Running Alone



  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    I want to go before work so that would be like 5am. I think I'll just carry some pepper spray, that would make me feel safe. Guess I've seen too many crime shows :p Thanks everyone.

    3am - 7am has the lowest amount of crime. Most of those guys are asleep during those hours. Your biggest concern is traffic. Just make sure you wear something that lets drivers know you're there if you're on the road.
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear... And when it is gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear is gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” ~ Frank Herbert

    And if you're a woman out alone, a little fear might just keep you alive and intact. :)

    Always be aware of your surroundings and pay attention. If something makes you uncomfortable, believe in your instincts and head for home or call for help.
  • bltrexler
    bltrexler Posts: 180 Member
    My biggest concern are bears in the am. I run with a bell. No worries about crime safety for me. Get pepper spray for piece of mind.
  • IbiH
    IbiH Posts: 250 Member
    I run alone, ipod in tow. I stick to main roads where there is plenty of traffic. The bright clothes work too...... You'll get noticed (my boyfriend remembers seeing me run, way back before we met!!!)
  • sensitivefool
    sensitivefool Posts: 343 Member
    I'm sure criminals prefer sleeping in.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I always make sure I have my cell phone with me and wear my RoadID bracelet (has my name, Hubs contact info, etc). That way in case something happens I can call for help myself or if I'm incapacitated, I can be identified and my Husband can be contacted. I've been running and walking by myself for years and nothing has ever happened but it's best to be prepared just in case.

    While my neighborhood is safe, when I go on long walks, there are a couple areas I go through that are iffy. Also I live off a busy road and have had a few close cars with drivers not paying attention...

    If you go when it's still a bit dark out, make sure you wear bright colors so you're visible.

    My boss used to carry her driver's license and insurance card before he got her RoadID
  • raaachelmarie
    raaachelmarie Posts: 67 Member
    I'm the same way as you, running early in the morning and alone. I go around 5:30, so it's just starting to get light and our neighborhood is pretty small and relatively safe. The only thing that makes me nervous is the people who come by and rifle through the trash. They made a mess in my driveway all for a busted up light after a bathroom paint/remodel, so sometimes I worry that I'm going to encounter them. I carry my phone with me and that makes me feel a little better, I also get less nervous as the sun comes up and my neighbors start to move about.

    If you're really worried about it, I suggest taking the mace advice. Also, if someone is following you, you should turn around, make eye contact, get a good look at them and then ask them a question. It could be about the weather or the time, whatever, but once they know you could identify them, you become less of a target.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I want to go before work so that would be like 5am. I think I'll just carry some pepper spray, that would make me feel safe. Guess I've seen too many crime shows :p Thanks everyone.

    3am - 7am has the lowest amount of crime. Most of those guys are asleep during those hours. Your biggest concern is traffic. Just make sure you wear something that lets drivers know you're there if you're on the road.

    That's good to now. Makes sense too.
  • MarshallLuke
    MarshallLuke Posts: 177 Member
    If you are that scared you know what else is a good workout? Martial arts classes.
    Seriously, they work your whole body and, a while after beginning them, you won't worry about out running by yourself.
    However, if that's not your thing, allow me to offer you this caution about mace. Have you ever been sprayed in the face with mace? Well, there is a chance that if you use it on someone there will be some blow-back and you will be macing yourself as well as your attacker. It burns like the ****ens and causes temporary blindness, which is just what you want for your attacker, but not so much for yourself. Also, most typical maces they sell in stores are really not that strong. Like, with a direct shot, you might just manage to stop an attacker for a few seconds before he regains his senses. So, if you have a friend who is a police officer, corrections officer, or military, get spray from them. That stuff will stop a bear dead in its tracks! (No, actually it won't stop a bear. Don't spray bears with pepper spray. You will most definitely be mauled).
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I live in an area that has some pretty serious gang activity and lots of homeless folks though I've never been bothered. But I do run off road and so carry my cell phone, a tazer and a whistle.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I jog/walk alone all the time and have never had a problem. Stick to well-lit areas if it's dark. Don't go trail running alone (stay where you're in view of houses or busy streets).
  • MarshallLuke
    MarshallLuke Posts: 177 Member
    Hey, I just found something out. See the stars in my former comment? Yeah, apparently you aren't allowed to post the last name of "Great Expectations" author Charles (last name will be starred out) on this website. Go figure.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    I run alone some mornings. I carry pepper spray and my phone. I downloaded an app called RoadID that will let someone (who you set up) know where you are and if you stop moving for 5 mins. I have it set to text my husband if anything happens.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reports that 6 in 10 rape or sexual assault victims said that they were assaulted by an intimate partner, relative, friend or acquaintance. A study of sexual victimization of college women showed that 9 out of 10 victims knew the person who sexually victimized them.

    Ladies. Stay away from people you know. You're safer outside running. Get started.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    If you are that scared you know what else is a good workout? Martial arts classes.
    Seriously, they work your whole body and, a while after beginning them, you won't worry about out running by yourself.
    However, if that's not your thing, allow me to offer you this caution about mace. Have you ever been sprayed in the face with mace? Well, there is a chance that if you use it on someone there will be some blow-back and you will be macing yourself as well as your attacker. It burns like the ****ens and causes temporary blindness, which is just what you want for your attacker, but not so much for yourself. Also, most typical maces they sell in stores are really not that strong. Like, with a direct shot, you might just manage to stop an attacker for a few seconds before he regains his senses. So, if you have a friend who is a police officer, corrections officer, or military, get spray from them. That stuff will stop a bear dead in its tracks! (No, actually it won't stop a bear. Don't spray bears with pepper spray. You will most definitely be mauled).

    II watched a demonstration years ago when pepper spray first came out. Live bear, live human, pepper spray. Bear was dropped in his tracks by one spray to the face. I felt bad for the bear, actually.
  • MrsBB521
    MrsBB521 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm going to download the Road ID app. Thanks everyone for the great suggestions!
  • i love running alone i feel much more comfortable that way
  • MarshallLuke
    MarshallLuke Posts: 177 Member
    II watched a demonstration years ago when pepper spray first came out. Live bear, live human, pepper spray. Bear was dropped in his tracks by one spray to the face. I felt bad for the bear, actually.

    That must have been some serious grade pepper spray! Was it for the public to purchase or just cops/military/etc?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    II watched a demonstration years ago when pepper spray first came out. Live bear, live human, pepper spray. Bear was dropped in his tracks by one spray to the face. I felt bad for the bear, actually.

    That must have been some serious grade pepper spray! Was it for the public to purchase or just cops/military/etc?

    Public purchase.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Not related to potential victimization, I wear a road id and, if I ever run when it's somewhat dark (which I almost never do), I make sure I am very visible with plenty of bright colors and reflective materials. I also always run with my phone because it makes me feel safer to know I can call someone if I need to. I highly recommend all of those practices.
    All of this^^

    Plus, I live in a small community on the outskirts of a big city and I always run alone in my neighborhood. I almost always run early in the morning after it gets light or in the afternoon after work before it gets dark. There are no street lights in my neighborhood and lots of things to trip over. Mainly, I do this because that's the time when there are the most people driving through my neighborhood either heading to, or coming home from, work or school. I probably have more to fear from coyotes, javelina or a loose dog causing me problems than being attacked by a person but my father teaches karate and self-defense so I grew up being very aware, and wary, of what's going on around me.

    In addition to having your phone and a way to defend yourself, be wary of wearing your hair in a ponytail. It gives a potential attacker something to grab you by that's very difficult to get him to release. I always wear a hat with my hair tucked inside or a Bondi band instead.