Hi, I am new and would love some help

Hi Everyone,

I am new, I am on day 5 of my "new life".
I am a mom of 2 small kiddos, busy with life and did not take care of myself. Gained 55 lbs since my wedding, 8 years ago.
I have tried dieting, but never succeeded.
I am struggling with figuring out an approriate calorie intake and the macros are totally new to me. I read the posts on them but I am still at a loss.

This time I am very committed, I need to be a healthier and happier mom for my kids!

I would really appreciate some advice on how many calories I might need, I am 5'3" and currently 195 lbs. Right now I am lightly active at work and with the kids, but no workouts yet. I am trying to get into it, I will start walking.
Also I am trying to figure out the macros, and how much of everything I should be eating (or at least the minimums).

Thank you!


  • danpcheshire
    YOU got this! :-D

    I'm on 2,250 calories a day but have shot far below that for a number of days in a row. I'd probably start at around 2,000.
  • juditdell
    juditdell Posts: 32
    Thank you:)

    I guess I am way low then, I was shooting for 1300-1400 on days I am not excercising.
    And these macros mess me up too, when I look at my diary!
  • brosdontcuddle
    have you tried IIFYM.com? great easy Macro calculator i used!! good luck!
  • juditdell
    juditdell Posts: 32
    Thank you, it looks good!
    No to figure out how I calculate my body fat;)
  • amberaa1061
    Hi, I'm new too.... well last week. I am trying to lose about 15 pounds and I shoot for 1300 calories. I normally hit right there or just below. They say is a safe way to lose weight, slow and steady.
  • avril2626
    avril2626 Posts: 699 Member
    hi! search the forums for best resources for calculating your body fat, bmi, tdee, etc. i know you said you've been reading. don't know if you've read the guide to being on your way to sexy pants (weird name, i know...lol), and the other good posts in the top section of "getting started" in the forums...really good stuff there. good luck to you!
  • budman6
    budman6 Posts: 2 Member
    You can use calorie calculator at http://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html to help you calculate the calories needed to lose weight. Or you can go to the "Goals" section here and calculate it there too. From what you've said, I'd say around 1300 calories for you to lose 1 lb a week which is a nice rate. I would advise to get a heart rate monitor so that you can monitor your exercise level. Make sure you get one that will calculate calories burned based on your age, weight, heart rate. Polar makes pretty good ones. It's almost impossible for me to keep my calories low enough to lose weight without exercising some. I'd set aside at least 45 minutes, if you can, to dedicate to some activity. Keep track of calories with your heart rate monitor. You also need to keep track of everything you eat and put it in your diary. You'd be amazed at how many calories you can consume just nibbling here and there. Good Luck.
  • K_Ave_Mann
    If I may make a suggestion: consult a registered dietitian. That is what I did and it's working very well. I am losing slowly and not missing any food. In fact, I often can't manage to eat everything in my daily plan. A dietitian can tell you your muscle mass, fat mass, water content, etc. Diets don't work. My dietitian gave me a calorie maximum, a loose meal plan, serving sizes, etc. I do not count calories.