.new here and heard good things about it

Hi there. I am 59, 5"3" and have 85 lbs. to loose. :( I have never been a normal weight (except maybe when born!), and hope that I can finally do this for me! I have grown up in a family culture of food being there for everything, good, bad, nervous, lonely, happy, etc. You get the point. The problem now is "the family" feels I am foolish for even trying, especially at my age! I work 40 -50 hours per week and sometimes more. Exercise - what is that? I have made a commitment to 3x - 30 min per week to start. Would love some friends!


  • PS0725
    PS0725 Posts: 1
    Hope for the best on your weight loss!
  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    Hello! Feel free to add me. I'm 5'1 225.5 pounds and have 95 pounds to lose. I have been on for 7 months and lost 50 pounds.
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    Hi nice to meet you! This is a wonderful site and has so much great info. :) I work a lot for you but finally made time for me and found time to work out :) You can do this! :) Best of luck on your journey :)
  • bertypr
    bertypr Posts: 4 Member
    Is the only diet that works for me.
  • bertypr
    bertypr Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck and never give up. You can do it.
  • HappyTrails7
    HappyTrails7 Posts: 878 Member
    Welcome to MFP! :smile:

    Tracking the amount of food I eat has been a big eye opener for me.

    There is also a lot of good advice in the forums and great inspirational stories.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I am older than you are, and when I was 59 I started my journey to take off 25 pounds that did a stealth attack on my body over several years. I have been very successful. I rejoined my Jazzercise class took off about 18 pounds in the first 9 months, then got stuck in a weight plateau, that lasted for over a year, joined MFP, and figured out what I was doing wrong, now just have 5 pounds to go.

    And I feel great, and decades younger, and I look younger too. So don't let anyone discourage you from kicking the battle of the bulge in the rear. YOU CAN do this.

    MFP makes it simple, no crazy diets, in fact no diet at all. I have eliminated the word diet from my vocabulary. It's just calories in versus calories out, or simply eat less, move more. If you don't have the time to work out put sedentary on your MFP profile so your calories are estimated correctly. Then if you can, start walking more.

  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,426 Member
    You can do it.
    Good luck to you.
  • thin4me59
    thin4me59 Posts: 73
    Thanks for all the great replies! I like getting rid of the word diet and thinking calories in and calories out! Here's to all of us1