Mom of 3 looking for moms who need to lose weight!

jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I am 5'4 and started this journey 11 days ago at 249.9 and have lost 7.1 lbs so far! Kids are the most precious blessings ever but they really take their toll on the momma's bodies! I never had a weight issue until I got pregnant with my first child. I now have 3 and need to lose about 100 lbs! WOW I never would have thought I would be this size but I am SO tired of it! If you want to friend me and we can support each other! It is hard to find time to excercise while looking after little one. Mine are 6, 3, and 7 months! We can do this together and Good Luck to everyone!


  • Sarah_S
    Sarah_S Posts: 46
    My name is Sarah. My kids are 5 and 6 years old. I need to lose about 100 pounds too, but am not sure how to go about it. Good luck to you!
  • jlmnk1313
    jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
    Thank you! I am really benefiting from this site! I didnt' realize how many calories I was taking in during a day! This was a wake up call! So far it is really working for me! Good luck to you as well.
  • crackerjack345
    crackerjack345 Posts: 129 Member
    I am mom to 5 beautiful kids, ages 1,2,3,4,&8. As you can imagine, I am VERY BUSY!!!! Mine are all adopted, though, so I don't even have the pregnancy excuse!!! I would love to join you on this journey. I have 150+ pounds to lose.
  • hummingbird314
    hummingbird314 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm a mom of 3 too!! Mine are 10, 8, and 6. I lost weight 3 years ago but I gained it all back and now I'm determined that it won't happen again. Good luck.
    Feel free to friend me.
  • jlmnk1313
    jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
    Wow and I thought i was busy! We can do this!
  • mbeth4
    mbeth4 Posts: 4 Member
    I am also a mom looking to lose weight. I have a 9 month old son and he is my world, I want to lose weight so I can be around to watch him grow. I lost 30 pounds a couple years ago, then plateaued before and during my pregnancy. I have been back on track for about 5 1/2 months and have lost 20 pounds. It is hard to work in exercise with kids but you just have to make it a priority. My son loves the child's room at the gym and we are there 6 days a week! If you need any motivation, I am here for you.
  • same here. i am a mom of one who is four. i also need to lose about 100lbs. are you with me?
  • ARMom8251
    ARMom8251 Posts: 194
    I am a 30(almost 31) mother of four beautiful children. They are ages 12, 8, 5, and 2. A perfect balance with two boys and two girls, and all very much with way more energy than I have. I have roughly 60 pounds to lose, maybe less we will see how it goes and change as needed, but I would love to have that mom connection with my friends. It makes the connection that much more because chances are we have the same challenges that come with being moms. I wish you all the best of luck!!!
  • onemichfox
    onemichfox Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I am a mom of three and my youngest is now twelve years old so I have no excuse to be carrying around this excess "baby fat" any longer. I need to lose a minimum of 100 pounds, so I plan on being around this website for quite awhile plus longer.
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    I am mom to 5 beautiful kids, ages 1,2,3,4,&8. As you can imagine, I am VERY BUSY!!!! Mine are all adopted, though, so I don't even have the pregnancy excuse!!! I would love to join you on this journey. I have 150+ pounds to lose.

    OMG! Bless your heart! I bet they keep you hopping!

    I have 3 girls myself, ages 2,4, and 6 and I have 150+ lbs to lose.
  • karaokeqt
    karaokeqt Posts: 16 Member
    You can do it! I have 4 boys 12, 9, 8, and 6...I lose 80 pounds a few years back and have gained about 15 back. The biggest thing is make time to exercise any way you can. I used to do DVDs and my youngest would kinda do them with kept him busy while I exercised. Also get all the junk out of the one needs it. I used to keep stuff in the house "for the kids"...but I would end up eating don't need it and neither do the kids. It is a lot of work...but you can do it! Good luck!
  • welcome and good luck, i am a mom of 2 little girls, ages 1 and 3. i am looking to lose around 60 pounds to get back to my first pre-baby size. feel free to add me as a friend,
  • caseynjason
    caseynjason Posts: 96 Member
    Hi, I am a mother of 5, ages 10-1. I have lost 20 lbs from this site before, and here I am again after my last baby! It seems that whenever I have lost the baby weight, I get pregnant again! Well, no more! I am excited to lose this weight one more time and not get pregnant ever again!

    Its going well, and starting to really happen. As mothers, our bodies are sure put through the ringers! But the most important thing we can do for our kids is to take care of ourselves, and that is what I am doing.
  • I'm a granma of 48 that had to start over raising a kid and I love him to death but I don't have the energy he needs because of the excess weight and the history of smoking seems to hinder the exercise and the metabolism. I would like to eat differently for dinner but that means the meals wouldn't be kid friendly.
  • kndlkai1
    kndlkai1 Posts: 103 Member
    I have 3 also. A 10 year old son and daughters, almost 6 and almost 2. We have puppies too, that are under a year as well. Between night work, the kids, and lots of house repairs, it seems very difficult to eat right and find the time exercise, along with finding time to get some sleep. I look forward to the support here and I'm really enjoying how simple it is to log my food.
  • krisjc210
    krisjc210 Posts: 16 Member
    My name is Kristen! I am mom to a 9 month old baby boy! He is my first! My husband and I are both on a weight loss journey. We both want to lose at least 30lbs. F0r me, my biggest challenge has been that I am still breastfeeding, so I don't want diet and exercise to effect my milk supply, but I determined to lose this weight. I want to be healthy for my son and set a good example for him! I look forward to chatting with all of you!
    Good Luck!
  • I am 39 and a mom of two 18 and 14. I have been trying to loose weight on and off for years. I lost the weight after the kids but slowly gained it back over the years. I would love to get under the 200 hundred mark. I am tired of feeling tired all of the time. A co-worker told me about this website this week at work. I just did my first workout on the elliptical. I just hope I can stay with it. I always loose interest.
  • jlmnk1313
    jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks so much everyone for sharing your stories with me! It feels great to know I am not the only one going through this! If I haven't friended you please friend me! It says you can only friend 5 people every 10 minutes! It is great to have that many people in the same boat wanting and needing the support! Thanks everyone can't wait to get to know you more! Good luck in your weightloss journey! WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • mdaniella
    mdaniella Posts: 42 Member
    I'm a mommy to a 4month old and I want to loose between 75-100 pounds.We can do it!! :)
  • jlmnk1313
    jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
    Yes we can and she's a doll!!!!!
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