
Ladyrushell Posts: 20
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I am having trouble keeping my sugar consumtion low. Can I please have some tips on what to eat that has low to no sugar?


  • I've started just "pretending" I'm a diabetic. If I drink soda (which I try not to but sometimes I just gotta), I make sure it's diet. Use a sugar substitute where you would normally use sugar. I make gallon jugs of tea every day and use Splenda instead of sugar. If something with sugar passes my nose, I just turn the other way. If I absolutely think I need to eat a cookie, I'll eat a small one, or half of one. Sugar's not the enemy - just turns into one if consumed in excess (I'm still convincing myself of this one too)
  • Thanks that really helps, I will try it! :)
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    Try to have more veggies than fruit each day. Juice is extremely high in sugar. Try drinking plain water and adding sliced lemon for flavor. You're better off just having a piece of fruit instead of the juice. Try not to have sodas. Stay away from the obvious sugary foods like cookies, candy, etc. Consider using a 0 calorie sweetener lie Truvia, Stevia, or Splenda.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    just check the nutrition facts! if it has too much leave it! fruit is ok because its natural sugar its those added sugars that are bad.
  • just check the nutrition facts! if it has too much leave it! fruit is ok because its natural sugar its those added sugars that are bad.

    This is true. Natural sugar like honey, agave or truvia (stevia) is the best. Any processed sugars and artificial sweeteners will make you crave more sugar. As suggested in the thread, fresh fruit will be your friend. In addition to being high in sugars, juices don't have the fiber fresh fruit have, so you should opt for the fruit instead of juice.
  • I try to plan out what I will enter into my diary for foods. I have it spread out into 6 meals. Sweets don't get planned in my diary unless I plan to eat it. If I fail to plan, I plan to fail.
  • jimrogers
    jimrogers Posts: 23 Member
    It seems like everyday my sugar consumption is over too. I had the same question as you.

    I'm cutting back here and there, but I'm not worrying too much about it because my total calories for the day ( and fat) are within limits. And besides, I'm eating healthier than ever so I know I'm on the right track.

    As time goes on - I'm slowly learning what to do about each category and making those changes. This is an ongoing process.

    Baby steps. : )
  • I am also trying to keep my sugar low. I guess the main thing is read the label of the product you are getting.Look at how much sugar it has in it and compare it with another food item. There are food products that have low sugar or no sugar(oatmeal, 100% fruit preserves, etc).
  • jlsironen
    jlsironen Posts: 39 Member
    Yep always read the label. And remember if you don't buy it, it can't hurt you!

    Cold cinnamon apple sauce has saved me a few times, it still has sugar but not nearly as much as a candy bar or brownie.
    You also want to look at the carbs. Each meal should have carbs but make sure they're from "real" food and not processed. Good carbs like your fruits, veggies, beans, things like that. Try to avoid crackers, chips and candy, 'whole wheat' doesn't mean a thing, it usually has the same sugar/carb rates as white bread. The high fiber breads are actually a lot better for you, just have to watch it.

    And whoever posted about diet sodas was right on! Don't even buy the "leaded" kind, I know I don't like diet coke but the caffeine free diet coke tastes a LOT like the regular so I go for that.

    Just by being aware of it I'm sure you're doing a lot better! :)
  • Great info! I was shocked to find out I had already double my sugar requirement by lunch today!! I had Kashi Go Lean Crunch with 1% milk for breakfast and a Protein Shake (with 1 % milk) for late morning snack after workout! I never knew 1c of milk had 12g of sugar in it!! And the Kashi cereal was right there with it!!! I'm new to this plan and will certainly be reading all labels before consuming!!!
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    Timely topic for me, as I noticed I have been over my sugar goal every day for the last week. Despite not having had a soda, too. That 1/4 cup of raisins nearly puts me to my goal all by itself. I'm drinking light OJ (only 10g of sugar, so not too bad), but even a serving of baby carrots has 5g of sugar. The 1% chocolate milk has 30g, too. I had no idea.

    I'm doing really well on most everything else, and my sugar consumption has to be down massively relative to what I was consuming before (at least 2-4 sodas a day, easily). So I'm not worrying about going over that much as long as I'm keeping it down and not overdoing it every day.
  • Timely topic for me, as I noticed I have been over my sugar goal every day for the last week. Despite not having had a soda, too. That 1/4 cup of raisins nearly puts me to my goal all by itself. I'm drinking light OJ (only 10g of sugar, so not too bad), but even a serving of baby carrots has 5g of sugar. The 1% chocolate milk has 30g, too. I had no idea.

    I'm doing really well on most everything else, and my sugar consumption has to be down massively relative to what I was consuming before (at least 2-4 sodas a day, easily). So I'm not worrying about going over that much as long as I'm keeping it down and not overdoing it every day.

    That is the exact same problem I was having, thanks! Now I don't feel so bad.
  • dogsdogs
    dogsdogs Posts: 10 Member
    Hi - Be careful with the zero fat items, in most cases they replace the fat with lots of sugar. I like adding spices to my oatmeal and splenda.
  • Sugar will make your blood sugars spike and you will drop quickly, hence the craving.

    Firstly, apply everyone else's suggestions to cut back. Try weaning yourself down.

    It is important to have regular meals and snacks spaced so your blood sugars don't plunge, making you vulnerable to a pig out.

    Get some complex carbs into your diet. Fruit and vegis, wholewheat, grains, legumes., oatmeal... The complex carbs release more slowly,avoiding the drop in blood sugar.

    If you are really hooked on sugar, factor in peach, cherries, plum, some really nice, sweet fruit for the sweet taste. Remember summer fruits like melons generally have more sugar. All fruit is not equal on the sugar front.

    Drink water. If you think you are hungry or craving, drink water first to see that your not dehydrated and mixing hunger and thirst cues
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