Help! Water gives me heartburn!

Because I am in a weight loss contest, I am going cold turkey and quitting drinking soda. I had already switched to clear diet sodas, so I am not too worried about quitting. I am worried however that as I start working out and needing to stay hydrated, I am going to run into problems. Has anyone else dealt with this problem and found a solution? BTW, I love tea, and that will help, but when I drink too much, I also get UTI's. I am not certain but I think that could be from the caffeine. Thanks in advance for all suggestions!


  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    I find that when I get heartburn, the only thing that helps is raw potatoes. I slice up a whole raw potato very thinly, put a sprinkle of salt (to deal with the gross taste) and eat it slowly. By the time the potato is gone, so is the heartburn.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    prilosec. or for instant relief, tums.
  • aprettykitty84
    I have this problem when I drink too much water at once and then do a vigorous activity. Try taking smaller more frequent sips during your workout and if you take a big drink, make sure you are resting for a few minutes afterward to let the water absorb.