P90X 3 or T25

I'm really interested in trying out either the T25 or the P90X 3. I just finished the Jillian Michael Body Revolution 2x now and i want to try something a bit different. Can someone give me recommendations on which one is the best to lose weight from? I need to lose at least another 2o pounds. I'm already down 30 from my workout journey.


  • Ems500c
    Ems500c Posts: 153 Member
    Would love to see the answers, posting to see the reviews!
  • NHitchner2
    NHitchner2 Posts: 31
    I'm doing P90x, but best for weight lose between those two would be more T25, the reasons its made more for people that have a higher % of body fat. Also its the same guy from Insanity and ya, that one is great for weightlose.


    Here is one link that states for more stuff about both.

    But also if P90x3 Is like the P90x you can choose to do a different standard with it, called doubles if I remember right. What happens there? Well if you want to you can start it right away(Not advised for first timers) which is has you do Cardio X three days a week with the other workout that is planned for that day. Link to the three different ones http://www.p90xworkoutschedule.org/

    Actually I was just reading the link and it gives the four different variances for P90x3.

    I personally don't know much about either or, I know more about just the stranded P90x.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    They are both great! It's really a personal preference. Do you want to focus on strength (p90x3) or cardio (t25). They are both a half hour a day. T25 is pretty much just cardio. Whereas p90x3 includes some weight training, pullups, and a lot of bodywieght/core exercise
  • Hi how do i get the Myfitness pal weight loss chart?
    I've been doing T25 too and loving it. I have not been ideting though but only cutting down the amount i eat!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i LOVED P90X3... i havent done T25, but i have done insanity.

    P90 has a lot more strength and resistance stuff in, so it depends what your goals are i think?
  • tomee638
    tomee638 Posts: 64
    T25 is great and the intensity is there. I loved the 25 minute workouts (+3 minute cool down afterward) and I love working out with ShawnT since I finished Insanity. I haven't done P90X3 but I'm doing P90X right now and I love Tony Horton too. I started out with him by watching his videos on YouTube and laughed my butt off and I was sold. If the P90X3 workouts are anything like these, I'm sure they'll be enjoyable.

    As for T25, it's nonstop workout for the full 25 minutes. I'd say it's great cardio if you're looking to shed some pounds. Good luck and keep on pushing play!
  • misskris78
    misskris78 Posts: 136 Member
    Like most others have said - it depends on your goals. T25 is all cardio. It works and it's only 25 minutes. P90X3 has a similar concept, but it's mostly resistance training with some cardio worked in.

    I thought T25 was pure unadulterated torture. It was 25 minutes, 5 days a week of hop hop squat and these annoying "speed and agility" things. To me, the workouts were no more creative than jumping up and down for 25 minutes. I couldn't stand it. It works - no doubt, but I found it excruciating. It's also tough on your achilles. I like Shaun T, but I hated the cast. They had no personality and no reaction to the exercises unlike in Insanity. I acknowledge I'm in the minority, since most people really like it.

    P90X3 is a lot of weight and resistance exercises with a core group of pull up and push up exercises. The equipment needs are higher. You'll need a variety of different weights, which might set you back a few hundred dollars, or you'll need resistance bands. In addition, you'll need a pull up bar and a yoga mat. I recommend the pull up assist band as well.

    It's all up to you and what you like to do to work out. Both are effective for weight loss if you follow the nutrition plan.