Water or Soda? which do you drink?



  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    I like Snapple Diet Peach tea in the morning and then just water. Alot of water. But I'm thirsty tons. Sometimes I'll put a diet Orange in the freezer & set timer for 30min and then indulge....gotta have that thin layer of ice on the top so when I pop the top its mmmmmmm tasty!
  • chrissyrenee1029
    chrissyrenee1029 Posts: 358 Member
    I drink water 99% of the time primarily because I love food more than soda. I'd rather have an extra 300ish calories a day to spend on a food I love than a soda. That said, I will have a Dr. Pepper maybe once every couple of weeks, but it's definitely not an every day thing for me.
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    water..i do paleo!
  • purplenurse711
    purplenurse711 Posts: 29 Member
    I drink Water and Sparking flavored water for the carbonation...instead of diet soda! Diet soda free for 32 days straight. I do enjoy green tea and coffee.
  • SuperCartman
    SuperCartman Posts: 26 Member
    I drink around 2 litres of sparkling water every day. Still is just too plain for me. I very rarely have any 'soft' drinks anymore and I don't regret making that decision at all. I also have a few coffee each day and the occasional lemon/ginger tea after meals.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I drink water and have 1 diet soda per day, if at all. My water bottle goes everywhere with me.
  • bcanderson123456
    bcanderson123456 Posts: 45 Member
    I have been drinking water with chuncks of lemon in it, because otherwise Its hard to drink water for me. I feel like I'm drowning or choking on it. I have been drinking just water for the past 3 weeks, no juice, no soda, just water. I felt more hungry and I did not loose as much weight as last month. Last month I lost 9 pounds this month I lost 4. So yesterday I was craving a soda, Diet Mountain dew. I had 3 in fact and guess what? I lost a pound. why? because I'm thinking the carbonation in the soda makes me feel fuller from my belly being bloated. I noticed I didnt eat as much. So I am wondering what everyone else's opionion is. Do you prefer water or soda and why?

    I don't know if someone else mentioned this but water/soda aside...If you think you lose a pound in a day you don't understand how the body works. I don't think the carbonation was a factor, but drink whatever feels right to you as long as it isn't full of sugar, but please don't think there is an instant weight reduction. To see a pound difference in a day would mostly be related to hydration. Did you overall fluid intake go down because of the soda?
    SWWIS Posts: 94 Member
    I drink 2-4 coffees and at least a gallon of water every day. I consciously decided to stop drinking juice and soda when I went to college and have completely lost my taste for them. On the off chance that I have a soda or some juice now, my face puckers at how cloyingly sweet they are for the first 5 or so sips. I really don't like them anymore.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    diet soda is all chemicals. If you are craving a soda drink the regular kind, and if possible opt for the real sugar variant, like Pepsi is advertising right now.

    I usually stick to water all the time, it really does help detox and cleanse yourself
    Water's a chemical. What's wrong with the zero-cal options for soda, exactly?

    What are you detoxing from?
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    Soda is delicious. I love it and have loved it my entire life. My favorite is Cheerwine, a cherry soda available in the southern US. There's some in my fridge right now actually, but it's for my husband T_T

    But I don't drink it. I only drink water, almond milk, and coffee.
  • Water cause it doesnt have all the chemicals

    But then soda tastes good.....
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I drink water, coffee, hot tea, flavored seltzer water (non-sweetened - no artificial or fake sugars). I have tried to cut out soda all together. Haven't had it in 2 weeks. Yay. LOL
  • Shoregirl72
    Shoregirl72 Posts: 2 Member
    Since I cut out soda the beginning of the year, I actually found that it is way too sweet for me now...but once in a GREAT while I will crave that glass of icy Coke. But I mostly drink water and iced tea!
  • I am a pop addict, but I've recently rediscovered squash!! :bigsmile:
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Water, black tea, black coffee. Soda was the first thing I cut down on when I first started at 245 pounds. Now I don't drink it at all. I used to drink a two liter a day most days. In fact, I was on the intermittent fasting, Obese World of Warcraft Warrior Diet while I was getting fat. Instead of only a little fruit or vegetables during the day, followed by a large, healthy evening feast, I drank a 2 liter of soda during the day, then ate a large, unhealthy evening feast. Can't say my personalized version went so well for me!
  • nicolemviolette
    nicolemviolette Posts: 105 Member
    For over a year I have had had nothing to drink but water. Except the occasional iced coffee or cappucino, like while I was in the hospital after I had my son. & Sometimes I drink the milk from my cereal bowl. But other than that, nothing but water!! About 8 cups a day.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,007 Member
    Why do I have to pick? I drink water, soda, and lots and lots of coffee

    As long as its low cal or free I will have it.
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    I'll second the recommendation for Crystal Light or something similar. There are tons of flavors from iced tea to lemonade and fruit punch. That way you're not drinking the same thing day after day.

    You can also add it to carbonated water, so you can satisfy your craving for soda without adding extra calories.

    That being said, there's no harm in occasionally indulging in a soda here or there. Just build it into your daily calorie requirement, and no harm, no foul.
  • TMM211073
    TMM211073 Posts: 153 Member
    I usually drink filtered water (tap water tastes like bleach round here) but occasionally I'll drink flavoured water, diet Coke or Pepsi Max - usually only when we eat out, I rarely have any in the house; I also drink herbal teas.

    I'm not a fan of fizzy pop (soda) because it's too sweet & I can't stand dilute squash because it tastes like plastic to me.

  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    Water, no soda in about 18 years.
  • Congrats on the WEight loss!! i personally drink water cause i love water, but i do enjoy a Coke Cherry Zero now and then. Always remember that there is a differnce between loosing weight and being healthy. You can loose weight and drink soda and eat junk but you wont get the optimal nutrion your body needs to be truly Healthy. But nothing wrong with a good soda now and then. Good luck on your journey!!!:smile:
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    COFFEE :love:
  • ScatterBrainedSpirit
    ScatterBrainedSpirit Posts: 75 Member
    I used to drink 1400 - 2800 mL of Pepsi a day until September of last year. Now I drink mostly water, coffee, & tea, with the occasional juice or 7Up thrown in.
  • MisspelledMe
    MisspelledMe Posts: 33 Member
    I usually drink water, milk, tea, or coffee. I'm allergic to the colorings in most sodas, so when I was stuck with clear ones or expensive ones, I just gave up on soda altogether out of boredom.
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    I have been told, "Don't drink soda, drink water its better for you." So that is why I tried just water to see what the outcome would be. I'm glad I did that experiment.

    While water is a pretty ideal hydration method, you gotta be able to live with your eating habits! I also love the carbonation and finds it makes drinks seem more filling and palatable. Over time, I've replaced most of my diet soda drinking with carbonated water. If it's tasty to you, it could be a nice addition to your drinking options. I generally get 12oz cans, as the larger bottles can lose carbonation more quickly. They do sell artificially sweetened versions that are more like a diet soda, as well as unsweetened ones (usually referred to as sparkling water).
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    cold turkey soda on my first day. Cup of decaf in the morning then water till lunch. Then a glass of Ecodrink during lunch then water until after dinner and then a evening cup of decaf before bed. Coffee amounts are sometimes increased during the weekend.
  • mickiebabs
    mickiebabs Posts: 183 Member
    I've cut down my diet pepsi intake but I do still drink it. No matter what I drink, diet pepsi or coffee, my next drink is always a bottle of water. I bounce back and forth throughout the day. Sometimes I'll drink 2 or 3 waters in a row but if I drink something other than water, water is always my next one.
  • GeordieGirl80s
    GeordieGirl80s Posts: 120 Member
    I mostly drink water but I do have 1 maybe 2 glasses of fruit juice a week & half a bottle of white grape and elderflower & half a bottle of red grape spritzer a week. Soda is a rarity for me now rather than an every day or even every week thing. I've found the more water I drink the more I want to drink it (though some days I can easily drink 3 litres of more and some days, like today, I just don't feel thirsty) and I tend to lose more weight when I drink more water.
  • YamaMaya1
    YamaMaya1 Posts: 49 Member
    since I stopped having junk food, sweet tasting things seem so much more intense. I drink straight water most days and I don't really mind it, I had a diet cream doda today, and it was like a shock to my system. I actually have a headache now..
  • Lark011
    Lark011 Posts: 7
    I drink diet coke and water with lemon. I prefer the diet soda, but I try to drink water because it's healthier. I find it much easier to drink water in the summer then during the winter months.