Eat only fruit, vegetables, and lean protein

lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
Since January I've been participating a boot camp class 5 days/week, and it's fantastic! I've seen wonderful results getting toned up and losing fat - lost 20 lbs, 6% body fat, and many inches during that time. Right now my weight is lower than it has ever been in my adult life (actually I weigh less now than I did in junior high!). I have 3 more pounds to get to my original goal, but I think I'm going to change that and add on another 10 pounds to my goal. However, my weight loss has stalled the past two weeks - haven't gained, but stayed exactly the same.

So far our boot camp instructor has only instructed us on exercise and let us do our own thing on nutrition. So I've been following the MFP plan (I tweaked it a bit to lower the carbs and increase protein), but now she has challenged us on a food challenge too -- interesting timing since I seem to have stalled out. Her challenge is to only eat veggies, fruit, and lean protein for one week. I'm actually excited about it because I think it'll be a nice change and hopefully "confuse" my body and kick it into weight loss mode again. But it's going to be tough because I eat a good amount of fat free greek yogurt, lowfat cheese, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal, egg whites, Luna bars...

All this to ask...

Do any of you eat this way already? What are the challenges? Any advice you have for me to make this week successful is greatly appreciated!

Thanks for reading and making MFP awesome!!! :flowerforyou:


  • Nataliethin81
    Nataliethin81 Posts: 315
    I "try" my hardest to eat this way. I always incorporate lean protein, veggies and fruit into every meal but I LOVE cheese and yogurt. Those items make up pretty much every meal I eat. I find it super hard to only eat veggies, fruit and lean protein if I'm working out a lot. I feel like I need something more because I'm still hungry. Good luck, you can do it!
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I am doing a modified fast and my one real food meal of the day consists of 6 oz of lean protein, three servings of veggies, and a medium sized fruit. In the beg in was tough, missing the carbs, but after a week or so, I didn't miss them at all. I am almost always full. The rest of my day is meal replacement shakes. I have lost 87 lbs in 17 weeks, I had a lot to lose though.
  • nikki_zav
    nikki_zav Posts: 320 Member
    That will be an awesome way to get your body into more loss after your stall. Congrats on all the great work you have done so far!!

    If you are the kind of person who can give into cravings easily, then make sure all the yogurts, carbs and other 'non-list' foods are out of the house or where you aren't going to reach for a quick snack. Have lots of recipes ready to go for your week. Eat a good amount of your veggies raw, will get you a lot of bang for you buck!

    Best of luck!!
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    When I was doing boot camp, my weight loss stalled. I think my body got "used" to what I was doing and eating.
    So I changed my goals from 1.5 lbs a week to 1 lb, therefore increasing my daily caloric intake. I tried that for a week or so and then went back down to 1.5 lbs a week. It worked!
    I also found that I wasnt eating enough, I was underestimating my cals burned and like you didn't lose or gain for a while! Grr
    It doesn't really hurt to try her advice for a week or so. Also, when you get closer to your ideal body weight and BMI, it gets harder to lose (I've heard lol... I'm not there yet).
    Good luck and congrats on the loss ;)
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    drink lots of water too, this will cause you to feel fuller, I drink about 12 glasses a day. Many times when you feel hungry, you are really thirsty. My favorite veggies are asparagus, broccoli, and brussel sprouts. Roasted brussel sprouts by far are the best. If you like shephards pie, you can substiture the mashed potatoes with mashed cauliflower. It's not the exact same taste but definately less carbs.
  • EmmySharpe
    EmmySharpe Posts: 2
    i eat this way and have lost almost 20 lbs in six weeks. its tricky at first and takes some getting used to. the key is to not eat the same thing twice in a row, it gets old fast! keep things mixed up and play with spices when cooking the meats. im sure if you only have to do it for a week you'll be fine. im eating this way because im on the hcg diet, so you could look up online "phase 2 hcg diet recipes" online and see what you get.
  • kjosey1
    kjosey1 Posts: 36
    I did this for a week and I definitely saw results. It was really hard for me because I'm a huge snacker, and there's only so much fruit and veggies that I want to eat. lol. It was great because I don't crave fruits and vegetables when I want to snack so it cut down my food intake and late night munching. I'd grab a handful of blueberries or strawberries to hold me over, but I realized that I'm really not hungry every time I walk into the kitchen. It's just my body craving processed foods. So it taught me the difference between real hunger and cravings. Good luck!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Like to hear more on this.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Since January I've been participating a boot camp class 5 days/week, and it's fantastic! I've seen wonderful results getting toned up and losing fat - lost 20 lbs, 6% body fat, and many inches during that time. Right now my weight is lower than it has ever been in my adult life (actually I weigh less now than I did in junior high!). I have 3 more pounds to get to my original goal, but I think I'm going to change that and add on another 10 pounds to my goal. However, my weight loss has stalled the past two weeks - haven't gained, but stayed exactly the same.

    So far our boot camp instructor has only instructed us on exercise and let us do our own thing on nutrition. So I've been following the MFP plan (I tweaked it a bit to lower the carbs and increase protein), but now she has challenged us on a food challenge too -- interesting timing since I seem to have stalled out. Her challenge is to only eat veggies, fruit, and lean protein for one week. I'm actually excited about it because I think it'll be a nice change and hopefully "confuse" my body and kick it into weight loss mode again. But it's going to be tough because I eat a good amount of fat free greek yogurt, lowfat cheese, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal, egg whites, Luna bars...

    All this to ask...

    Do any of you eat this way already? What are the challenges? Any advice you have for me to make this week successful is greatly appreciated!

    Thanks for reading and making MFP awesome!!! :flowerforyou:

    Yes, I already eat this way and I don't find it challenging at all.

    I would suggest that you increase your fat intake as it will help to decrease hunger. For instance, full fat greek yogurt, full fat cheese, whole eggs...........these are all good protein sources.

    It will help you burn fat faster also. It takes eating fat to burn fat and the fat in yogurt, cheese and eggs / meat is natural occurring and not processed.

    Good Luck. I don't understand why she would suggest only 1 week??? My challenge to people is to try it for 30 days. You may feel so fantastic that you won't go back to eating any other way!!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Thanks so much for all your comments, suggestions, and encouragement! :flowerforyou:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    For those of you who already eat like this, what do you have your daily carb/protein/fat percentages set to?
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    For those of you who already eat like this, what do you have your daily carb/protein/fat percentages set to?

    Carb / Protein / Fat
    10% 30% 60%

    My typical Daily Fare;

    Eggs fried in filtered bacon grease or coconut oil
    Nitrate Free, uncured bacon OR home made pork sausage ( i can send recipe)
    coffee with coconut milk or plain black
    ice water with lemon

    sometimes I make a salad with shimp or chicken in it, almonds and milled chia seed and home made dressing
    Left over meat and green veggies
    Strawberries, blue berries, raspberries or blackberries

    Side salad
    Protein (shrimp, beef, pork, chicken or fish)
    Green veggies (brocolli, collard greens, kale green beans, cabbage, cauliflower, asparagus, etc)

    Ice water or green tea to drink.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    My week went really well - I lost 1.5 pounds this week!!! I think I'm going to stick with it longer!! It wasn't necessarily low carb, but I did cut out sweets, pasta, rice, bread, dairy, and as much refined/packaged stuff as possible. I still ate plenty of carbs through fruits and veggies. Basically tried to eat only meat, fruits, and veggies. I think I'm going to add back in some dairy - I LOVE my Fage 0% greek yogurt!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    My week went really well - I lost 1.5 pounds this week!!! I think I'm going to stick with it longer!! It wasn't necessarily low carb, but I did cut out sweets, pasta, rice, bread, dairy, and as much refined/packaged stuff as possible. I still ate plenty of carbs through fruits and veggies. Basically tried to eat only meat, fruits, and veggies. I think I'm going to add back in some dairy - I LOVE my Fage 0% greek yogurt!

    How do you feel though?????? Do you find you have even more energy????
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    My week went really well - I lost 1.5 pounds this week!!! I think I'm going to stick with it longer!! It wasn't necessarily low carb, but I did cut out sweets, pasta, rice, bread, dairy, and as much refined/packaged stuff as possible. I still ate plenty of carbs through fruits and veggies. Basically tried to eat only meat, fruits, and veggies. I think I'm going to add back in some dairy - I LOVE my Fage 0% greek yogurt!

    How do you feel though?????? Do you find you have even more energy????

    About the same, really...
  • mrk34
    mrk34 Posts: 227 Member
    I have been eating this way for a year.

    This method provides my body with the right amount of fuel, nutrients and minerals it needs. I totally eliminated foods that have empty calories and those that are filled with unhealthy fats, sugar and artificial ingredients.

    In addition to fresh vegetables and some fruits I also eat lean turkey breast, grilled chicken breast, fish, and whole grain bread. I drink a lot of tea and water. I take Omega-3 to make sure I have enough of so badly needed healthy fats.

    What does it feel like?

    I feel great. Have lots of energy. I keep losing weight without exercise, calorie counting, and most importantly, without being hungry. I not only eat food that caused me to lose weight, but it is also healthy. My important health-related numbers (cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar) went down are good now.

    No single formula for weight loss can work perfectly for every person. But when you adopt a diet that consists primarily of fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains, you will be amazed how easily and “effortlessly” you will lose weight.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Mrk you have got you a good plan. i like that about exercise Take it up from an old granny you got it right on!
  • :smile: tomorrow will be my first day on eating fruit vegetables and lean protein, im praying i succeed at this because everything else i have done i have succeeded in one thing which is gaining weight. i hope i start to go in the opposite direction and start losing weight.
  • CupcakesMom2
    CupcakesMom2 Posts: 154 Member
    I eat close to this way although I will eat oatmeal and I will eat quinoa and other healthy carbs. My only advice is to look up the sugar content of fruit, there is huge variation.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    If you're only eating lean protein, fruit and veggies, where are your fats? Avocados? Unless you choose your veggies very carefully, you'll be low on calcium too.

    And why no dairy? I can't ever see my self giving up dairy products.