Need help cutting out sweets and sodas

I need some help I have a sweet tooth and I went back to diet sodas. I need ways of not wanting that and that's why I posted in here I love fruits, green beans, lettuce salads, potateos, and etc. My biggest thing is I want to get away from Cakes, Cookies, Candy and of Course the Diet Soda's. I like drinking Apple Juice and Orange Juice. What are some ways you keep sweets and soda out of your system and mind. Please feel free to add me as a friend I sure could use some support as I really wanna get away from sweets and soda's.


  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Hello there my dear friend, I too have a sweet tooth. I know how hard it can be to give up the sweetie goodness. I cant have stuff I like in the house. My hubby likes certain pastries that I gladly dont like...thank god. Would your family rebel if you said no sweets in the house for a while?
    Do you not like diet soda? There are some brands that dont have aspartame. They dont have that nasty taste. Or you just want to give us soda...period...juice is empty calories, at least diet soda is free.
    You could try the fruit infused water. Green tea or different tea flavors. I mostly drink water tho its so borring. What about a sparkling watef like perrier or san pelegrino.
    I wish I hhad some wise words of wisdom. If anything I am here to support you.
    Hang tough.
  • leftinthekitchen
    I can't offer much help in the sweets department but in the soda department I have an idea that has helped many people. To get off the soda kick gradually water down your soda with plain soda water. You still get the bubbly feeling and the taste. Slowly add more and more soda water to help you kick the soda habit. Also you can mix soda water with the juices you like. Not really much better for you since most juice has a ton of sugar but it may help you get that fix. Good luck
  • hoffmanchristina
    hoffmanchristina Posts: 22 Member
    Drinking juices is almost as bad as eating a donut. The sugar is outrageous. I too have a major sweet tooth. Tonight's Master Chef nearly had me in tears over the Red Velvet Cakes.

    When you get a sugar craving, eat fresh fruit. Peaches, apples, cherries, blueberries, strawberries, pineapple, banana, and grapes. Juice gives you the sugar you crave but not the solid part you have to digest. Also, a 16 ounce bottle of OJ is made with like 8 oranges. If you sat down and ate 8 oranges, you wouldn't be hungry and the calorie intake would be about the same.

    It ok to give yourself a treat every 3-4 days. Eat 1 donut hole or fun size candy bar.
  • rjpflug
    rjpflug Posts: 4
    A spoonful or two of honey, or on some crackers might help in the sweets department.

    Raw unprocessed honey is great, provides a good lasting energy boost with no crash afterwords, boosts your metabolism, lowers stress, helps muscles recover faster. And does a bunch more for your body.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    Maybe ween yourself off gradually. Cut down for now, then cut out. When i first began i had a major sweet tooth. I still do but i can control it and don't crave. Instead of eating a bar of chocolate, i let myself have two jaffa cakes as a treat at the beginning.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    One of the best things I have learned over the last 2 years was moderation. I did not want to begin a diet, lose the weight and then have no idea how to live the rest of my life & keep the weight off.

    Learning moderation was extremely hard for me. I had to work on it daily. Learning to control my portions of food at meals, snacks and when I just wanted to eat for reasons that are individual to me, took time and a lot of self control. You probably have those issues as well. Work on the whys of your eating habits. Then take steps to rein it in.

    The week I started eating ice cream again and was able to have one 1/2 cup serving and put it back in the fridge was one of the happiest weeks of my life. I was so proud of myself - and this is not a feeling I have experienced around food before. When you learn to have control over the food and not the other way around, is when things will turn around for you.

    Learning this kind of self control and control over your decisions involving food will mean you can live again - go to parties, cookouts, out to eat with friends, family gatherings. I eat all the foods I enjoy (in moderation) as long as they fit in my calories and macros. Good luck.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    For weight loss, diet soda makes no difference, as it contains no calories.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    For weight loss, diet soda makes no difference, as it contains no calories.

    ^ That.

    Unless you believe that diet soda is causing you to overeat then I wouldn't worry about it. Enjoy your diet soda.

    As far as removing or reducing the other foods from your diet I would start by modifying your environment to the best of your ability such that your access and exposure to those foods are reduced or limited.

    One example would be to not purchase cakes and candies or whatever the food item is that you're having difficulty moderating. Another example if you can't control which foods are purchased due to your lifestyle, would be to not have those foods out in the open. So for example you keep them out of site and less accessible.

    This is just one strategy.
  • Voww
    Voww Posts: 39 Member
    Didn't cut the sweet things I love out of my diet completely as knew I'd crave them even more, somehow it helped to see them as occasional treats or even daily treats but in small portions, eg I adore chocolate and could easily eat a whole bar of my favourite varieties but now limit myself to just one or two squares instead so it fits in with calorie counting. I find I then eke out that smaller portion, break it into small pieces and really savour the taste as each bit melts in my mouth. I hardly drink sodas but wouldn't worry about low or zero-calorie ones.
    Sweets/candies I think about on a daily basis but don't keep in the house so no temptation to eat them. At every trip to a supermarket I spend a few mins perusing the shelves then often never buy any as think I'll treat myself to a whole bag of this or that on my birthday or whatever ... works for me anyway.