Friends eating 1200



  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    1200 x 2 here!
  • <
    Eating at 1,200 I've lost a little over 10 Lbs. It is hard some days I feel like I am starving others I am content with what I've had for the day. If it works for you GREAT.... SO far I am good on the 1,200!
  • conklil
    conklil Posts: 81 Member
    me! well 1075 is my daily goal but sometimes go a little over and I walk every day. Only 5'1", I find that works for me.
  • tvonkeman
    tvonkeman Posts: 14
    Thats my quota for the day as well, feel free to add me :)
  • klfoster88
    klfoster88 Posts: 65 Member
    Add me :)
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    That's me. :flowerforyou:
  • ptvu0052
    ptvu0052 Posts: 7
    Add me!!!

    I am eating 1200. Though there's days just can't stick with it and eat 2000.
    But I lost 5lbs in a month. So it's okay to fall off the wagon sometimes.
  • oblair
    oblair Posts: 57 Member
    Most of my days are about 1200 and I don't feel hungry at all. I do need to find a cheaper lunch than sushi as £10 lunches feel a bit extravagant.
  • Lian98
    Lian98 Posts: 275 Member
    Hi, I'm on that limit and it works great for me :-)
  • RachelSteeners
    RachelSteeners Posts: 249 Member
    I'm eating 1270. Anyone on here can add me :happy:
  • oblair
    oblair Posts: 57 Member

    worked it out now I hope. I' m fat again though
  • ForestLove
    ForestLove Posts: 11 Member
    I, too, am doing 1200 a day as well as lower carbs. It is not as bad as I thought. Add me if you are looking for support.
  • hiryuu
    hiryuu Posts: 3 Member
    I'm new here...working on the 1200 plus exercise calories! Open food diary, I'd love to have friends for the journey :)
  • MissCharly2
    MissCharly2 Posts: 12 Member
    Not crazy, Jamal, if you eat well and pack every calorie with nutrition to feed your body while losing weight.
    Be careful not to let other people judge you.
    Take care of yourself!
  • MissCharly2
    MissCharly2 Posts: 12 Member
    I have no doubt that, in the winter when things are quiet and I'm at the computer all day, that 1200 is my actual normal.
    I'm finding that as I age and my metabolism changes, I need fewer calories to avoid thickening in the waist, and can't eat as much as I used to.
    I've been tracking my calorie intake to try to determine what is maintenance at a weight I like, and it seems I can take 1400-1500 if I'm working steady in the hot sun (landscaping tasks).
    I don't remember how private my settings are, but you can add me - or if you can contact me, and let me know that I'm too private to add.
    It's nice to meet you, by the way.
  • crikey_katie
    crikey_katie Posts: 136 Member
    1200 lady here :)
  • annalitwin1980
    annalitwin1980 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, im new here and im aiming to only consume 1200 a day. Sometimes i go beyond and often i eat under. And the app keeps on telling me iv been eating too low but im fine. Dont feel hungry. I want to have some friends here to share experiences and tips from those successful in losing excess weight and postpartum belly. Im a sedentary person :( but since starting logging my calorie intake with fitnesspal im doing best to walk around our subdivision. I want to stay motivated and achieve my ideal weight. Can i befriend you guys? :)
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    I dieted most of my life... tried every fad diet there was... guess what they didn't work because they are all too restrictive and too difficult to sustain.

    Keep it simple find a REASONABLE deficit: Most people do not need to eat 1200 calories to lose.

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

    Log your food accurately and honestly this thread will help:

    Find an activity you enjoy doing - I found I love to ride my bike and lift heavy stuff :)

    Here are 2 more threads that will help take the time to read them:'re+new+here

    For all the new people and the lurkers.