Carb nite solution... Anyone tried it?



  • joshwes
    joshwes Posts: 1
    I just started carb nite again and am on day 4, did it around 1-2 years ago and lost about 50 lbs on the program....but slipped this past year and been eating whatever I want, once again I am around 280 pounds and desperately need to lose some weight. I was wondering if the natural quest bars are off the table, had one last night and hope I didn't ruin my 10 day prep phase, but I was really craving a sweet and had one cookie dough bar. Wondering what peoples meal plans are like, I have been eating around 1800-2200 cals (140-150 f, 180-200 p, 20-30 c - macro breakdown). Going to start doing resistance training 3 times a week and have a leg day before the carb nite, hopefully this diet will work again!
  • claudiakendall98
    claudiakendall98 Posts: 242 Member
    Make the hazelnut cookies ,I subbed almond flour because i had it .Macros are the same and they are awesome if you have a sweet tooth. They are on page 336 of book 2 g, 2 fiber ,12 fat, 3 protein.
  • KenN79
    KenN79 Posts: 1
    I like this program. I am currently indulging on my 2nd carb nite as I type this. I think it's helped preserve some muscle, and it helps keep me on track during the week.

    I've lost 21 lbs in 6 weeks. The last 4 I've been doing keto/carb nite.

    It's not for everyone though. I've had no problems getting right back to the keto diet the next morning. A night like this May throw others right off their path.

    I'm planning on running this program until May 30th.
  • greeneyes490
    greeneyes490 Posts: 77 Member
    I just bought the book...I have been doing atkins for 3 months and have lost 30 lbs and looking to change it up and continue to lose.....getting bored so I have to find my happy place again :)....but seriously low carb has changed my life.....i have done every diet out there and this has been effortless...on atkins my cravings were all gone...I never smell fresh bread baking and devour it :)...I am looking foward to reading this book and adding some foods back into my life again :)....
  • Mirandanderson
    Mirandanderson Posts: 9 Member
    I have been following Atkins as of Jan. 15 and have lost 27lbs. I do a cheat day once a week, and on that day I don't eat carbs after 2 PM. I miss bread but not my pant size :) I have some low carb recipes that I created if anyone needs ideas. I am going to check out this carb nite. Anyone try carb confusion or the 19 day diet?
  • brendle007
    Just started the carb nite solution and I am hoping for the best. So far so good. I feel pretty good but only on day 2. I have been drinking a lot of water and feel less bloated that is for sure. I also never left feeling hungry. I am always actually feeling really full. So far I have found it hard to get all my fats in for the day but learning more and more each day. How many carbs are you suppose to eat on carb day?

    Love this thread!
  • cnsjules
    cnsjules Posts: 2 Member
  • britneypetersen1
    did you follow the plan exactly or what kind of things did you eat!
  • Mbrubaker1051
    So I've been doing CNS for almost 3 weeks now and I feel really good, down10 lbs since starting. I've recently started lifting weights, I lift 3 times a week and do cardio 3 times a week with Sundays as a rest day. I'm just curious if anyone has done this particular approach and how did it work out for you? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
  • geewrd
    geewrd Posts: 1 Member
    So I've been doing CNS for almost 3 weeks now and I feel really good, down10 lbs since starting. I've recently started lifting weights, I lift 3 times a week and do cardio 3 times a week with Sundays as a rest day. I'm just curious if anyone has done this particular approach and how did it work out for you? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    I've been doing a hypocaloric version of Carb nite for 3 months, while lifting, and playing club level ultimate. I limit the amount of traditional cardio I do, since it supposedly can cause your body to start hording fat to use as energy according to the author of CNS ( I've found this to be fairly true. The longer I jog, the less weight I lose.

    I've switched entirely to low volume, high intensity training over the last few months, and I've seen the best results of my life. for strength training I lift 3 times/week and do one warmup set, and one set of 8-12 for each exercise, if I get to 12 reps without failure I up the weight and do another set, but I have it pretty tuned now, and I've been steadily increasing in weight even while eating very little. For cardio, twice per week I do plyo, and HIIT, so a lot of jumping and sprinting, usually about a 30 min workout total for cardio, I rest just enough that I am able to keep up the intensity, but not enough that my heartrate drops a lot. This is in addition to playing competitive ultimate 3 times a week, 1 of those time includes a 2 hour practice which includes sprint training and conditioning drills, so I would say I'm doing cardio 3 times/week.

    I just had a fitness assessment done, and without ever running any distances over 1/2 mile, my resting heartrate is at 55 BPM, and my blood pressure is the lowest it's been in my life, my cardio recovery time on the step test was also excellent. So you can definitely achieve great results with carb nite + HIIT, while dieting. In fact I've never had as much energy as I've had over the last few months. even though I'm eating almost 1/3 of what I was.

    I try to maintain 2 rest days per week, so I combine a lot of my activity into 5 days. You're at a higher risk of overtraining when dieting, but everyone is different when it comes to the amount of rest needed, you may be fine with 1 day of rest, or you may need more.
  • stick53
    stick53 Posts: 1 Member
    Just met with my ND yesterday and he has suggested the CNS for me. Really happy to see some posts shared here to get some insight.
  • Muscles_and_lipstick
    Muscles_and_lipstick Posts: 589 Member
    I'm just getting ready to start CN, I'm optimistic about this!
  • 8thAvatar
    8thAvatar Posts: 2 Member
  • jmartimez9
    I have been searching lime crazy to come up with something. I first started reading about carb cycling then I ran Into carb back loading and carb nite last I found was the iifym diet. I think I like carb nite the best. But I'm wondering how I find what macros to follow? How do I calculate these? Thanks for your help
  • Barbellarella_
    Barbellarella_ Posts: 454 Member
    So glad to find people new to Carb Nite. I don't have the book but Instagram has been a great resource. A lot of people post pictures with recipes and there are some great ideas.
    This is THE BEST diet. Last night I sat on the couch watching tv and eating pepperonis. :)
    For 2 months straight, I did Insanity and ate a 1200 calorie diet like it was a religion ... and lost 6 lbs. Not what I was hoping for. **you were doing it wrong, is why.**
    Tomorrow I will be a week into CNS, and I have lost 4 lbs! **Mostly water weight from lowering your carb intake I would say** But my picture from last week compared to this week is what is so crazy to me. The picture looks like I have lost 8-10 pounds and I have more definition in my arms and stomach than I have ever seen. Clearly I am losing body fat while increasing my muscle mass. ***Highly unlikely*** I have never been so excited about weight-loss results.
    To answer your question about net carbs, I do know that you can subtract fiber from your total carbs so as long as your net carbs are under 30, you're good. One question I haven't been able to get a solid answer on though, is sugar alcohols. I've read some things that say sugar alcohols will throw your body out of ketosis (the reason Carb Nite works) but some people say it depends on the person. I have to have a Diet Dr. Pepper every once in awhile so I just try to have it with a meat-only meal so as not to spike my insulin levels as much. If anybody has any feedback on that, I'd love to hear it.

    One great thing that helps my sweet tooth is EAS AdvantEdge shakes. They're pre-made and I get mine at Kroger but you can also order them on Amazon I think. 110 calories so more a snack than a meal replacement. The chocolate is the only one I've tried and I really like it. 17 g of protein and 3 net carbs ( 4 carbs -1 g fiber ). Really hard to beat. Hope that helps!
    ^^^ See my bolded notes

    I'm glad that y'all have found something that you feel is working for you. I'd bet my booty that 99% of you will not be doing this for the long haul tho. I've done lots of programs and fads like this over the years when I didn't know any better.

    It is much better for my sanity to not restrict entire food groups, and then have a carb "binge" every certain amount of days.. I prefer eating at a slight caloric deficit, including treats that I enjoy including carbs everyday *gasp*.. And my results speak for themselves.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    So glad to find people new to Carb Nite. I don't have the book but Instagram has been a great resource. A lot of people post pictures with recipes and there are some great ideas.
    This is THE BEST diet. Last night I sat on the couch watching tv and eating pepperonis. :)
    For 2 months straight, I did Insanity and ate a 1200 calorie diet like it was a religion ... and lost 6 lbs. Not what I was hoping for. **you were doing it wrong, is why.**
    Tomorrow I will be a week into CNS, and I have lost 4 lbs! **Mostly water weight from lowering your carb intake I would say** But my picture from last week compared to this week is what is so crazy to me. The picture looks like I have lost 8-10 pounds and I have more definition in my arms and stomach than I have ever seen. Clearly I am losing body fat while increasing my muscle mass. ***Highly unlikely*** I have never been so excited about weight-loss results.
    To answer your question about net carbs, I do know that you can subtract fiber from your total carbs so as long as your net carbs are under 30, you're good. One question I haven't been able to get a solid answer on though, is sugar alcohols. I've read some things that say sugar alcohols will throw your body out of ketosis (the reason Carb Nite works) but some people say it depends on the person. I have to have a Diet Dr. Pepper every once in awhile so I just try to have it with a meat-only meal so as not to spike my insulin levels as much. If anybody has any feedback on that, I'd love to hear it.

    One great thing that helps my sweet tooth is EAS AdvantEdge shakes. They're pre-made and I get mine at Kroger but you can also order them on Amazon I think. 110 calories so more a snack than a meal replacement. The chocolate is the only one I've tried and I really like it. 17 g of protein and 3 net carbs ( 4 carbs -1 g fiber ). Really hard to beat. Hope that helps!
    ^^^ See my bolded notes

    I'm glad that y'all have found something that you feel is working for you. I'd bet my booty that 99% of you will not be doing this for the long haul tho. I've done lots of programs and fads like this over the years when I didn't know any better.

    It is much better for my sanity to not restrict entire food groups, and then have a carb "binge" every certain amount of days.. I prefer eating at a slight caloric deficit, including treats that I enjoy including carbs everyday *gasp*.. And my results speak for themselves.

    Amen to that! People always try to find a quick fix and end up finding out the hard way that they just need to practice moderation and maintain a deficit.
  • LuckySlydog
    I'm classic Atkins and it works too :smile: I may not be at my goal weight but more importantly my blood work rocks.:happy: Keep up the lifestyle. You'll see the difference in how you feel if you stray or go off. And that's also motivation to keep it going. :bigsmile:
  • LIndaJeanAsh
    There are lots of things you can do to satisfy your sweet tooth.The 'Fat Bomb' that one posted on here is excellent and you can do so much with full fat cream cheese,whipping cream,and a bit of sweetner. Makes a good low carb cheesecake.Go to Pinterest and look for Low Carb boards!
  • LIndaJeanAsh
    Called 'Fat Bombs' in low carb/high fat woe.(Way Of Eating).
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    I started this last night.. An avid Atkin's fan.. I fell off the wagon for a few months and gained a ton!! The ONLY way I have ever lost is through restricting carbs. I noticed after only one day on this plan I have no bloating, no swollen ankles, and I feel great!!. I suspected I had a intolerance to certain carbs and that is probably why the painful bloating occurred.. I have high hopes for this.