Help is needed...

Hi guys, if you don't know me, Im Phil. I am 6' 2' and hovering right above 300lbs. I started MFP new years day and have since lost around 14 pounds, but Im slipping. I am supposed to work out 4 days a week, last week I only worked out 2. and the 1 was 1/2 assed...

My problem is I need motivation/energy to exercize...I work 60+ hour weeks between 2 jobs, and I just don't have the energy to workout. Ideally I would like to workout Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Ideally I'd also like to walk/jog every morning...but until the weather breaks, i won't be doing that (its currently like -2 out right now) I can't afford/don't have time for a gym.

I have Wii Fit, Fit+, EA Active(WANT ACTIVE 2), and Jillian Michaels Fitness ultimatum(Bit too advanced for me right now)
Problem is I haven't really been active for about 5-6 years, since i last lost 40 pounds...

I also have a decent weight bench...I JUST DONT HAVE THE ENERGY.

I know I will feel better if i start working out, everyday after i work out i feel great, i have awesome energy, but then I'll work a double, not be able to work out and drag *kitten* all the next day, and I will be supposed to work out that day....and i'll be exhausted and it won't happen...

What do you think? Help is definitely needed here. this is about where I get to before i quit. and if i didn't have MFP, i probably already would have. MY typicaly diet/exercise lasts about 3 weeks and i blow it.

NOT THIS TIME, but i need your help.

I didn't TOO awful this weekend. I did have a beer and slice of pizza after i got done running around a kitchen for 6 hours @ work. I did make Prime Rib Hash Sunday for breakfast (finely chopped prime rib w/ fat trimmed, shredded red potatoes, roasted red peppers, garlic, shallots and scallions) and a huge pot of chicken vegetable soup. I have been keeping my calorie intake in check, minus this weekend-though i ate decent, i didn't log anything...I silenced all technology this weekend, minus our DVD player, and a relaxing weekend on the couch with my wife, which was definitely needed.

Advice, suggestions....anything....


  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    I have to exercise in the morning, before work, or I won't do it. Yeah, it's hard to get up early and go do it, but I know by the end of the day I'll be bushed and not do it if I wait. You also might try adding 10 minutes of exercise here and there thru your double shift days instead of one big workout. You won't get the big sweat from the short workouts, but they will build your strength and endurance so the workouts get easier.
  • mmikosz1
    mmikosz1 Posts: 1 Member
    Been there many times. It doesn't sound like you are really ready, but m aybe I'm wrong. Try liquid vitamin b12 helps with enery.
    Record everything, even your cheats. You are only fooling yourself. No excuses, just exercise and eat less. If you have childeren use being around for them as an incentive. The fact that you have started means it's on your mind, just move up the priorirty. You can walk outside in bad weather. Go for it.
  • cableguy1177
    B12 and B6 vitamins will give you a burst of energy, for sure. If you read the labels on most energy drinks, they're packed with B vitamins. I personally use NO Explode, from GNC, in the mornings prior to my workout. I only take about a third of a serving, but I notice a HUGE difference.
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    I have to exercise in the morning, before work, or I won't do it. Yeah, it's hard to get up early and go do it, but I know by the end of the day I'll be bushed and not do it if I wait. You also might try adding 10 minutes of exercise here and there thru your double shift days instead of one big workout. You won't get the big sweat from the short workouts, but they will build your strength and endurance so the workouts get easier.
    I find it hard to get up in the morning even for work let alone for exercise...I need to change this.
  • ♥Violette♥4Ever♥
    Hi Phil, I too have a busy schedule...I work full time and go to school full time. I wanted to exercise everyday but due to my busy schedule that is sometimes not possible. DO NOT give up. Just exercise when you can and watch everything you eat on the days you don't exercise.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Unfortunately ther is no magic motivator. I've been obese all my life and did so many diets I can't count them all. Would lose but always gained it back until I really decided on a lifestyle change vs. a diet. And that meant committing to the things I really really wanted - like improving my health (which was horrible, docs thought they were going to have to amputate my leg), being able to do the things I enjoyed (like going to a movie, couldn't fit in the seat anymore), and wanting to be there to see my family change and grow. So everydayis a conscious decision: IS THE CHOICE I'M MAKING RIGHT NOW MOVING ME CLOSER OR FURTHER FROM MY GOAL? Its taken 3 years but i'm 7 lbs away from goal weight. It wasn't easy, I wasn't perfect, but I made a committment and a choice. And its an ongoing battle. I know that if I stop being viligent I will gain back every last one of th 254 lbs and then some.

    So hang in there, make the choice that works for you. Also, remember you don't have to have the perfect healthy lifestyle all at once. Make small changes - they tend to last longer. Instead of going to the gym that many times, start with once or twice a week, stay with that until you have it down. Then move up to 3, or add running a couple days a week. If you give yourself acheiveable goals you have a much better chance of making them.

    Good luck!
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Been there many times. It doesn't sound like you are really ready, but m aybe I'm wrong. Try liquid vitamin b12 helps with enery.
    Record everything, even your cheats. You are only fooling yourself. No excuses, just exercise and eat less. If you have childeren use being around for them as an incentive. The fact that you have started means it's on your mind, just move up the priorirty. You can walk outside in bad weather. Go for it.
    Im definitely ready. I've been eating very well for the past couple weeks, minus a few slip ups, I've been really good. I have lost 14 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks, and just need to get active to start to lose more. I havn't been over calories since i started MFP. I should just get up a 1/2 hour early and go for a walk in the morning regardless of the weather...
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    B12 and B6 vitamins will give you a burst of energy, for sure. If you read the labels on most energy drinks, they're packed with B vitamins. I personally use NO Explode, from GNC, in the mornings prior to my workout. I only take about a third of a serving, but I notice a HUGE difference.
    I will definitely look into this!! Thanks!!
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Hi Phil, I too have a busy schedule...I work full time and go to school full time. I wanted to exercise everyday but due to my busy schedule that is sometimes not possible. DO NOT give up. Just exercise when you can and watch everything you eat on the days you don't exercise.
    thanks :)
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Unfortunately ther is no magic motivator. I've been obese all my life and did so many diets I can't count them all. Would lose but always gained it back until I really decided on a lifestyle change vs. a diet. And that meant committing to the things I really really wanted - like improving my health (which was horrible, docs thought they were going to have to amputate my leg), being able to do the things I enjoyed (like going to a movie, couldn't fit in the seat anymore), and wanting to be there to see my family change and grow. So everydayis a conscious decision: IS THE CHOICE I'M MAKING RIGHT NOW MOVING ME CLOSER OR FURTHER FROM MY GOAL? Its taken 3 years but i'm 7 lbs away from goal weight. It wasn't easy, I wasn't perfect, but I made a committment and a choice. And its an ongoing battle. I know that if I stop being viligent I will gain back every last one of th 254 lbs and then some.

    So hang in there, make the choice that works for you. Also, remember you don't have to have the perfect healthy lifestyle all at once. Make small changes - they tend to last longer. Instead of going to the gym that many times, start with once or twice a week, stay with that until you have it down. Then move up to 3, or add running a couple days a week. If you give yourself acheiveable goals you have a much better chance of making them.

    Good luck!

    Thanks, and i think you are right. I think i've gone for too much of a drastic change all at one. I think setting exercise for 4 days a week is a big "lofty" right now. I think i'll aim for 2 and go from there. Im also going to attempt getting up early and going for a walk in the morning, regardless if its -2 or 75. I know i need to make these changes, and I havnt' given up yet. I havn't let my diet slip, I just need to add in exercise.
  • mandster
    mandster Posts: 95 Member
    I would say do something every day. Even if it's only for 10 minutes. If I don't feel like it and force myself to do 10 mins I will usually stick at it much longer. Getting started is the hard bit! I was also low in energy as my kids have been waking me up in the night a lot for weeks and I've been working late at night. I have so much more energy after only 2 weeks of doing exercise - usually no more than 30 minutes a time. I find it easier to motivate myself every day than to pick 3 or 4 workout days - you can always find an excuse to put it off till the next day and before you know it - not enough days in the week!

    Find something that you like that doesn't feel like exercise. Walking is great and you already have the wii so take a look at some of the more fun stuff on there like the boxing - it all counts.

    Good luck and stick at it. You'll get there
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    I hate to sound like a Nike commerical, but something you have to just do it. When I don't feel like it, I give myself a five minute check which means I go at it with seriousness for five minutes. I tell myself at the five minutes I can quit, but I usually find that I'm willing to keep going for another five. Most of the time my body will respond within the first five or ten minutes and I suddenly FEEL LIKE doing it and finish the workout 10x stronger than I started. Works really well with running too.

    good luck, it can take a while to find your mojo!
  • Carol_can_do_it
    I had to force myself to exercise when I first started. I would give myself a small non food reward when I completed my exercise for the week. Now I look forward to my exercise time and crave it now.
  • sarahTV
    sarahTV Posts: 65 Member
    I used to have excuses...I have 3 kids under the age of six and I'd either say I'm too tired, or I couldn't find a sitter so I could go to the gym or it was too hot/too cold/too windy to go outside for a walk...or that the kids walk too slow and I don't get enough of a workout. Eventually one day you'll wake up and you won't have an excuse anymore. No matter how tired I am, or how bad my day was or how many kids woke up during the night, my treadmill is staring me in the nose the minute I open my eyes each's enough for me to get up, start my day with a healthy breakfast and then exercise.

    It's not something that anyone else can do for you, but you can certainly psych yourself up for it. If you cannot workout in the morning, at least set reminders throughout the day to stay healthy...get a bracelet or ring or jacket or whatever it'll take that whenever you put it on or take it off, it'll remind you to stay on track. Set your goal in the matter how LONG my day is today, I will go home, eat, get on the computer and then workout. The only person you can let down is yourself and you'll have to deal with your guilt/let down on your own...but for me, breaking that promise to myself is just making this whole losing weight process longer than it needs to be.
    Hope that helps :D
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Thanks everyone . i know i need to do this. Thank you for all your suggestions I think im going to start taking laps around the building during the least it will be 10 minutes of walking during my break....
  • WhiteRaven
    WhiteRaven Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks everyone . i know i need to do this. Thank you for all your suggestions I think im going to start taking laps around the building during the least it will be 10 minutes of walking during my break....

    Add a few other things into your daily routine as well.
    Park farther way, walk the rest,
    Take the stairs whenever possible.
    make sure your vary your routine, don't do the same walk every day, you will tire of it, change directions, walk around another building, take a completely different route.

    Don't let the weather get you down. Early in your post you mentioned it was -2 was that celcius or fahrenheit? Dress for the weather, don't let it get you down (especially if its celcius your talking) Right now we are just snapping out of a deep freeze -25C with wind chill -35, no WAY im going out in that, but 0 to -10 you bet im out there.

    Good luck :)
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Thanks everyone . i know i need to do this. Thank you for all your suggestions I think im going to start taking laps around the building during the least it will be 10 minutes of walking during my break....

    Add a few other things into your daily routine as well.
    Park farther way, walk the rest,
    Take the stairs whenever possible.
    make sure your vary your routine, don't do the same walk every day, you will tire of it, change directions, walk around another building, take a completely different route.

    Don't let the weather get you down. Early in your post you mentioned it was -2 was that celcius or fahrenheit? Dress for the weather, don't let it get you down (especially if its celcius your talking) Right now we are just snapping out of a deep freeze -25C with wind chill -35, no WAY im going out in that, but 0 to -10 you bet im out there.

    Good luck :)
    Its Farenheit. I live north east of Buffalo NY near the shores of Lake Ontario.

    and thanks! :D Im definitely going to start that.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I'm very fussy about exercise. I don't LIKE to do anything but swim and walk; and swimming is an ordeal that takes almost 1.5 hours, including the to-and-from transportation; the stripping, the cold water, the showering, the hair drying, etc. . . so it's REALLY easy for me to talk myself out of it if it's just a little too cold or if I've got a pressing project and I don't want to spend the time.

    I don't like walking on a treadmill-- particularly in a sweaty, stinky gym; and And in bad weather, I don't like to walk outside because I'm a klutz and I have slipped and tripped on icy streets.

    That said, I will NOT use my difficulties in motivating myself to exercise as an excuse to give up on my health goals altogether. Even when I know I can do better in the exercise department, I can still watch what I eat; mind my calories, fiber, and fat; and ya know what? I can still lose weight and feel better!
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    I have to exercise in the morning, before work, or I won't do it. Yeah, it's hard to get up early and go do it, but I know by the end of the day I'll be bushed and not do it if I wait. You also might try adding 10 minutes of exercise here and there thru your double shift days instead of one big workout. You won't get the big sweat from the short workouts, but they will build your strength and endurance so the workouts get easier.
    I find it hard to get up in the morning even for work let alone for exercise...I need to change this.

    My first OTR truck driving job had me getting home every three weeks for like 4 days off. Each time I came home I was on a different sleep cycle. Sometimes I was sleeping 3AM - 11AM, another time it was 5PM - 1AM.

    The point I'm trying to make is that you can adjust your sleep cycle if you want to.

    "Fasted cardio" is the only thing for me. Running in the AM starts my day off and boosts my energy all day w/out anything more than a caffeine hit B4 I run. Best to get the workout done early or I won't do it later and the benefit of doing it "fasted" is lost as well. I can run every day in the afternoon and not lose a pound. After my first 11 days here I was down 4.5 pounds. I was just returning from an injury so this was day 14 of running in the AM.
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Phil if your having issues getting motivated try putting your work out clothes when yah go to bed. When that alarm clock rings dont think about it and jump out of bed and splash some cold water on your face. We all have been their with motivation and I think you need to just get after it.