Losing the last 10 pounds (support needed!)

Hi everyone,

This is my first time posting on MFP and I have to say I hope this community can motivate me. At 5'5, I weighed almost 150 around this time last year, and I was quickly able to lose 10 pounds when I became super motivated by a fit guy I was seeing. After we broke it off, I lost motivation a bit, but kept it going (though not watching my diet quite as strictly). Nonetheless, I have continued losing weight slowly, and I am now down to 130.

On July 4th my scale read under 130 (129.8!) for the first time in about 7 years (since I was a college freshman), and I was elated! However, I have been having "bad days" lately, and my weight keeps jumping up and down a few pounds here and there. I really need some support sticking to my diet, which I know is what's keeping me from achieving my ultimate goal weight of 120.

This may seem pretty lofty, but I am incredibly motivated and I know I can do it. It's just that stress eating and eating out of boredom are coping mechanisms that I can't seem to break from childhood. Between applying to grad school, taking tough science classes, and juggling two jobs (among other things), life can seem a little overwhelming at times. And unfortunately I look to food too often for comfort.

Despite this, I think what I really need is just a little community support! I don't have many friends or family who are nearly as serious about weight loss as I am, and it would be nice to connect with people who are in my same boat.

Sorry for the long introduction, and I hope to hear from you all soon! Any motivation tips are much appreciated.

xo Daria


  • Beewallows
    Beewallows Posts: 110 Member
    Hi :) I'm on my last 10 pounds as well. I'm finding it's super hard to be motivated, especially since I'm not technically overweight, I'm just not at my best. Add me as a friend, I think we could motivate each other :).
  • art_is_ink
    art_is_ink Posts: 7 Member
    I am in the exact same situation! I added 10 lbs due to stress and boredom and am at 130 myself (good on you for getting to 129 - what an amazing feeling)!

    Some things I am doing to help push me over these 6 weeks I have given myself to lose it and re-establish good habits before I go traveling:

    - Reading My Fitness Pal forums and finding out I'm not alone (nice to meet you! :) )
    - Keeping a food diary to log my emotions when I want to eat (I take it everywhere with me; it's a small book)
    - Budgeting for a personal trainer that I see once a week. It helps because I am shown what I am capable of doing with someone pushing me, so it becomes an issue of mind over matter when I am training on my own throughout the rest of the week.
    - Finding exercise classes I enjoy (all are between 30 - 45 minutes so I can invest in the time).
    - Noting something that makes me happy each day to keep that positive mentality up (if I am stressed or bored, it's easier to lose motivation).

    Whether I make it or not doesn't matter. It's about regaining those habits and having a goal to shoot for. I've only re-started this journey myself and if I slip, I cannot beat myself up over it and you shouldn't either; get up and try again. We'll see where we are at the end of August! :) Good luck to you and keep us updated on your progress!
  • Have any of you girls heard of the 21 day fix? I am completing a round right now and going to start my second round on July 28. It teaches healthy clean eating and gives you 30 minute workouts! I love it. I lost 3.5 inches the first week! Ill be honest the last 10 lbs is hard to lose, but don't think about pounds. Think about how you want your clothes to fit and how strong you want to feel. Maybe you need to focus on toning and strengthening! I was stuck on losing just 10 more pounds but I actually haven't been really worried about the scale because I feel so much better, stronger, and leaner!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    We sound very similar! I've been struggling with my last 10 pounds too. 5'-6" trying to get to 125ish.
    Feel free to add me!
    It's really hard to keep motivated at the last steps. I'm half (fake) considering doing one of those weird crash diet for those last 10 pounds (I know, how silly!)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Eh I can't even seem to reach 130 pounds at 5'5", I'm not even trying for 120. Good luck.
  • dsb76
    dsb76 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I'm 5'5 and 135 and have been this weight for the past 3 years. I'll lose a lb or 2 but then life gets too busy and I stop tracking and gain it back. I'm going to try to stick with it this summer though.
    Just started crossfit again after 3 year hiatus.
    Looking for friends that eat real food and not cottage cheese for 3 meals a day
    I like weights, yoga, sprints, and I'm trying to increase my cardio duration maybe a 5k
    Hard to find time for all this with 3 young kids and working shift work so I would love additional support !!!
    I'm accepting friend requests with like minded people.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I'm on the last 10 as well, it is very slow-going. You just don't have the body fat to carry a large deficit and your tracking has to be more on the ball.

    My recommendation is to set your goal for 0.5 lbs per week, and make sure to do some strength training so you retain muscle while burning fat. Not sure how everyone physically looks right now, but if it's no so much scales weight but measurements you are after, might want to consider a recomp or bulk/cut cycle. At this point the number on the scale and the body we want is not always the same thing.
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    People wanting to lose a small amount might want to join this group:

  • redmission
    redmission Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I totally get where you're coming from!
  • dsb76
    dsb76 Posts: 24 Member
    thanks LJ, I was looking for a group to join!
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Exactly the same! 5'3" 132lbs atm and I want to lose 5 more. Just can't keep the motivation!
  • art_is_ink
    art_is_ink Posts: 7 Member
    Have any of you girls heard of the 21 day fix? I am completing a round right now and going to start my second round on July 28. It teaches healthy clean eating and gives you 30 minute workouts! I love it. I lost 3.5 inches the first week! Ill be honest the last 10 lbs is hard to lose, but don't think about pounds. Think about how you want your clothes to fit and how strong you want to feel. Maybe you need to focus on toning and strengthening! I was stuck on losing just 10 more pounds but I actually haven't been really worried about the scale because I feel so much better, stronger, and leaner!

    Sounds great and you're right - it is about those positive elements in looking and feeling healthier in your body. I have not heard of the 21 day fix, but it is something I will look up.

    My trainer pushes for interval training too and has started a new circuit activity with me where I walk for one minute and the sprint as fast as I can for the second minute; then, it's hop off the treadmill do a few sets of weights, and back on to the treadmill for the same two minute walk/run and back on to a different set of weights. I do this five times and you feel tired but great afterwards. :)
  • foofyq
    foofyq Posts: 42 Member
    I'm in the same boat! Anyone can feel free to add me :-)
  • I can relate. I am also 5'6" and joined this site recently to lose the last 10 lbs. of baby weight.
  • I can relate. I am also 5'6" and joined this site recently to lose the last 10 lbs. of baby weight.
  • I definitely will add you! I look forward to motivating each other :)
  • Thank you everyone for your support and responses! I wonder why my body has such a tough time letting go of these last pounds. It seems like it was soo quick and easy losing the first 15-20. I will keep trying, although it has been a year and I feel so stuck! Lets hope I can find the motivation to push through. I feel like if I can do this, I can do anything!
  • UncreativeMe123
    UncreativeMe123 Posts: 52 Member
    Saw this last night, but just got to respond now. I am in the same boat! 5' 4" with 10 pounds to lose. I've been trying to lose this forever, and I keep losing a few, and then doing the stress eating thing, and gaining it back, then losing..eating...and so on :) I hope you all are able to get to where you want to be!
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Add me if you like, too
  • frameloss
    frameloss Posts: 92 Member
    Add me too! I am 5'5 142lbs ( was as low as 139 :) ) and looking at letting back into the range of 129-139. I have a medium frame so getting to much thinner wouldn't be maintainable for me! Was 119 for my wedding though :).....