Weighing In : Excited or Dread???



  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    Neither. It's a small part of the process.
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    While I only log the weight each Saturday after breakfast, I weigh myself more often than that. I like to see how the weight is changing as the week progresses. Weight loss is not linear, and it is interesting to see how this new way of eating affects my weight each week. I've seen that in the first two weeks, the first few days of the week my weight was stable, and the last 3 days of the week I lost weight.

    I lost 4 pounds the first week, and 7 pounds the second week. This week I may not even lose 1 pound although nothing has changed in how I am working the program. But I know for a fact if I stick to my program, it will work out just fine in the long run.
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    I weigh in once a week-wednesday morning.

    I look forward to it to see my progress especially if I'm keeping track of food and working out. I don't have any expectations as to amount but I like to see the scale moving in the right direction :)
  • Shaystays
    Shaystays Posts: 34
    It's both for me. I weigh myself once a week, every Thursday morning. I get excited (and nervous) to see how much I have lost, but if I haven't lost anything or have only lost a little I dread it.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I weigh every day these days so that I can track the trend and not be worried by temporary increases and not be overly impressed by sudden drops. If the average over a couple weeks is dropping when I'm doing deficit eating, then I'm pleased.

    BTW, I like that you called it a process instead of journey.
  • jmcdonald2011
    jmcdonald2011 Posts: 181 Member
    I like weighing myself before and after I drop the kids off in the pool.

    ^ yup me too
  • rlynnehawk
    rlynnehawk Posts: 71 Member
    I weigh every morning before I eat or drink anything. I don't let the fluctuations bother me...they are normal. But generally it is motivating to me! I've lost 53 lbs in 4.5 months and I want to keep up with what my body is doing and what is working! Good luck with your new journey into getting fit!
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    I weigh in Friday mornings in my birthday suit after I pee. I may peek at my weight during the week but its only official on Fridays.
    Friday is also my treat day. I have yet to eat over my calories but I can if I want to.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Like many others, I weigh myself several times a week just to learn how my different behaviors affect my weight -- e.g. see what you weigh the morning after take out Chinese or Mexican if you want to see water weight -- but I only consider the weigh-in "official" on Sunday morning and I only enter it if it reflects a newly lost pound. At least, that's what I'm doing a present. Do what works for you.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    I had an unhealthy relationship with the scale for a while. But since I did the math there has never been a time where I haven't lost weight at my weekly check in's and over time that gave me confidence. Now when I see weight creep up it doesn't bother me. I know it's just the deep breath before the plunge.
  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    everyday probably 3 or 4 different times, for curiosity. i only account the first one in the morning as a progress measurement though
    eta; if your going to do this you have to take the numbers with a grain of salt and realize that daily fluctuations are very common

    I do this too! I do little experiments like before going to the toilet and after going to the toilet, what a difference taking my jeans or fluffy dressing gown off makes (they can weigh up to 2lbs!) or about 30 mins after eating a meal. This is purely out of curiosity though.

    I used to just do weekly weigh-ins (first thing on a Monday morning before breakfast but after going to the loo) - the feeling I had was usually determined by what I'd been doing over the weekend (e.g. if I went out for a big meal or a night out or lack of exercise). However, I tend to weigh myself daily now, but I only log my weight on MFP on a weekly basis (if I've lost anything) because it's normal for daily fluctuations to occur.
  • ASH2038602
    ASH2038602 Posts: 215 Member
    I weigh myself, and log every morning. Wake up, bathroom, and weigh in before even a sip of water. I don't stress too much about the fluctuations. Most days I lose, but some days I gain like.2-.5 of a pound. For that reason my weekly weigh in, and measurements are what I really care about most. You need to do what suits you best. I don't freak out if I see a gained a little from the day before, if you do I wouldn't recommend a daily weigh in.
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    I weigh in every 2 weeks. Close to goal and aiming for a half a pound a week.
    At this point I can tell if I have lost or not so the scale is not that important but I still look forward to seeing the number.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I weigh in pretty much every day. I like to keep the information on hand and the more I weigh in the more accurate the trend graph is on the app I use.

    For me the dread went away when I learned more about daily fluctuations and what can cause them. Once I got a better understanding of my body there was no longer an emotional attachment to the number on the scale. Now it's just a data point on a graph.
  • brainsndbeauty
    brainsndbeauty Posts: 29 Member
    everyday probably 3 or 4 different times, for curiosity. i only account the first one in the morning as a progress measurement though
    eta; if your going to do this you have to take the numbers with a grain of salt and realize that daily fluctuations are very common

    so you weigh yourself every day?
  • brainsndbeauty
    brainsndbeauty Posts: 29 Member
    I weigh myself once a week, on Fridays. I hate weighing myself, a couple of years ago I was obsessed with it and I don't want to get to that place again. Conversely, gaining 50 lbs wasn't fun and weighing helps me to keep track/be aware of when I need to stop doing certain things, etc. I used to weigh myself at the gym, but I joined a new gym and don't know where the scale is (lol) so I bought a cheap digital scale from Walmart. Hadn't weighed myself in a month, but did last Friday. Looking forward to tomorrow, just because I want to see if I've lost more than .2 lbs lol! Also: I dread and hate the scale. Sometimes I want to weigh myself midweek or something, but it's easy to tell myself to just wait.

    oh ok yea i feel like once a week is good because then you will see what you did right or WRONG that week. I dont wnt to become obsessed with the number either so I will probably stick to 1 day/ week..

    I used to weigh in at the Rite Aide pharmacy lol but I think i bothered the pharmicist so I also bought a cheap scale from walmart. The only problem with this is idk exactly how accurate this scale is! I know they say you make sure the ground is even or something lol idk
  • brainsndbeauty
    brainsndbeauty Posts: 29 Member
    I like that!!
  • brainsndbeauty
    brainsndbeauty Posts: 29 Member
    Yes i heard that measuring inches and using the tape is a good way as well because even though the scale may look dissappointing you still could have lost inches!! Im gonna buy measuring tape this weekend
  • moniduh
    moniduh Posts: 100
    I dread it. I weigh in on Mondays. I don't like it because it's not moving as fast as I'd like but my body is changing! I'm considering putting the scale away for a while... I want to be able to only weigh in only once every two weeks or even month eventually.
  • hj1119
    hj1119 Posts: 173 Member
    I like weighing myself before and after I drop the kids off in the pool.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I'm picking up what you are putting down.
    I weigh myself, and log every morning. Wake up, bathroom, and weigh in before even a sip of water.

    I do this too. I weigh myself daily but I only log it weekly. The reason being I started my tracking using a different scale (my moms) so I weigh myself daily on my scale and log when I use my mom's scale.

    My scale is always 3 pounds lighter though so I might transition to logging that one more regularly. :wink: