When You Blow Your Cal Count



  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Eat your lunch for dinner...or have a light dinner. Burger king should be allowed if it fits your daily calorie count. I am not saying a double whopper with bacon and cheese but it can fit. You have to get right back at it. Dont say I blew it so give up for the day or week. Drink a bit more fluids to counter act the sodium I am sure was in your lunch and get on with your day.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    I agree with you except the scale part. The scale can be a lying *&*&&$%#*!
    I go over at least once or twice a week. No harm. Just don't do it every day. Be honest with yourself. All will be well. In the end, the scale doesn't lie :wink:
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    Drink some water, go for a walk or exercise if it makes you feel better.. Eat dinner still. Start again tomorrow|!
  • homemadehippy
    homemadehippy Posts: 44 Member
    Lean Protein and vegies for dinner, combined with a decent paced walk for 1/2 hour to an hour (depending on your weight) should take care of it. If not, scale back a tad tomorrow and get as little extra exercise. Our bodies don't really work on a 24 hour system. The last time I went over on a Friday dinner, I tried to look at Friday and Saturday together as one time period. I ate a little less on Saturday, added a 1/2 hour bike ride and an hour walk (instead of my usual 1/2 hour). When I averaged the calories together for the two days, I came out even.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    My two cents on the subject. I used to stress over my calories. I used to stress over them a lot. Like to the point that I would break into tears in my friends' driveways before parties because I knew there would be delicious food inside and I'd eat too much. It wasn't healthy for me and I had to back off and look at the bigger picture.

    Now, I have my diary set to my approximate maintenance calories. And while I eat around 500 less than that most days, anything below maintenance is a win in my book. A single day over your goal might slow your progress, but in the grand scheme of things it won't make a significant difference.

    Do the best you can today and start again tomorrow.
  • whovian67
    whovian67 Posts: 608 Member
    Yep. Eat now ...Swim later.... back on track today, not tomorrow. :)
  • bamagrits15
    bamagrits15 Posts: 131 Member
    Thanks y'all. I've got an extra bottle of water in the fridge to add to my water intake while at work. And I've text my son to let him know I'll be kicking his tail in basketball when I get home.

    I think I have some fear still of oh no I'm going to screw this up. I know it will take me while to get over it too. I want so desperately to have a normal relationship with food. I'm simply not there yet.
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    Ok - so I went to Wendys for lunch today - and I had a soda with it, and not the diet kind. Have a little over 200 left for dinner - so what - I am human - we don't eat exactly the same every day. Right now - I am trying to get closer to being back on track than I had been since summer started (my own experiences with kids and events lately - no blame, no fuss) and have been at maintenance (sort of).

    If I go over - I go over - try to eat REASONABLE for the next meal - go for a walk or something to burn some of the extra off - and move on. It's one day. Just don't let it carry over to the next and the next and the next. (Yes I need to take my own advice sometimes).
  • dad0921
    dad0921 Posts: 5
    I did this last week and just did better for my next meal. I still lost 2 lbs that week too. Don't beat yourself up for it. It's one meal, big deal. Move on from it and eat better next meal. Everyone gets a second chance. Sometimes your body and mind need a break. Just don't do it everyday.
  • MrsHollingsworthThomas
    MrsHollingsworthThomas Posts: 164 Member
    WHEN I go over (and it is definitely 'when', not 'if) the best thing I can do for myself is to not beat myself up about it. :bigsmile:
    It happens. It's life.
    There's going to be days where you want Burger King, or an extra cookie, or a milkshake:love: .. or whatever.

    In the LONG run though, being consistent will still continuously give you results.

    Feeling guilty (for me, anyway) allows me to set myself for 'guilt eating' or thinking like 'oh well, I might as well make a weekend of it'. THAT is the kind of thinking that used to mess up my efforts. If you just look at it as a normal, temporary set back, it seems easier to get past.

    Just keep going. You're going to want things that aren't part of 'the plan'... for me, I feel like being able to control those wants and eat them sparingly combined with CONSISTENT healthier choices is going to make me successful in the long run.

    I've been munching all day today. lol. Almonds, caramel candy, dried figs... lol. I've eaten a lot more calories than I originally planned. And I'm PROBABLY going to have something yummy (shoot, maybe even fried) for dinner tonight!
    But tomorrow, I'll be up early in the morning getting my walk in & will be right back to making healthy choices. Because that's the permanent me.

    I have a cheat day each week (usually 'cheating' for me means I eat back my exercise calories)..
    Maybe you can just write this up as your cheat DAY ... (emphasis on DAY) and move on.
    Just stay focused, realize you're making healthier choices overall, and your cheat DAY or MEAL won't turn into a cheat WEEKEND/WEEK/MONTH, etc.

    Good luck!
  • amyame555
    amyame555 Posts: 1
    Exactly what I was thinking!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Part of doing this in a way that is healthy, safe, and sustainable, means learning to be okay with the fact that you're not perfect and you will go over every now and then. You have to learn to look at it and go "Oh well" and move on, next day, like normal.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I just carry on with my bad *kitten* self...tomorrow is another day. Blowing it up here and there isn't how anyone got fat...blowing it up on a regular basis is. Overindulging on occasion is pretty meaningless in the grand scheme.
  • Archer9304
    Archer9304 Posts: 113 Member
    I never feel guilty about going over. That's what makes MFP great because I know exactly (or atleast nearly) by how much I've gone over.

    And then I take that amount and divide it up by 2 or 3 days and just work it off.
  • 7ricarico
    7ricarico Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in a similar boat today. Had a heavy breakfast for a benefit we are raising money for, so it was tough to say no. However, I am proud that I grabbed one pancake instead of two, and one sausage link instead of two (better than what I used to do!).

    I just plan on having a lighter than normal dinner tonight and getting my exercise in. I hope I don't go over my daily cals, but I won't be devastated if I do.
  • wonko221
    wonko221 Posts: 292 Member
    if you're anything like me, you can go on and have a normal, healthy dinner and today will still be way better than your average previous day.

    What finally clicked for me was that i don't need a miracle diet or special plan to get healthy. I'm overweight because my body slowly, gradually responded to too many high calorie days. The body is flexible. If i start living healthy now, my body will eventually find a new level appropriate to that healthy lifestyle.

    Don't feel guilty that you had fast food today. You didn't cheat anyone else, and you only cheated yourself if you choose to view it that way. A healthy person can have a burger king meal from time to time. They just can't eat fast food five to ten times per week, which is what i used to do....

    Be well, and be kind to yourself. Slow and steady will get you where you want to be, and by the time you're at an "ideal" weight, you will have the healthy habits and outlook to maintain it; because then it's not maintenance, it's simply living.
  • ElliTree
    ElliTree Posts: 23 Member
    Log it and move on. Don't hate yourself. Food is food. http://freakonomics.com/2013/03/21/the-most-bountiful-food-in-human-history/

    Sorry, can't figure out how to do links here.
  • rtreit
    rtreit Posts: 8 Member
    I'm a fan of the 90% rule: eat healthy 90% of the time, eat whatever you want 10% of the time. So for 2 meals per week don't worry about it. In the long run it will be fine.

    Personally I agree with what others have said: throw in some exercise in the evening. When I've gone way over I'll hop on the exercise bike and get my heart rate going for a while. Mainly I just feel better if I've stuffed myself earlier in the day to end on a high note and get the blood flowing.

    Also if you're going to throw caution to the wind and eat a juicy hamburger, soda, etc...may as well savor it!
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    Just knowing that I've went over my calories, and that doing so continuously would hinder my progress, is a good enough "spanking" for me. I just want this SO bad. In the past, however, I'd exercise a little before going to bed, and drink lots of water. Not going over my calories in the first place is better for me, because in the past, going over just 100 calories, turned into going over 500 calories! Then I'd reassure myself that I'd start over the next day, so I'd disregard my calorie limit for the day. Then eventually, I'd feel bad about myself for not being strong enough, and I'd quit altogether. Smh
  • KM0692
    KM0692 Posts: 178 Member
    If you allow yourself a 400 calorie dinner, cut back 50 calories a day for the next 4 days (or eat 600 and cut back 100 calories a day for the next 4 days), and then you're back on track. :)