Weekly Weigh In Challenge!

Is anyone interested in joining the weekly weigh in challenge?

It starts over every Sunday and we just updated the rules. It is based on a points system :)

We communicate every day through the group feature on mfp. Everything we do is logged in a collaborative google docs sheet! We just updated the way we are going to do things so we are looking for more people to join in on the challenge. Anyone can join at any time because the week starts over every Sunday :)

Comment on here or message me if you would like to participate and I will give you the link to the google docs sheet!

**This is geared toward people who are actively trying to drop pounds.

Overview of the Rules
You get points every day you
-contact the group
-drink 64 oz of water
-have fruits and veggies
-don't have soda or fast food
-exercise and stay under your calorie goal

You get bonus points at the end of the week for the calories you burn during exercise.

You get points for choosing 6 foods you want to avoid this week and not eating those foods more than 3 times.

You get bonus points at the end of the week for either losing weight or maintaining.
