Find it hard to reach suggested calorie intake.

I am trying to lose a little weight before cycling season hits again for me (too hot right now in Salt Lake), but I find it hard to reach my caloric goal set by MFP. I eat when I am hungry and some days I can be 1200 calories BELOW the suggested intake... Is this bad?


  • LadyIntrepid2
    LadyIntrepid2 Posts: 1 Member
    Ummm... so how did you gain the weight in the first place?
  • Arylea
    Arylea Posts: 7 Member
    Not a trained expert or anything, but from what I understand, too few calories and your body goes into starvation mode. So, when you do eat more calories, or splurge a bit one day, it tries to hold onto those calories in any form possible, and so gaining some weight. Your body does need enough protein, fat, and carbs to keep going. I find avocados are a great source of good fats, have a bunch of calories, and help to meet the daily goal. maybe smeared on toast in the morning, or sliced and mixed with diced tomatoes served as a dip or snack. Every little thing helps.
  • If you're 1200 below on some days, then are you significantly higher on other days? Do you know what your average daily intake is, judging from a week or two of your numbers?

    If you give me a little bit more information, I'd be happy to help you out and offer some advice.
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    Not a trained expert or anything, but from what I understand, too few calories and your body goes into starvation mode. So, when you do eat more calories, or splurge a bit one day, it tries to hold onto those calories in any form possible, and so gaining some weight. Your body does need enough protein, fat, and carbs to keep going. I find avocados are a great source of good fats, have a bunch of calories, and help to meet the daily goal. maybe smeared on toast in the morning, or sliced and mixed with diced tomatoes served as a dip or snack. Every little thing helps.

    Starvation mode is generally considered a myth. If you seriously undereat, it can cause issues since as muscle loss, hair loss, etc. but that's to the extreme.

    We need a little more info here. What is the suggested caloric goal? Also, LadyIntrepid2 did kind of have a good point. How did you gain weight with a such a small appetite? Not to be personal or anything, I just want to make sure this isn't turning into an eating disorder.
  • In reply to you and Justin, the goal is 1990 calories/day. I usually can hit about 1200+ eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner but after working out (usually biking) I lose about 300 of those calories putting me at 900ish.

    Weight gain happened some number of years ago where I would eat fast food at lunch, and snack frequently; new schedule where I am not out at lunch but rather home and make myself something.

  • nicailyzee
    nicailyzee Posts: 183 Member
    I agree with adding small healthy things that increase protein and calories. Eating only when you are hungry is great but it can really screw with you if you are under eating. Try adding the extra calories when you are hungry not trying to add extra meals/snacks. Sit down and plan a menu or seek the advice of Justin. If you can only eat three times per day because you don't like snacking make sure you add the extra nutrition during those times so you are not eating when not hungry. Maybe try drinking less at your meals so you wont be as full and will be able to take in all your food. I am no expert but I wish you the best!
  • I also have a hard time eating all the calories,I am eating when I am hungry. This is making me look at the calories of what I choose to eat. I gained weight by eating anything on the go and a bit too much wine at night.
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    Are you sure you are only eating 1200 calories? If you are getting full, perhaps you are eating more than you think. I think pretty much everyone on this forum will agree that it's easy to underestimate the calories you are eating (who eats a 1/4 cup of ice cream? Really?). You might not have much in there but it would be great to see your diary. Some foods are easier to under measure than others.
  • Ummm... so how did you gain the weight in the first place?

    I have never understood this either. I have seen lots of post like this with people having a hard time eating 1,200 yet are overweight/obese. How is that possible? Is it the diet change? the fact that they are focusing on intake? Confuses me.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Ummm... so how did you gain the weight in the first place?

    I have never understood this either. I have seen lots of post like this with people having a hard time eating 1,200 yet are overweight/obese. How is that possible? Is it the diet change? the fact that they are focusing on intake? Confuses me.

    I was curious too one I did an experiment. For 3 days I ate at 1200 calories. I met my macro goals and honestly wasn't hungry...until the fourth day...then I said...forget this experiement.

    For those three days I really had to focus on what foods I they fit in to the macros...cut back on starches...etc...etc...

    While not starving I at no time felt no time did I every feel as if I couldn't eat another bite.

    I also didn't have as much energy as I do eating at around 1400-1650 calorie range.

    I think the difference between me and the OP...he is an 18 y/o male...I am a 62 y/0 female. I would think there would be a significant difference in our BMRs. more need it at your age and for keeping up your activity level.
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    You're not a 110 lb woman. 1800 is your minimum unless you're not really competitive when it comes to cycling (or a really short guy in which case it could be 1600). 1200 calories is going to tank any fitness gains you hope to achieve, not to mention your testosterone levels.

    Find more places to fit in healthy fats and proteins. I can't imagine you getting much of either on 1200 calories. If 1990 is your goal, look up 2000 calorie diets on google for ideas.
  • Its called adaptation... Its possible for a person to rapidly store fat to adapt to deficits in food energy supply..The calorie
    [ of ] the food is not the same as the food energy [ in ]the food. Also one other massive overlooked component of CICO is that hormones are regulators with threshold.. unique to each person.

    Once threshold is triggered calories has zero means of accurately quantifying its end users. The person using CICO is forced to through darts at a moving target hoping maybe that an alignment of hormones and its counting yard stick line up....

    CICO is glitchy in over 50 different way..The antidote for a body unbecoming under these conditions lies in using the one thing that repairs the functionality of CICO...and that is to turn your focus away from calories to a hormone known as the Lipolytic Enzyme..its the only hormone agent that understands unwanted body fat, the only hormone agent that can transmit information back and forth to unwanted body fat, and the only hormone of the body that has the authority to deweaponize and command unwanted body fat to stand down..

    Its This hormone that a learning relationship with the body has to be in place to undo hwats been triggered. That learning relationship has first help these enzymes make new ones, of the new ones they have to find transport into the system..Once they are transported they have to repopulate in great numbers to match or be a larger fighting force than the fat cells own force field system.

    Until that happens..all kinds of adaptions of protecting host occurs..No exogenous anything bypasses this labyryth of hormone espionage.. It has answers fro all the GODlike thinks you try to do to over through and manage the system your self...

    Billions of people have tried, studies have been performed, no has yet been able to trick, treat of triumph over a system so sophisticated in its anatomical communications force field system that it drives people to do acts of insanity .

    By applying the same things over and over and over and over thinking that some how .. one day, one moment, of one minute, of one milestone it will be some how with a rabbits foot tucked under their sleeve and with more valiant effort of discipline applied to their will power with one more precise recounting, that a miarcle of all miracles unwanted bodyfat will at last just leave..

    Well my money has been on mother nature..and her ability to adapt..If you would like this same ability and get to know hwats needed to deweaponize unwanted body fat, communicate with your hormones by equiping your self with an access key to the dash board of your metabolism all the while improving the functionality of CICO

    Stay Tuned - Breaking Bad A No More HUNGER GAMES Guide for Getting Back to Bodacious- Fit, Firm, and for Good
    will offer a more contemporary way of dealing with unwanted body fat that is self validating, self verifying and self authenticating.. will be available for all to use as their weight loss safety net - open sourced- and will finally help make headway over the stumbling blocks so many millions like your self fall prey to

    A learning relationship with your body will be at your finger tips.
    Dances with Wow helps achievers and over achievers forge life force through fitness
    Ummm... so how did you gain the weight in the first place?

    have never understood this either. I have seen lots of post like this with people having a hard time eating 1,200 yet are overweight/obese. How is that possible? Is it the diet change? the fact that they are focusing on intake? Confuses me.
  • Tora32
    Tora32 Posts: 33 Member
    Ummm... so how did you gain the weight in the first place?

    I have never understood this either. I have seen lots of post like this with people having a hard time eating 1,200 yet are overweight/obese. How is that possible? Is it the diet change? the fact that they are focusing on intake? Confuses me.

    I'm not one of those who's created a thread or anything (1200's easy enough for me though I'm shooting higher), but personally, I got most of the weight in less than a year (recently going off certain medication probably helped speed things up in my case), and somehow maintained it via a lot of unhealthy/sugary binge snacking. Once I cut that out, I was surprised to realize I normally don't eat enough throughout the day, so my time on mfp's actually been a case of learning how to eat enough without resorting to the binging that got me here in the first place.

    OP, one thing that's helped is to look at what nutrients you need more of, and start adding foods that are rich in those. Like for me, I need to be getting more healthy fats, so I've been incorporating things like nuts and avocados into my diet, which have a nice bonus of also being rich in calories. Some fruits like bananas can also add a nice chunk of calories, and you can also do things like use cooking oil or sauces to bulk up your meals a bit. If you cook at all, maybe try experimenting with some new recipes. :)
  • TurtleTape
    TurtleTape Posts: 254 Member
    When you first start, it can be hard, especially if you're attempting to completely change your diet to include mostly veggies and a chicken breast. In that case, adding some olive oil is a good idea, but learning to incorporate other high-calorie foods is the best option because it results in less binging. I know when I originally started on here I tried to eat mostly veggies and chicken, and some days it was very difficult to meet my calorie goal. A chicken breast, bell pepper, squash, and onion is relatively few calories but seriously fills you up.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    peanut butter