Too much?

Hi guys,

I weigh in at 125kg, 183cm tall and am considered obese on the BMI chart. So I'm not the fittest person out there, but I joined a gym recently and have been going every day for around 45 mins of cardio on the treadmill.

Last night (Thursday) I did a 1hr Pump class (Strength and Cardio class - mostly weights and moving around) burning around 600cal then straight after a 1hr balance class (yoga, pilates combined, a lot harder for me as I am substantially overweight) burning around 340cal, and also 30mins of brisk walking on the treadmill.

Today my entire body is sore from head to toe but I feel good. If I was to keep doing this kind of exercise every day would my body be able to take it? Or is 1 hour of cardio a day for weight loss a better idea until my body has transformed into better shape? I'm just not sure what impact this can have on my joints, if any.

NOTE: I am also eating a healthy 1500cal /day diet with lots of proteins and good carbs.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :) x


  • motal003
    motal003 Posts: 28
    Every day, your body is going to feel better and better and exercise will give you more energy. Just stay consistent. Good luck.
  • Thank you. I just don't know if I'm doing too much at the moment.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    You won't last long on that intake level. IF the numbers you provide are correct you're netting under 600 calories (1500 eaten - 600 for one workout - 340 for the other). MFP is based on NEAT calories and expects you to eat back your exercise calories to maintain your provided net caloric intake goal.

    Using TDEE from Scooby's ( set at maintenance - 25% (its most aggressive setting) results in guidance to eat over 2400 calories per day to support 3-5 hours of moderate exercise per week.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Every single day? Your body might be able to manage it, but can your brain? It's a long workout (to me, anyway, lol) and doing it every single day with no break might end up being a mental drain. You might be burned out and feel like skipping a day...but since you've made a commitment you might end up feeling like you've been 'bad' and then feel like giving up altogether. Overdoing it can lead to feeling overwhelmed. It's a good idea, both physically and mentally, to have a break. Maybe do that routine 4 or 5 days a week, and let yourself rest on the other days? Or use those days for a brisk walk?

    Of course, if you love it and feel inspired by it, go for it!
  • Thanks guys!

    I'll probably go to those classes every 2 - 3 days, the other days just an hour or so of cardio. did some research and found that it's not good to do that much exercise daily especially if you're just starting.
  • twopeas2
    twopeas2 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm 103kg, 6 months into exercising and I love pump and body balance :) My week is made up of a variety of things..... eg

    Monday- Pump 1hr
    Tuesday-Pump express (1/2hr), 30 mins outdoor tempo run and body balance ex (1/2hr) which is done one after the other.
    Wednesday-Rest day
    Thursday- 6-8km walk (up to 90mins) or interval run for 60 mins, Pump express (1/2hr)
    Friday-Rest day
    Saturday- Rest day (only if doing long run on Sunday, otherwise Pump 60mins)
    Sunday-13km to 15km run (up to 2hrs)

    That is an example, but I make sure to have 2-3 rest days a week because that is what works best for my body. I do my long run every 10-14 days, because that is what currently works best for my body. I usually try and fit in another express balance session somewhere if I can :)
  • twopeas2
    twopeas2 Posts: 81 Member
    Oh and to keep up with my exercise I eat back most of my exercise cals (I'm on 1700 per day at the moment). If I don't eat at least some of them back, it ain't pretty lol
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Thanks guys!

    I'll probably go to those classes every 2 - 3 days, the other days just an hour or so of cardio. did some research and found that it's not good to do that much exercise daily especially if you're just starting.

    You started with a double edged issue by jumping into a lot of exercise without a sufficient buildup and not properly fueling that activity. It is not wise, but you can get away with one or the other issue for a short while before it catches up to you. Both at the same time is a recipe for disaster.

    As you move forward keep track of what you're doing ... intake and burns. You can lose weight while maintaining a large enough caloric intake to provide your body with the required nutrition and fuel your exercise but it requires balancing things. MFP gives you a net caloric goal for each day ... TDEE calculators include your exercise level in their calorie goals .... but eating at/near your provided daily goal is important. Netting under 600 calories is dangerous.