Weight Loss Tricks

Hi! I have been losing weight pretty steadily over the past two months. I hope to lose about 12-15 more pounds over the next couple of months. Does anyone have any vitamins, tricks, recipes, foods, or drinks that helped push them even more than before! Thank you to all of you beautiful people out there!


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I think you're going to find that people here tend to be very resistant to the idea of "tricks" or supplements for weight loss. It really is about putting the work into it and staying at a calorie deficit.
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    I think you're going to find that people here tend to be very resistant to the idea of "tricks" or supplements for weight loss. It really is about putting the work into it and staying at a calorie deficit.

    Yeah, this X 1000. There's plenty of low calorie recipes online as well. I did these two recently:

  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    First of all, congrats on your weight loss!

    Secondly, shortcuts aren't sustainable. Keep doing what you've been doing. It obviously works and there's nothing wrong with slow and steady!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Hmm, let's see....nope, no tricks for mfp's!
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    No tricks. Assuming you've been losing weight in a healthy manner, all you can do is be patient and keep doing what you're doing! :flowerforyou:
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Check out inspiralized.com for some cool alternatives to pasta.
    Really fun to make and much lower calorie.

    for low calorie dessert recipes.

    Best of luck to you ^__^
  • lb963
    lb963 Posts: 3
    How do you get the Signature where it says you lost so much weight??
  • jtrack3d
    jtrack3d Posts: 91
    Over two months... depending on how close you are to normal BMI weight... you shouldn't expect to lose more then 6 - 8 lbs. The last few pounds will always be hard to get off. However, if you are of significant weight, losing 5-6 lbs a week isn't unheard of.

    I am at 163 and losing a pound in a deficit can take me 10 days.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    How do you get the Signature where it says you lost so much weight??

    At the top of the boards where you see * Home * Recent Posts * My Topics * Settings * Search choose "Settings." There is literally one box there. Check it and save if you want your ticker to appear at the bottom of your posts. Uncheck it and save if you don't want it to appear.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    How do you get the Signature where it says you lost so much weight??

    At the top of this screen, click on the settings button, there is a tick box.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Eat less...Move move.

    Seriously...it worked for me. When I got really close to losing #100, I got a Fitbit and starting walking daily.

    One day, one pound, one step at a time. Hang in there, the last few pounds are stubborn. :flowerforyou:
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    My tip/trick: Don't give up until you're dead (but also don't kick yourself for being human while you're here)
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Gelato every night. Foot rubs.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Hi! I have been losing weight pretty steadily over the past two months. I hope to lose about 12-15 more pounds over the next couple of months. Does anyone have any vitamins, tricks, recipes, foods, or drinks that helped push them even more than before! Thank you to all of you beautiful people out there!

    Not anything gimmicky, no.

    Log accurately and faithfully. As you get closer to goal weight, you should be working with smaller deficits and poor logging habits can easily erase a small deficit.

    I find preparing my own food to be easier than frequently eating out or using a lot of packaged foods. The Recipe section here has lots of good information, depending on what foods you enjoy.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Few tricks I've found in the past;

    - drink water when hungry, or at least 15/ 20 mins before you eat. Often it will kill your appetite, as well as the fact we can often mistake dehydration for hunger
    - finish each meal with caffeine. In my experience, this helped kill my appetite after eating in the past, thus preventing me from going for a second helping
    - smelling your food before you eat. You would be surprised how easily just inhaling the smell from your food can curb your hunger a little.
    - chewing slowly. Easier advice to give than to take, but anything that gives your body more time to realise its full is a good thing, especially when carbs make up a good portion of your diet, as protein and fat are quite difficult to overeat on.
    - in the past, if I couldn't resist something, especially in the early stages, and ate it before I could help it, I was not above spitting it out again.
    - eat less at main meals, and snack more frequently. Admittedly this is more effective, and sometimes even essential when it comes to a carb-rich diet. With a diet comprised mainly of fat and protein, I'm not finding I need to snack as much.
    - do whatever it takes to avoid low blood sugar. Again a carb-rich diet tip, as blood sugar is only really an issue you need to take care with when eating a carb-rich diet.
    - dark chocolate. When hungry, and I need to kill my appetite, I eat a square of dark chocolate that is at least 70% cocoa and simply wait a couple of minutes, and suddenly I do could not eat if I wanted.
    - chromium supplement. It tends to be a mineral most of us are short of usually, and with a chromium supplement, it can help curb the appetite.
    - don't avoid fat and protein. These are things that naturally fill us, so I don't give anything low fat a second glance, as I've found that for one full fat portion of something I could be full, whereas with several low fat portions of the same food I could eat several, so low fat has always been a false economy for me, aside from the fact low fat products tend to have things like sugar added.
    - cut down on sugar. The less you rely on sugar, the more control you will have over what you eat, is the opinion I've reached.

    Hope these help, and I would not be one to share the attitude there are no tricks, as sometimes a trick is just whats needed to get us past a sticky moment where we might otherwise overeat. My only attitude when it comes to weight loss, is whatever it takes, of course excepting any of the quick fix/ unnatural nonsense like dieting pills, etc.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Well I don't think the OP is asking for get rich quick schemes just ways to cut calories and still eat tasty food. Here's a few of mine.

    1. Grilled Asparagus. You can grill asparagus with low cal cooking spray and it's highly nutritious and minimal calorie.

    2. Low calorie jelley. You can fill up on this stuff and it also doesn't break the calorie bank.

    3. Know when you are dehydrated. Sometimes when your body wants water it will tell you to get food instead. It's a dumb *kitten* like that.

    4. Consume red meat at least once a week. Iron deficiency will probably cause a plateau and an energy crash. One of the main reasons people get stuck is they eat nothing but chicken thighs and veg.

    5. Do not even try to resist strong hunger cravings. You can't eventually you will cave. One of the best things you can learn is how to satisfy food cravings without going overboard and binging. But learn to tell the difference between. i'm bored, let's eat something and omg I'm so hungry I'm going to attempt to eat my face.

    6. Keep busy. There's nothing like boredom to make you reach for snacks.

    7. Something sweet at the end of a meal is a good idea. A friend i know swears by a single small block of chocolate at the every meal. Me, i prefer fruit.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Oh, my biggest tip is to try be as happy and active as possible. I find this motivates me more than anything to lose weight for positive reasons as opposed to seeing it as some form of chore or duty. Actually guarding that delicate flame of motivation can often be the most important thing, as once we're adequately motivated and driven, there's not much most of us can't do :)
  • TminusFitnessN321
    TminusFitnessN321 Posts: 58 Member
    There are no tricks, at least healthy tricks. You just have to diet and exercise... and stay motivated. MAKE SURE YOU DRINK A LOT OF WATER!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Fitbit helped me turn my plateau into fat loss again. Notice I said "fat loss." Scale still hasn't moved, but my measurements are improving.