College Student 100+lbs Weight Loss

Hi! So I'm a college student with a goal to lose 100lbs. I started about 6 weeks ago. I'm doing an okay job of losing weight now, but I'm also at home, not school. I'm concerned with keeping up with my goals while being at college with a full and stressful schedule when I return in a month. Can anyone relate?


  • Omg yessss! I'm a student too (19 years old, undergraduate) and when I'm stressed I fail to keep living healthy! And I'm stressed all the time during the semester. I have about 60 lbs to lose until I'm at a healthy weight, but I want to lose 80, ideally - so it's coming close to a 100! I will add you if that's alright! :)
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Surround yourself with people who have succeeded so they can encourage you. Feel free to add me.
  • im in school and work full time so i hear you!! just have to be commited!! i meal prep on sundays to keep me from slipping during the week!!! it CAN be done!!!!:smile:
  • Oh I know, it is so difficult to organize everything so you can eat healthy and find time to work out during the semester.
    Right now I'm okay, but when I have classes I spend all day running around between classes and my volunteer work and usually grabbing something fast and unhealthy to eat so I could get through the day. It lead up to me gaining almost 30lbs extra last few years and now I really want to get healthy and fit. Scared because I'm finishing uni next year and I don't want to be unfit and unhealthy with no energy for work and everything else that comes with it. Hope to gain some healthy habbits of eating good and working out regulary till the new semester begins so I don't fail ..again :brokenheart:
  • oneblackwing
    oneblackwing Posts: 9 Member
    I'm not sure what your school is like, but my school does make healthy options easier. Make sure you have veggies every meal. See if you can sneak fruit from the dining hall for in between classes or late night snacks. Ignore those quick unhealthy meals as much as possible. I work and go to school full time, and these really helped me.
  • Thanks, Oneblackwing :) My school doesn't have a meal plan, I have my own kitchen. This means I can cook and bake whatever I want whenever I want it - and I do my own grocery shopping. Kinda dangerous ;)
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I feel you! I just finished 6th form (the two years before uni here in the UK) and will be starting university in September. I found it impossible to lose weight when I was still in school so I'm really worried I'll put everything I've lost so far back on once I get to uni. That's why I'm trying to lose as much as I can now before I go :c
  • In my country we have student restaurants where you have student discount and can get a full meal (soup, main course, salad and dessert) for about 2 dollars total which is great, but the bad thing is, food really sucks. They do have some healthy options but they are never prepared properly and taste horrible. That is one of the main reasons why I developed such an aversion for healthy food, and trying now really hard to correct that. Only thing they can make that is kind of decent in taste is pre-prepared food which means everything deep fried :explode: so that is one of the reasons I've put on weight.