frozen bananas are good for this too (all if you have a blender). Like she said, if you are going to add protein shakes to your diet I would definitely suggest a blender bottle, the first time you use one will blow your mind.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    You seem to be eating enough calories, but you may want to just go ahead and up it a bit seeing as it's still an issue. Keep some trail mix on hand for snacking, add some avocado to your breakfast or lunch sandwich instead of mayo. Also, don't rob Peter to pay Paul, so to speak. I noticed on Saturday that you reserved over 1000 calories for a night out on the town, drinking's great, I have wine every night, but make sure you get your nutrition first and then drink. I'm a big proponent of adding more protein sources (unless you're medically restricted), and therefore think that a whey protein would be a great addition to your diet.
  • I've gained just about 2lb in 2 weeks. My diet is mostly organic, soy-free, gluten-free and very little dairy. I avoid eating anything too processed (though I do make a few prepackaged exceptions). It's a lot of fresh fruit, veggies, nuts, fish, grass-fed beef, eggs, quinoa, raw oats, fruit juices, raw honey, and olive oil.

    Favorite calorie-dense foods:
    Salmon (wild caught)
    Beanitos (black bean chips)
    Pom Wonderful Pomergrante Blueberry
    Raw Orange Juice
    Amport Raw Trail Mix

    I try to get in at least 1000 calories at breakfast and pack at least 700 calories in snacks to take with me to work. For me, it makes it easier getting most of my calories out of the way in the early part of the day.
  • ronakcvr
    ronakcvr Posts: 13 Member
    I am in the same boat. With my new routine, I have gained about 6 pounds in a month following a diet and fitness plan.

    In terms of diet, this was i shoot for
    Breakfast: ~ 300-350 calories ( add carnation nutrition plus to milk)
    Lunch: ~ 500-600 Calories ( e,g meat, rice, turkey burger and greek yogurt)
    Snacks: ~ 350 calories from Boots/Ensure Plus drinks, ~ 200-300 calories from Whey protein shake after workout
    Dinner: ~ 600-800 calories
    Post-dinner: ~150-200 calories from weight watchers ice-cream bar, glass of milk

    My daily target is about 2600 calories. Once in while when i dont enough calories eat couple of slices of pizza (enjoy a little). I typically rely on healthy food so that i dont put on fat. Working out keeps me alert and makes me feel good too.

    Hope this helps. Let me know if you need any additional assistance.

    Good luck!
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Breakfast idea:

    Steel cut oats with 1/4 c of walnuts and half a banana.
    2 eggs scrambled
    510 calories

    Lunch - Protein shake
    500 calories

    I have no dinner ideas.
  • linzxxx
    linzxxx Posts: 1
    I'm having a similar problem... 28 now but lost a fair but if weight now down to 7 and a half stone when I have always been around 8 and a half. Gone down two dress sizes and feel awful. I have seen a dietician at the hospital and my GP has given me fortisip to have twice daily. Do they work does anyone know?
    I really want to put weight on! I have the secondary problem that I can't have dairy or fatty foods so it's cut a lot of foods out that would have helped with the calories. Has anyone got any suggestions or encouragement? I'm still under eating, love the fitness pal app - tells me I'm eating around 1900 ish calories a day.
    Thanks for any help
    X x x