10 to 20 pounds anyone?

theatr3geek Posts: 101
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey guys, I'm looking for support from people who are looking to lose their last 10 to 20 pounds, because I feel like everyone on here has more to lose and I get frustrated with my weight loss because I'm not losing as much at a time because I'm smaller. I'm 118 pounds and looking to get down to 100.(I'm very petite so this is still healthy)

Anyone out there?


  • Yes, I'm on the last 10 & it's the hardest for sure!!
  • OMG do i ever feel your pain yeah some one to whine too!! lol of course most people say i should be glad and don't get me wrong i am but i mean i started something and i aim to finish..............
  • karaokeqt
    karaokeqt Posts: 16 Member
    I had lost 80 and then gained about 15 back...I am looking to lose 15-20 and I can not believe how much harder this is. It is hard not to get frustrated when the scale moves only by 0.?...I was used to dropping full pounds. My husband is doing it with me and he loses pounds at a time which makes it even harder. I know it is a slow process and will be worth it in the end..we just have to keep going!
  • kittyb1
    kittyb1 Posts: 42 Member
    The last 10 are the hardest by far. As you get smaller your body needs less fuel to sustain its regular body functions. So you have to become very strict with diet and with exercise. I myself am pretty petite 5'2" and my goal weigh tis 110. When I was your age, this is about where I was at. You are working/studying in a field that can be pretty harsh on young women....is 100 really realistic? Don't push yourself to far and make sure that the calories you are taking in are very nutritional.

  • I agree with you guys! I started at 160 and got to 120 and I continue to lose, but I lose at about a rate of a pound per week and when I still have 18 to lose.. it seems like an eternity away!!
  • katmarsc
    katmarsc Posts: 118 Member
    I loss 50lbs back in 2003, slowly it came back. I find losing these last 20 challenging. I am older, my hormones have changed, my metabolism is slower.. But I have a Goal and I will get there..
  • I'm 135 (5'5, medium frame) and want to lose 20lbs...and yes, they come off damn slow! I seem to be losing inches now that I have a gym membership and use it daily though :) so that is encouraging.

    It does seem to be mainly people with 40+ to lose on here, can be a little lonely but also makes me feel fortunate.

    Do you eat the recommended calories? I'm afraid to lose the last 5-10 I will have to cut back more!
  • well every body so short lol im 5'8 so why is it hard for me lol i guess the same rules apply??? but i knw i have to tight my belt meaning aka i have to drop my skinny cow dessert for a while..............ugh have i not suffer enough weightloss gods?
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member

    Started at 135, CW 131... 1st goal is 120 and that seems far away. Ultimate goal of 116-118 seems lightyears away! I'm only losing about 1lb per week at this point. Which is good but it will be months before I get to where I want to be.
  • 1113cw - you've got my exact starting and goal weights but this is only my fist week on here so i've not weighed in yet, i'm definitely eating a lot less (helps that the christmas period is over) and exercising more, i'm hoping to get to my target weight of 120 by my 33rd birthday end of march....
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    Im about 11lbs away from dream goal of 115, im 5'3....next weigh in soon.....:)
  • I'm down to that! I started off needing 33 lbs to lose - start weight 163 - I'm now down to between 148.2-150.2 that I seem to be stuck at, my goal's 130 - a lot of people tell me for my frame it's too much but it's not I don't think! I'm 5'7" and medium built!
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    I'm with ya, the last 10 to 20 are difficult but attainable. I would also do spot checks on the way (every 2-3 lbs) to see if perhaps that's where you want to stay. Cause even if say 100lbs is your goal at 5' tall, your body may not want to stick with it despite your petite frame. Go with what feels good and what's healthy.
  • I signed up for this with a goal of dropping 6 pounds
    I am discouraged also because i did decent this week but i didn't break any pounds! I don't want to give up though I know that I can drop those 6 pounds too but it might be more difficult or I might have to work harder. What are you doing to drop those last pounds?
  • I'm 5'7" with a large frame and am on my last 20 pounds.
    when i started i had about 35 pounds to lose so i feel your pain.
    for me its not so much the # on the scale. I just want to buy some size 8 jeans again.
  • 5913540
    5913540 Posts: 21 Member
    I just had a baby about 5 months ago and have that last 10-15 lbs to lost. I just joined in the past week and am reading all your lovely inspirational words. Do you have any suggestions for food that you like to eat for breakfast? I am a huge morning eater and find that i can't eat a lot of will use all of my calories. I am getting married in Mexico in NOvember and need to look for dresses soon.
  • Im about 20lbs away from my goal weight . Im short too, about 5'3, but i have a larger frame. At 140 i was pretty thin and that was when i was a teenager. So i thinking 150 is pretty good.

    It really is hard to lose the last 10-20lbs, ive been at it now for about a year and i keep falling off the wagon :grumble: its almost as if I'm subconsciously satisfied at this weight or something, its weird. My problem is patience...I have none:tongue:

    Starting weight was 278
    current weight 170
    goal weight 150

    I will get there!!!
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    I completely understand; I'm 5'3 and petite. I was up to about 150lbs when I realized what I was doing was unhealthy, and I'm currently at 140 and working my way back down to 116lbs. For me it’s hard when I tell people my goal weight and they look at me like I’m crazy because they think that is too light. 116lbs is a great weight for me to be at, I’ve been there before. Right now the weight is coming off pretty easy, but I know once I hit that 130 mark that it will be slow going.
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    Yes I've got about another 25lbs to loose and i've not actually shifted any weight since the week before xmas!!
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