Losing weight to have a baby...

Aubers Posts: 39 Member
My name is Aubrey and weight loss has been a struggle for me all my life, even at my smallest I have never been truly fit. For the last couple months I have been debating losing weight or "dealing" with where I am in life. My husband and I have decided we want children and after months of trying with no luck I've been convinced it's my weight. So I'm beginning this journey to become fit, not only in hopes it helps us conceive, but in hopes that it will teach me a new way of life. A way to eat better and exercise more. Once we do have children I don't want to worry about not being able to keep up, or even passing my bad eating habits on to them. SO I am here, and I am dedicated and I will do this. So happy to have learned of this site, I am loving it already!!!


  • bullriderswife08
    bullriderswife08 Posts: 207 Member
    Awesome girl! Well good luck with your new journey of a new lifestyle and with conceiving!!! I love this site!
  • jlmnk1313
    jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
    Good luck on the weight loss! And GOOD LUCK on the baby! You can do this feel free to add me as a friend! We can support each other! I have 3 kids 6, 3, 7 months old and let me tell you getting baby weight off is HARD!!! Good for you for wanting to get a head start on it!
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Welcome! I'm finally motivated to lose weight, also because we'll be trying to conceive at some point in the next year. At my last doctor appointment, my doctor did say it's best to be as close to your ideal medical weight before trying to conceive, which for me at that point was losing 55 pounds. Logging into this website has been SO helpful in holding me accountable- I hope it continues to help you! Good luck!
  • Sohnsearae
    welcome and good luck, I am some what in the same boat. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for many years actually. I have decided before we go further with infertility treatment that we should both try to get healthy and lose weight and go from there. friend me if you'd like and we can support each other in this journey.
  • kimmyclark
    Im sure you've heard the saying "healthy mommies, healthy babies." I have seen first hand how weight can effect the fertility of couples, not just over weight but also under weight. But sometimes it's not just your weight but more the lack of exercise. Increasing your exercise and moving to a more healthy diet will increase your focus your energy. It will also prepare your body for the drastic changes that come with pregnancy, and...here's the best part, it increase the blood flow in the body and increase the secretion of the endorphins that get us aroused. So not only will you look and feel better but your energy levels and sex life will increase....all resulting in a brand new life and baby!

    Good luck and stick with it...you have a wonderful goal to work towards.

    Oh and something that you should do that will help you succeed, get your husband involved. The majority of daddies gain at least half as much as mommy during pregnancy. He needs to prepare also!
  • Aubers
    Aubers Posts: 39 Member
    Wow that's so awesome others are also losing to help with conceiving! Hopefully I can share this journey with you all!!! Learning this site is a lil hard for me though so hopefully I can keep up with who is who haha ;)
  • Mkserpa
    Mkserpa Posts: 136
    I'm not necessarily overweight, but I understand how big of a role being healthy plays when you're trying to conceive. My husband and I had tried off and on for a year and a half and nothing. Then I started actually exercising rather than just dieting, I was running daily and lifting weights, I felt great. Then we got our BFP! Unfortunately, due to other circumstances, I miscarried. But we were able to get pregnant once I became healthier. I feel that the exercising seriously helped jump start my system for a baby. It can't hurt to be healthy!
  • bayba792
    bayba792 Posts: 21 Member
    My name is Aubrey and weight loss has been a struggle for me all my life, even at my smallest I have never been truly fit. For the last couple months I have been debating losing weight or "dealing" with where I am in life. My husband and I have decided we want children and after months of trying with no luck I've been convinced it's my weight. So I'm beginning this journey to become fit, not only in hopes it helps us conceive, but in hopes that it will teach me a new way of life. A way to eat better and exercise more. Once we do have children I don't want to worry about not being able to keep up, or even passing my bad eating habits on to them. SO I am here, and I am dedicated and I will do this. So happy to have learned of this site, I am loving it already!!!

    Hello Aubrey, I was in the same position with struggling with my weight and also I wasn't able to conceive. My husband and I were married for six years and had every test done and nothing. So I decided to go on with my life with or without children, I started working out and went on the atkins diet and drop just a little weight (about 20 lbs) and all of a sudden I found out I was 3 1/2 months pregnant. I was in disbelief I thought there was no way but it happened and it had to do with my weight. I wish you all the luck and next thing you know you'll have a baby on the way.
  • tiffsNEWlife
    I'm in the same boat... Last year I lost 25 pounds and ended up getting pregnant. But I had a miscarrage 9 weeks into it. And I packed on quite a few pounds since then. We've been trying to have a baby for several months now with no luck, so we sat down and talked it through, and we too decided it was my weight. So, I'm back here again. I want to lose atleast 25 pounds again to see if we can actually conceive. I wish you luck (and I know how hard its)
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    Welcome aboard! My wife and I went through a similar situation years ago. Know how you feel. Stay focused and motivated. You'll find a lot of support here!
