

I have been using mfp for about two years and have lost about 3stone but have gained about a stone again so need some help keeping on track as I've hit the wall. So if there is anyone out there that would like to add me to help keep each other motivated I'd really like that. Are there any little groups of people that weigh in on a certain day and share there success/frustrations?
I am 28 5'2 and weigh a horrid 210lbs. My goal weight is 140lb. Before I had my son I weighed 335lb so although I've done good I NEED to do more especially now it a creeping back on. Thanks for reading.



  • LanaC1210
    LanaC1210 Posts: 37
    Hi! And welcome! I love your name by the way! I hope you stay motivated during your journey! :)
  • suzannegray60
    suzannegray60 Posts: 19 Member
    I am 54 yrs old and 5'3 and weigh 166 now. I have been here before and didn't stay in touch due to alot of medical problems and now have recently been diagnosed with prediabetes, my doctor wants to handle it first with diet and exercise. I also have to lose 20 to 40 pounds. So here I am back! :bigsmile: