50 lbs to lose...



  • ontimeiv
    ontimeiv Posts: 1
    And please do not leave me out support is the key, I need your support as well as we go on this journey together. Success is achieved and maintained by those who try-and keep trying.
  • headerdee
    headerdee Posts: 3 Member
    I'm just starting this new journey of a "Lifestyle Change". I need to loose 62 lbs and 5'2".
    At times, to be honest, its really hard.
    I would love to be part of groups that will help encourage and spur each other on. I know with friends and encouragement, it helps motivate others.
    Fill free to add me.
    Doing the journey with others help you not feel alone.
  • I am just getting started for the second time. I did awesome last time. Lost 40 lbs. but I let it sneak back on little by little. I feel like I did it before I can do it again but the motivation to MOVE is the hard part for me. I always find excuses.
    I am going to try getting up early so I have no more excuses not to work out. It will be hard since i'm a night owl but I think its worth it.
    Portion control and cutting back on pop and alcohol did it for me last time. That and sitting on the exersize bike 5 days a week. even if I went slow as long as I committed to doing it. And once I saw the weight falling off it was easier to keep going.
    That and I put the exersize bike right next to the couch in front of the tv so as I sat on that couch I literally had no excuses to not sit one more seat over on the bike and do some work :)
  • ShyButSweet
    ShyButSweet Posts: 43 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm on a weight loss journey with a goal to lose 80 pounds. I've lost 6 pounds so far (after two weeks into my journey). Looking for individuals to help keep me motivated and accountable. Provide advice, tips etc. and basically share in their journey as well.
    I've got a couple tips, tricks, and advices up my own sleeve, but I figure that by sharing, we can help each other out.
    If you're interested, please add me as friend and I will be happy to share in the ups and downs along the journey with you!

    Thanks in advance.

    Best of luck to all!

  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, how is everyone's weight loss going. I just restarted this journey.