What's Your Opinion on Green Smoothies?

Okay, I've started drinking green smoothies (a combination of spinach and fruits). They're pretty darn delicious despite their color. I drink one in the morning with my egg whites for breakfast and then I drink one after my workouts for nutritious calorie intake (since I heard that it was wise to eat back at least some of the calories that you burn after a work out).

I heard that they could be helpful for weight loss, but I just wanted to know what everybody else thought about them. Has anyone else here ever tried them? Did they help shed the pounds? Did they do anything at all besides taste good and provide nutrients?

Just an honest question. Anybody's open to answer. Thanks! And good luck to everyone!


  • cantfail
    cantfail Posts: 169 Member
    I have one for breakfast every morning. I don't know what you are expecting, but all I want my food to do is taste good and provide nutrients. And as nutrients go, green smoothies are pretty dang high.
  • funguykk
    funguykk Posts: 3 Member
    They're definitely very good for you ONLY IF the smoothies are replacing some part of your daily diet that is relatively not that healthy. Per calorie, green smoothies/vegetables are much more nutritious and healthy than an average modern diet and are more filling, hence making you eat less and hopefully lose weight.
  • bevhillsilly
    bevhillsilly Posts: 48 Member
    When I'm in the city I always swing by The Juice Press for the one they have called Mother Earth. It has very little fruit in it, mostly greens. When I go to my fresh juice place up state I also just add one apple and lots of ginger. I Love them but I think the less fruit you add the better off you'll be. Just my 2 cents
  • chrissyrenee1029
    chrissyrenee1029 Posts: 358 Member
    I love my "green monsters". They're a great way to get a lot of nutrients into a compact, portable package, but they're definitely not any kind of miracle weight loss drink.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I usually drink one each day, more for the veg and fruits and because I don't get out of bed any earlier than I have to so it makes a quick, easy to clean up breakfast. I wouldn't say that it has any magical properties for weight loss, that's what the calorie deficit is for. Tastes good and keeps me full for a few hours.
  • mncodergal
    mncodergal Posts: 58 Member
    They helped lower my blood pressure and also helped as a diuretic. I had a smoothie every morning until I started a food plan I'm experimenting with. I will start back up with the smoothies in 2 weeks.

    They were great for my skin and gave me extra energy. I felt full but a good full. :)
  • misskelli16
    misskelli16 Posts: 11 Member
    I love green smoothies and went to a great Green Smoothie Girl lecture last weekend. They are not any kind of miracle for weight loss but can definitely help your efforts, especially if they are displacing other less nutritious foods. People have reported weight loss and other health improvements from drinking them. Many even drink just green smoothies along with some raw snacks for short periods of time and lose weight. As you know, they are packed with fiber and micronutrients (as long as you use more greens than fruit), things the body needs to shed weight in a healthy way. Feel free to friend me too - it's nice to have other green smoothie friends!
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    Can't live without mine! No other food gives me so easily most if not all of the micronutrients that I need in one go! I have mine instead of breakfast.