Umtienth times's a charm?

Hi Folks! I just turned 43 and have had body image and weight issues for almost as long as I can remember-at least 2nd grade. I have had several periods of varied success with different approaches, but right now I'm the heaviest I've ever been. I have two young children, a boy and a girl, and I long to run and play with them, live a long and healthy life (for me and for them), and be a positive role model with respect to health and fitness, too. Since I met my husband 22 years ago, I've gained about 75 pounds; that disgusts me but he's too polite to say the same. I know that I feel awesome when I eat a paleo or primal diet, but my carb (especially sweets!) addiction keeps luring me off the wagon. With about 80 pounds to lose, I have a long road ahead so I'm turning to this site for support. I'm also struggling with back pain so I will need to be conservative with exercise until that lessens with chiropractic and accupuncture treatments. I'll be shopping this weekend and have a last birthday "hurrah" at brunch tomorrow so Monday is my start date. See you on the board!!


  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    Hello nice to meet you :) This is a wonderful place to come to find lots of good information and support. The key to starting is making sure you weigh and log everything that goes into your body., it really helps put into prospective just how many calories we are consuming. Make sure you set a realistic weight loss goal for yourself and stick to it :) There will be bad meals, they happen just make sure when they do you don't wait till the next day to start over, start at the next meal :) Once thing I have learned on this journey is as long as you keep getting back up you will not fail. I also feel my best when I eat "clean" or "paleo" per se but as you said it makes it so easy for me to fall off the wagon when I deprive my body of things I want. I find a good mixture of about 80/20 or so is a good balance for me :) I wish you the best of luck!!! Have a great Birthday weekend!!!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Hey, I'm 46, and the advice in the Sexypants post worked for me:

    Welcome! Take "before" photos & measurements, too.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    The way to lose weight is be in a calorie deficit.

    To know you're in a calorie deficit, you need to weigh (with a scale), measure (cups and spoons) and log your food - every day, every bite. It also will show on the scale.

    Eat the foods you like - just make sure you are meeting your calories and macros (protein, fat, carbs)

    Find something you like to do and do it consistently. Lifting is awesome for body recomp. But, it needs to be something that you enjoy.

    Most importantly, don't stop and have infinite patience.

    These links will help you get started. Once you start, stop looking at it as falling off the wagon. We all have bad days - but you keep going. If your plan is sustainable - you'll be able to do this forever. I've been doing it for 2 1/2 years and lost a little over 100 pounds. Read the links, learn all you can, & then get started.
  • jakesgirl05
    Hello!! I am 45, turned in June!! I have about 55 pounds to lose and have two boys. I totally understand!! I am starting 100% tomorrow, Sunday. I lost weight and felt great eating clean and lean but I felt entitled and "rewarded" my self with binges that slowly put all the weight back on. I am in this to accomplish my weight loss goal and help my body be healthy again. I have a lot of issues with my joints because I've totally let myself go over the last 3 years. I don't want any more joint and back problems! Lets get to know eachother!! I hope your birthday is awesome!! Let do this and be free of limitations!! We can!! It may take time, but that time goes by either way. Lets do it! You can do this :)
  • doctorregenerated
    doctorregenerated Posts: 188 Member
    I'm 37 or maybe 38 now, I keep losing track of my real age. I have two young children, 6 and 7.
    I've been a yoyo dieter for a long time and am currently at my second highest weight ever.
    I feel really motivated today, which may change tomorrow, but today is all we have.
    I made menu plans, cleaned out the things that tempt me, and am logging everything.
    Congrats on making the step to begin MFP. You are not alone!!
  • StrongAndLeanMama
    Thank you for the replies!! I'm reading over the info in the links you sent. The food scale, measuring cups and spoons, and my scale are ready. I just wish my back was :( Oh well, I can at least manage a walk, although someday I aspire to do Crossfit. I'll take my starting photos and measurements later. I'm looking forward to tomorrow!
  • 115s
    115s Posts: 344 Member
    Find an hour in your day, even if you have to wake up earlier and go walk. Buy a heart rate monitor and gauge how many calories you burn. Do this daily for a month, log it, and log your food. Remember to eat at a deficit. You do not have to eat all of your calories back, but please do not starve yourself. You can also eat candy if you want. You have a sweet tooth so feed it and eat what you love, just learn a bit of portion control or buy the snack sizes. Going on a diet and losing weight does not mean you have to stop eating the foods you love and crave, simply means you have to learn to not only rely on those foods. Yes of course if you do weights, you will do better, but you do not have to if you do not want to, long as your goal is only to take off the pounds and you do not mind a tiny bit of loose skin. I have hit the weights here and there because I do not want to deal with skin that may be out of place.
    Do this daily and I promise that you will take the pounds off. Please remember to keep at it, otherwise it is just a temporary fix. If you stop doing it, you are more than likely to revert to the way you have been doing things and I am sure that is not what you want.

    This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. I failed when I looked at it as a diet and also reverted back to what I was doing and lost all the progress I made. I have now managed to keep at it for a year and still losing steadily. If I can do it, so can you.