anyone else from mid-mo wanting to say "bye" to 100lbs?

Hey everyone! This is my second attempt at weight loss. My first attempt I lost about 50 pounds(yay! Go me!) But then stopped watching what I was eating and gained back 15 pounds. I want to say goodbye to over 100 pounds forever but I need motivation to do so. Anyone else in a similar boat?


  • rkeatings
    rkeatings Posts: 78 Member
    Hi I have fought with my weight my whole life, I am wanting to loose about 140 pounds myself.
  • jet32
    jet32 Posts: 11 Member
    I also need to lose 100 pounds, probably more like 130 but I am aiming for 100 first. I have lost 11 pounds since setting this goal on June 10 so Im doing ok so far! Feel free to add me!
  • ALittleHazey
    I've been obese my entire life, this year i decided to go back to school, and to try to get in shape first.

    Last time i walked through the doors to a school i was +/- 300lbs at 5'11".
    Right now im at 228, hoping to drop another 15 by sept, and get to my goal weight of 180 by new years.
    (at which point i may need to adjust my goals for more weight loss, no idea what my LBM is)

    Ive learned from previous attempts portion control doesn't work well for me, ive been much more successful eating 2 large but healthy meals, than 3-6 smaller ones. I weight train every other day, and recently bought an elliptical for the off days.

    On the days that i lift i replace one meal with a shake containing a rounded scoop milk chocolate ON whey protein, 400ml skim milk, 1 tbsp peanut butter, some flax seed, a banana and some ice. (way better than a chocolate milkshake)
  • sheddingmyskin99
    Hi :)
    I am in the that same boat. You can do it. Just believe in yourself and all things are possible. I found to curb my hunger I am eating egg whites every morning. I also found for snacks I can have celery with either humus or peanut butter as well as carrots or shredded cabbage with either a vinaigrette or tzaki. Coffee is an amazing appetite suppressant. I force myself to take the stairs (i used to take the elevator) and I work out every morning versus evening as I find Its easier to stick to as work/like doesn't get in the way if I knock out my work outs first thing. I work 7 days a week So i will be ordering nutra system to help me out but while I wait I am eating as healthy as I can (I have 240 pounds to loose and have been fat and thing so many times). You can do it, just start small and work your way up. No matter what obstacles you face remember you are doing this for you. I think my boiling point was when I was out with my bf at a steak house and two mean hostesses began to make fun of me. Then I saw our picture that we took together while visiting the coors brewery and was horrified at how how I looked. In addition I can't fit in the seats I want. I have to pay a grand more because I can't fit in regular air plane seats. I tremble in fear when I go to the movies because I am scared I won't fit. I haven't been to a single concert because the seats at the pepsi center are to tiny for me. I want a higher quality of life. At first I wanted to loose weight to fit societies standards. Now I want to loose weight because I Want a higher quality of life. And I am tired of being unable to do fun things because I either can't fit in the seats or I am too embarrassed to go.

    Just keep up the good work, Even if its your second or third or 20th time around, your trying and that is all that matters! Never give up.