Have you ever eaten something that someone...

shartran Posts: 304 Member
Have you ever eaten something that someone either made or bought 'just for you' (thinking you'd like it) just to make them 'happy'?
(You either do not like the item or don't ever eat a certain food product for 'whatever' reason...)

Or did you do different? How did you 'handle' the situation?


  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    I have eaten things I didn't fancy in the past (back when I could still eat gluten and would try most foods readily) but it was more because I was happy to try things I hadn't had before than because I didn't want to make someone unhappy. I wouldn't eat something that I already knew I didn't like. An adult knows when they offer food to another adult that the person might not like it or want it, and it shouldn't be a big deal. Plus, someone who knows you well enough to be making/buying you something 'just for you' should probably already know of the things you really don't like! Try not to worry about someone getting sad or huffy or whatever if you need to refuse something they offer, chances are pretty high that they won't mind, so long as you're polite about it of course. To help prevent it happening in future, you could tell the person who is in the habit of doing it what you really don't like, and what you really love as well so they have ideas for next time.

    Since going gluten-free after my coeliac diagnosis, I no longer accept things that I'm offered unless they are still in sealed packaging (and I know the item is free-from) and people always understand when I explain why.
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    Sadly there are no foods I don't like lol. On holiday I ate a lot of home made cake I was offered to avoid offending people. Sometimes I had to have two pieces! My friends in UK are not as well trained as my friends in Australia, and it took me a year to get them to understand :-)
  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    Yes and it definitely gave me horrendous anxiety. Which I realize is my problem, not theirs. Lamb. I am not a vegetarian but I can't eat little baby animals. My sorry self ate anyways, they had already prepared it and I didn't have the balls to say no. It wasn't bad, but I felt like a monster. Also when someone gets me cake....I am beyond thankful but I have a mild panic attack thinking about how much fat and calories is in it. Of course I just have a small piece anyways because the gesture was kind, and I'll just be a little mindful of my calories for the rest of the day.....so I guess the morale of my story is I eat it anyways lmao.

    Except alcohol. When I say I'm done, I'm DONE. DO NOT for the love of God bring a round of shots and guilt me into drinking it because you already bought it. Or everyone will be regretting that decision :drinker:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Never. If I don't like certain foods, or I simply don't want a certain something, I won't eat it. If this offends people, too bad.
  • LessHeavyVeggie
    LessHeavyVeggie Posts: 208 Member
    I haven't had this happen since I've been using MFP, but in the past I've had people buy quorn or some other fake meat for me when cooking a meal for everyone. When it's happened before I've been the only veggie there so it really is just for me and they're so proud of themselves for providing for me so it's a bit awkward as I don't like pretend meat, and never buy it for myself. I usually say I don't really eat it and would happily just have the veggies and whatever, but if they have already cooked it or really want to, then I'll have a bite to try it, but make them try it too... usually they don't like it either so they aren't offended when I don't eat the rest!

    ETA: After this happened a couple of times, now when someones buying food for a group meal I tell them beforehand not to bother getting fake meat and I'm happy to have whatever veggies etc they're having. Saves the awkward moment and saves them the effort!
  • KatDJZ
    KatDJZ Posts: 224 Member
    Yeah. There aren't a lot of foods I don't like, but just recently for my birthday my boss made be angel food cake cupcakes because she knew I was trying to eat healthy and wanted to still give me cake. I really don't care for angel food cake, but I ate them anyway because it was very sweet of her to do that for me. They weren't bad though...had whipped cream and berries on top and that part was pretty delicious.