EC Stack!!!



  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member
    Read Lyle McDonald on the subject before you toss the baby out with the bath water. In his book, "The Rapid Fat Loss Solution," he has a chapter devoted to the EC Stack. Check it out here: Done properly, it WILL safely boost your metabolism and provide appetite suppression and energy. Lyle also has a forum with more details on how to buy ephedrine.
  • BUMP!!!! im gonna be starting an ec stack soon!! Hoping it will give me some energy and turn me off of food a little!! I eat when im bored!! i can be a binge eater. I hope it can help me with that. Anybody else ?
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    It does suppress appetite from what I remember. Made me sweat a lot too. I wouldn't recommend taking it before a workout - It made me way too dizzy from what I remember. It WAS good though. Was pretty pissed about all the political BS surrounding it years ago so I ended stocking up months worth of supply. Long gone now.
  • I just purchased some bronkaid to do the EC stack, and some caffeine pills. You can only get ephedrine in bronkaid or another asthma med that starts with a P forgot what its called, but it has less ephedrine in it.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    I cycle it 10 weeks on, 2 weeks off. Ephedrine doesn't need to be cycled, but caffeine does to remain effective.

    Make sure you slowly ramp up your dosage (over a week) otherwise you'll have a bad experience. You don't have to ramp up after the first round.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Forgot to add - don't become a statistic due to abusing it. Follow the recommend dosage. Taking more doesn't mean it'll work any better.

    Max dosage is 20mg E/200mg C up to 3 times daily. Keep in mind caffeine & ephedrine have a half life of approx 6-8 hrs so don't take it too late otherwise you'll have problems with sleep.
  • bandladyjen
    bandladyjen Posts: 7 Member
    I took a product called Thermolift from Changes International and it WORKED!!!! Ephedrine (Mahuang) and caffeine in one pill. I took the recommended dosage and lost over 60 pounds in a year. People misused and had strokes but it was safe for those that did not abuse or go out in 100 degree heat and do heavy workouts. Going to try the stack and see how it works but starting with just 10 mg ephedrine to 100 mg caffeine twice a day to start. Hope it works!
  • GreatDepression
    GreatDepression Posts: 347 Member
    You guys keep saying ephedrine is "easy to get" in the US yet won't say how. I do NOT see it sitting on the shelves in Rite Aid.
  • You guys keep saying ephedrine is "easy to get" in the US yet won't say how. I do NOT see it sitting on the shelves in Rite Aid.

    It is at Rite Aid! Its behind the pharmacist counter, but does not require a prescription (like Sudafed). It's called Bronkaid.
  • Can someone please tell me what Is needed in AEC stack ? Where I can get it? How much daily of each is recommended?

    I took metabolife when it first came out and hd no problem and now that I gained 50 pounds I want to try again....
    Please help :-)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    you'll lose and regain.

    Google it though.
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Ephedrine is not banned in the US. You can not buy it in it's pure form, nor can you have it imported. This has much more to do with it's potential use in the creation of meth then it does due to it's safety as a dietary supplement. You can get ephedrine from most drug stores and Walmart. It comes packaged as Bronkaid or Primatine. It is NOT INTENDED AS A WEIGHT LOSS SUPPLEMENT. It's a nasal decongestant and in both brands it's combined with guaifenesin (the same stuff in robitussin). It is kept behind the counter, again because it can be used in the creation of illicit drugs, not because of it's use as a weight loss supplement.

    Is it safe to use as a weight loss supplement? That's up to you to decide for yourself. I would say it's never a good idea to take a medicine for reasons other then it's intended use but plenty of people take NyQuil as a sleep aid so there's that. I will say that the fat burner pills you can legally buy from supplement stores are probably less safe in my opinion. Plenty of research exists on ephedrine (which you should read if you are considering taking it) and when you buy a medicine from a pharmacy, you know exactly what is in it. The FDA strictly regulates drugs. Fat burner supplements usually contain proprietary blends and don't give you the full (if any) information about dosage. The FDA does not heavily regulate supplements. Many contain stimulants similar to ephedrine, many contain ingredients like Yohimbie. All of those things are just as controversial, if not more so, then ephedrine.

    Also you must decide why you want to take a fat burner in the first place. If you think for 1 second it will replace proper diet and exercise, you're dreaming. It will at MOST add a very minor boost to metabolism, it can potentially give you energy, and blunts appetite in some. Most people find that the effects wear off with tolerance and eventually they stop feeling the effects all together. I would feel my money and efforts were better spent on maximizing my diet and exercise then spending them on magic in a bottle. If you however do decide to try ephedrine, or any fat burner at all, know what you are getting into, realize you are taking a medication for a reason other then it's intended use (NOT RECOMMENDED), and make yourself fully aware of the consequences.
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    I ran EC stack for part of my last cut. For the ephedrine, I took bronkaide. I did notice it was very effective in supressing my apetite. I only took two doses per day, as I did not want to stop taking my pwo. But it was not uncommon for me to just forget to eat dinner, and end up choking something down before bed to hit my macros for the day.

    I will probably run it again next cut.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    you can buy ephedrine pills at GNC in canada right now, theyre on sale. i got 400 8 mg pills for 20 bucks (8 pouches of 50 pills) and 200 mg caffeine pills for 5, which is enough for 2 x 3 week cycles.

    dont even plan on taking them right now i just couldnt pass up a deal for something that is an effective fat loss tool, and actually is relatively safe if you follow the procedure and slowly warm up to the dosage of ephedrine.

    Im inclined to think any (or at least most) deaths from this drug stemmed from misuse or a pre-exsisting condition that caused the person in question to be susceptible to heart conditions.
  • I have taken ephedra when metabolife first came out and I know the risks and side affects..
    I gained weight due to thyroid And lack of energy & strength . so I want to start again after 10 yrs and maybe it will help me get the boost I need to hit the gym and maybe help me with my jogging.,
    My question is whats do i need to make my own ECA stack ?
    Where do I get it?
    Average safe intake of the ingredient in each serving ?
    Plz help thanks
  • Did you take the caffeine & aspirin I think it is to make the ECA or just the bronkaid ?