
I've decided to give the Insanity Workout a try since I have been unable to access the gym due to my work hours.

I was just curious as to if anyone had tried it, what their experience was and what the end result was. I am currently on day 3 and I'm having a difficult time pushing through the workouts because I am so sore.

Thank in advance guys!


  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Insanity is a tough program for sure. You will be sore, but eventually get over it. I have done two rounds of it. over the past couple years. I could not make it through the workouts at first. So, I tried to beat the first people in the cast to drop out, then the next one and so on. Eventually I made it through the whole workouts, then I started month two. That was a reality check for sure.

    I did not have any knee problems, but occasionally the forefoot of my feet would hurt. But, that may have been due to my sneakers getting old. I ended up losing about 10 lbs each time, but I probably slacked with my nutrition.
  • I also started Insanity this week (after running every day the week prior) and my calves were already sore going into it. I made it through Day 3, but postponed Day 4 due to the pain in my calves. I was feeling very upset that I couldn't do the workout because of how sore I was, but I erred on the side of caution and took a day off. I feel much better today and will restart at Day 4. I decided not to feel guilty about it; I needed the break!
  • inthekitch
    inthekitch Posts: 26
    Insanity is a tough program for sure. You will be sore, but eventually get over it. I have done two rounds of it. over the past couple years. I could not make it through the workouts at first. So, I tried to beat the first people in the cast to drop out, then the next one and so on. Eventually I made it through the whole workouts, then I started month two. That was a reality check for sure.

    I did not have any knee problems, but occasionally the forefoot of my feet would hurt. But, that may have been due to my sneakers getting old. I ended up losing about 10 lbs each time, but I probably slacked with my nutrition.

    That's awesome!

    I can relate to having a difficult time getting through the workouts though.. There are a lot of the exercises that I can't do yet so I just run around and keep moving to make up for it or adapt it so I can do it without injuring myself.

    Thanks for the info!
  • inthekitch
    inthekitch Posts: 26
    I also started Insanity this week (after running every day the week prior) and my calves were already sore going into it. I made it through Day 3, but postponed Day 4 due to the pain in my calves. I was feeling very upset that I couldn't do the workout because of how sore I was, but I erred on the side of caution and took a day off. I feel much better today and will restart at Day 4. I decided not to feel guilty about it; I needed the break!

    That's awesome! I sort of cheat everyday before I start the workout and watch parts of the video to see how it's going to be/make note of the halfway points, etc.

    I was pleasantly surprised to see the Cardio Recovery video so I'm hoping I am physically able to get out of bed in the morning and give it a shot :)
  • fancyface1955
    fancyface1955 Posts: 90 Member
    I started in in March and went through to April. I lost 10 pounds & only a few inches, but it was enough to get me into my "goal" jeans. It took a week to get use to the first month and I didn't see much results. (you see it more in month 2). recovery week is nice in between, but i felt it was too nice so month 2 was a challenge. you will feel a little sore so rest when u need to. there were times when I switched discs around due to being sore or tired. (if I had pure cardio today and recovery tomorrow I might switch them just to stay with it so my body could handle it.) I finished on May 1st and was so proud of my self for getting through it. Wasn't sure what to do next so I started over again! month 1 was much easier and I had more strength and endurance then I did the first time around. month 2 was still challenging, but it was good. Lost another 6 pounds. Now after 2 rounds I'm doing 30 day shred and I do 2-3 insanity workouts a week just to stay with it. Hope this helps you. good luck with it. :-)
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I also did Insanity. No weight loss but I didn't do to lose, I did it for the challenge. It high intensity. Pure endurance. Stick with it and you will see huge improvement when you take the fit tests.

    good luck
  • inthekitch
    inthekitch Posts: 26
    I started in in March and went through to April. I lost 10 pounds & only a few inches, but it was enough to get me into my "goal" jeans. It took a week to get use to the first month and I didn't see much results. (you see it more in month 2). recovery week is nice in between, but i felt it was too nice so month 2 was a challenge. you will feel a little sore so rest when u need to. there were times when I switched discs around due to being sore or tired. (if I had pure cardio today and recovery tomorrow I might switch them just to stay with it so my body could handle it.) I finished on May 1st and was so proud of my self for getting through it. Wasn't sure what to do next so I started over again! month 1 was much easier and I had more strength and endurance then I did the first time around. month 2 was still challenging, but it was good. Lost another 6 pounds. Now after 2 rounds I'm doing 30 day shred and I do 2-3 insanity workouts a week just to stay with it. Hope this helps you. good luck with it. :-)

    Thank you! What's the 30 Day Shred like?!
  • aaronlassen
    aaronlassen Posts: 1 Member
    Oh yeah, Insanity is tough but it is awesome! I have done 2 full rounds and I liked it but I like weights and such more haha. The trick is to just STICK WITH IT! It is HARD and you will probably want to quit and throw things at your TV and Shaun T but just give it all you got!
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 397 Member
    I'm actually in the middle of Insanity right now :) I start Month 2 on Monday!

    I didn't see massive results from Month 1, but I know I've gotten stronger. I couldn't make it through the warmup without needing breaks, and by the end of the first month I could go through the entire warmup without stopping for water :)

    If you want extra support, feel free to friend me!
  • tulljackie
    tulljackie Posts: 9 Member
    I'm actually in the middle of Insanity right now :) I start Month 2 on Monday!

    I didn't see massive results from Month 1, but I know I've gotten stronger. I couldn't make it through the warmup without needing breaks, and by the end of the first month I could go through the entire warmup without stopping for water :)

    If you want extra support, feel free to friend me!

    I start month 2 on Wednesday! I'm pretty nervous about it! I'm the same way where I haven't lost much in month 1 but there is some noticeable differences when I look in the mirror. I definitely feel much stronger than when I first started! I hear month 2 is where the weight falls off so we will see!
  • dezwark
    dezwark Posts: 144 Member
    I am almost done with week 2 myself. week 1 was brutal and I was so sore. I finally can walk again lol. My shoulders still get sore with the pushups but i am glad. i need them to get strong so i can bust out them pushups even more. i still feel sore where i need to but not near as bad as the first week. i have seen some results. just make sure you are keeping your core tight and pushing through :)
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I did the program Jan/Feb 2013. I thought it was great. Some of my best run times were after I'd finished (and I haven't been able to beat them since :grumble: ) So I greatly improved my cardio and was able to do more pushups (yay!) And the best part is that I still have it, so I can throw a disc in when I don't want to go to the gym.

    HOWEVER I didn't really change my eating habits, so I didn't lose any weight. I was eating relatively healthy, but to be honest, didn't really read the nutriton information it comes with. If you want really good results, you will have to be really spot-on with your eating!

    Also, I had never flipped off my TV before doing Insanity. There were a lot of "F*** you, Shaun T"'s thrown around my living room. :laugh: