Does anyone have a problem eating when they are super tired or half asleep? I can be so good and have such self -control on a diet, and then If i'm super tired it all goes to the wayside or I will even get up in the night and start eating not realizing what I am doing.....I have hypoglycemia....and I used to keep candy by my bed just to feel good to wake i keep peanut butter crackers there like a nurse told me to....I just wondered if anyone else had a problem with "sleepy eating?"


  • pbbagel
    pbbagel Posts: 53 Member
    I don't suffer quite as bad as you, but I tend to overeat on sweet food if I'm tired. To combat this, I usually have a cup of coffee, then a 30 minute nap, wake up and drink something cold. At this point, the caffeine kicks in so I don't feel too tired and I think the cold water helps me feel awake and I stops me from immediately eating something bad.